October 24, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Program at University of Dayton

At last week’s University Board meeting, we received a presentation on a vocation program that is being used in the formal curriculum and students’ university experience. The vocation program bridges Academic Affairs, Campus Ministry and Student Development. It is a holistic, campus-wide endeavor. Please click here for more information.

Perpetual Vows, Mexico

Fr. John Thompson (Provincial Council liaison to the communities in Mexico) and I attended the celebration in honor of the perpetual vows of Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez. I presided at the Mass and Fr. John was the homilist.  As always, Fr. John animated the congregation and gave both Bro. Juan Pablo and the congregation much to think and pray about.  Please click here for photos of the celebration.  

Perpetual Vows, Haiti and St. Martin's School, Uniondale, NY

Because of the recent political unrest in Haiti, we have temporarily postponed the Mass of Thanksgiving for Bro. Jean Dossous and his family. We will reschedule the Mass as soon as possible. 

The school community at St. Martin’s Marianist School, Uniondale, NY, also organized a celebration for Bro. Jean.  Bro. Tim Driscoll, provincial, Province of Meribah, reports that there was a lovely celebration for Bro. Jean on Sunday, October 20 at St. Martin's. More than 100 brothers, teachers, friends and families from St. Martin's gathered for prayer and refreshments, including special pastries from a Haitian bakery. Bro. Jean was delighted.

This Coming Week

  • October 24–26: Colegio San José Board Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • October 27-28: Meeting, El Paso, Texas/Juárez, Mexico
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim Kenney 8.19
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations to our new Aspirant in Mexico

We welcome our newest Aspirant from Querétaro, Guillermo Peña Contreras.
Religious Formation Conference
For the next couple of days I will be participating in the Religious Formation Conference in Louisville with members of many other religious congregations. What a great theme and reminder to us: our call as religious to be signs of courageous hope.

In addition, I will be doing a Day of Recollection on Thursday, October 23 at the Abbey of Gethsemani and praying for our brothers in the various stages of formation. 

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

In Gratitude

It is with sadness and joy I announce that Toni Mesina will be leaving her ministry as National Coordinator, Marianist LIFE after nine years. Toni has been hearing the call to return to the classroom. After discerning that call, she decided to follow it. Toni will be with us through August 1, 2020.

When asked why she originally said “yes” to the National LIFE coordinator role, she shared she did it because the LIFE program shaped her as a 16 year old. As a teen, LIFE changed her life at a time that she was unsure about faith and life in general.

When asked why she is choosing to go back into the classroom, her first response was “I dream of diagramming sentences!” The real answer is that, with the heart of a teacher, she misses seeing the light bulb go on when seeing students discovering and understanding what they truly are capable of. She misses witnessing those “ah ha” moments.

When asked to share one take away from the experience as national LIFE coordinator, she says “I learned you can function working on your own, but you can thrive working in community.”

Pat Wheadon and I are working together to develop a plan for replacing Toni’s position.

We sincerely thank Toni for her work commitment to Marianist LIFE.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Reminder: You Are Invited to Washington, DC

Join other brothers of the province for both the March for Life and Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, DC from January 23-28, 2020. Since space is limited, brothers are invited to apply on or before November 5 (Election Day). We hope you can join us. Click here for more information. 
Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Sunday, October 27 by Domenico Di Raimondo, MSpS
Sunday, November 1 by Br. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,


Thank you to those who sent in the surveys I gave to the community directors at the last Directors Meeting.

I wanted to include an electronic version for those who have not yet filled it out.  Click here for the survey. Please use this as a guide to help you in developing your vocation plans.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Don't let this survey limit you and what you can do for vocations. Let this be a starting point!

Thank you!
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 24: Earl Leistikow, Thomas Trager
October 26: Robert Bouffier
October 27: José Jesús Ruiz Santillán
October 29: Charles Johnson
October 30: Leo Slay
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.