October 17, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Mentioned by CMSM

On the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) mentioned the Marianists on their Facebook page and included this article written by Fr. Johann Roten on the rosary.  

Gentle Reminder from the Travel Agent

The travel agent that the Province uses reminds us that there continues to be issues with the Boeing 737-Max plane, and when they will return to service is still tentative. This affects the number of seats/flights available. He remarked to us recently that some of us are buying tickets very late when coming to Province meetings so the availability and time are low and the price goes up. Please plan accordingly when booking travel. We want to be good stewards.  
Perpetual Vows, Mexico

Fr. John Thompson (Provincial Council liaison to the communities in Mexico) and I attended the celebration in honor of the perpetual vows of Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez. It was a wonderful celebration for the Brothers and Marianist family in Mexico. Next week, we will publish pictures from the celebration.

Marianist Conference

The Marianist Conference met this past week. The conference is made up of representatives from the Province of Meribah (2 members present), Province of the United States (2 members present) and the Community of Canada (1 member present).  Bro. Tim Driscoll (provincial, Province of Meribah) is the current president of the Marianist Conference.


On Saturday, October 12, Fr. Ken Templin (LaLanne Community, Los Angeles) received the St. Agatha Parish Award. The award recognized Fr. Ken for his continued devotion and service to the parish community. Congratulations, Fr. Ken! 
Fr. Ken and Fr. Anthony Lee , the pastor of St. Agatha
This Coming Week

  • October 16–17: University of Dayton Board Meeting
  • October 18: MFC-NA Meeting, Dayton
  • October 21–22: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
  • October 23 & 24: Colegio San José Board Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Thank You

Bro. Jean and Bro. Juan Pablo wish to thank all those who attended their perpetual vow celebration as well all who sent emails, cards, texts and greetings. They truly appreciate your fraternal love and support.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

A Joyful Spark from our NACMS Library

Submitted by Teresa Trimboli , NACMS Librarian (North American Center for Marianist Studies)

The Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has brought the phrase “spark joy” into the contemporary home. Kondo, a professional organizer and consultant, helps her clients de-clutter by keeping only the items that “spark joy.”

A joyful spark may not usually be equated with a library, let alone a Marianist library, but, as the NACMS Librarian, I get to experience a “spark of joy,” each time I am able to provide a Marianist Family member with a meaningful resource from the library’s extensive collection.

NACMS has the best library of Marianist materials in North America. Our library contains Marianist materials in the languages in which they are or were published: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese and even various languages from India and Africa.

The only comparable libraries of Marianist materials, as far as we know, are found in Europe at the General Administration in Rome and in the library gathered by Fr. Eduardo Benlloch, SM in Spain.

At NACMS, Marianist material is classified using the Marianist Classification Schedules developed especially for use by any Marianist Library. Currently, these schedules are being used by the Marianist Seminary Library in Rome and the Marianist Center in Nairobi.

More and more people have come to know about the considerable library of Marianist materials located at NACMS. Visitors and requests come from all branches of the Marianist Family and from all parts of the United States, and even other countries.

Carol Ramey, former NACMS director, strongly supported and advocated for the Library’s growth; this support continues unabated by George Lisjak, NACMS’ current director.

What started as a few shelves of Marianist materials gathered by Bro. Larry Cada in the Terrace Avenue community in Cincinnati has grown and been augmented by the numerous translations of Fr. Joe Stefanelli into a major resource for the worldwide Marianist Family.
Teresa Trimboli, NACMS librarian
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 17: Steve Grazulis
October 18: Gerard Mc Auley
October 19: Jerome Bommer, John Thompson, James Tobin
October 20: Patrick McDaid
October 21: Al Kuntemeier
October 22: James Mueller
October 23: Charles Miller
On the Calendar
October 20-22: Marianist Administrators Conference
October 21-22: Provincial Council Meeting, St. Louis
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.