October 15, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Bro. Delmar Jorn (District of India), currently on his bi-annual home visit in San Antonio, will be remaining in the Province. We thank Bro. Del for his 38 years of service to India. Bro. Del Jorn is assigned to the Marianist Residence Community with ministry of assistance as needed to the Marianist Archives in San Antonio.

Día de los Muertos, November 2

Because of local traditions, several communities in the Province have the tradition of celebrating “Día de los Muertos.” This is a day (several days) of remembering the deceased in families, parishes, etc. Several communities create “altarcitos” or displays of brothers and family members who died during the previous year. Bro. Brian Zampier has prepared a list of Brothers who died from November 1, 2019 -October, 2020 to display on the Day of the Dead altar at his community. Thank you to Bro. Brian for sharing this document with us. Feel free to use at your community. Please join me in thanking our God for the many holy Marianists who have gone before us.

Discovery from the UD Archives

Earlier this week, University of Dayton administration sent a letter to the UD community concerning issues in the 1920s and 30s at UD. Racism in our country in many times has been hidden in different ways. The Provincial Council strongly supports President Eric Spina for addressing this part of our history. As a University and as religious, we must be proactive to learn from our past and to work to our best to ensure that we are dealing with the current issues in our world. Click here to read the description of the situation and letter to the UD community. Let us pray for the end to all forms of racism and hatred.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Saint John Vianney Center, Podcast 16, The Power of Resilience, Part III - Relationships. The program description asks: “Are you resilient? One important way to know is if you have healthy relationships with God, with yourself and others.” More importantly, what is a strong relationship and what are the warning signs for unhealthy ones? Listen to the podcast to learn what a quality relationship really looks like.

This Coming Week

  • October 15: University of Dayton board meetings, virtual
  • October 16: MFC-NA meeting, virtual
  • October 19: Meeting with Indian District, virtual
  • October 20: St. John Vianney High School Mother-Son Mass, preside
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,


  • Ongoing Collaboration With Marianists in Korea: We have had some excellent and lengthy conversations with our brothers in Korea recently, as we continue to welcome Korean candidates and look at ways in which we can be supportive to one another for the good of the Society of Mary into the future.

  • Formation Weekend: Plans are underway for our next formation weekend, which will be virtual with the three Provinces next month!
Marianist Lecture Series in Hawaii: Catholicism in Prophetic Dialogue: The Fr. Robert Mackey Marianist Lecture is sponsored by our three institutions on the Saint Louis School–Chaminade University campus. This semester’s lecture is a recorded Zoom session with native Hawaiian priest, Fr. Alapaki Kim, on the topic of racism in Hawaii. It has been recorded and is posted here.

CMSM: The Next Step-Implementing Antiracism Policies and Procedures

While we know that racism and its effects have impacted this country for over 400 years, the urgent call to action issued this summer demands a response from all people of faith and goodwill. Many leaders and administrators spent the past few months reading books on U.S. history, encountered new terms like “antiracism,” and held listening sessions within their organizations, schools, and parishes.

On Wednesday, October 28, at 4:00 p.m. (ET), there will be an interactive webinar designed to explore the next step, the movement from learning to doing. Denis Okema, the inaugural director of diversity and inclusion at Cristo Rey Philadelphia and a longtime advocate for human rights and peace-building, will lead a discussion on key topics such as combating biases, assessing organizational culture, pursuing equity in hiring and human resources, training staff, cultivating affinity groups and retaining underrepresented groups. Register here.

CMSM Homily Resource for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mission Sunday), Sunday, October 18.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Marianists Write Now!

How am I called to be Marianist? NACMS is providing an opportunity for you and other religious and Lay Marianists to develop and share your written reflections on this question with a new program on November 13-14, 2020: Marianists Write Now! 

For more information and to register, click here. Registration deadline is November 1.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Telephone and Internet Scams

At the Directors’ Meeting, I explained a number of telephone and internet scams that have become very common. Please review the list below so that you are aware.

  • A call from Social Security that your account will be deactivated unless you call a certain number. 
  • A call from IRS that you owe taxes and that a warrant for your arrest will be issued in a few hours unless you give them your personal payment information or wire cash to an account.
  • A bogus email that seems to be from someone in your address book who says that he has been stranded overseas and wants you to send money or gift cards etc.
  • A pop-up notice on your computer that you have a computer virus. They usually give you a phone number to call or tell you to click on a link.

All of the above scams have been received by a number of our brothers. Never reply to any of the above. Just hang up or delete the email or computer message.
Social Security and IRS will always contact you by mail, not telephone. Never give out your personal information.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 15: Magdaleno (Leno) Ceballos, Timothy Dwyer
October 17: Steven Grazulis
October 18: Gerard Mc Auley
October 19: Jerome Bommer, John Thompson, James Tobin
October 20: Patrick McDaid
October 21: Albert Kuntemeier
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.