October 25, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

General Chapter communications

Earlier this week, you should have received an email from the General Council. The email allows you to click on a link to retrieve the document. The document is entitled “General Chapter Orientations and Actions” and I have found it very useful. It is intended to be used by individual Marianists, communities and unit leadership. I encourage all of us to use this document to help focus our study of A Man Who Does Not Die: In Mission with the Marianist Family. The document includes a section on particular orientations for all of us to address in our lives.  

Two possible options: 
  1. If you DID NOT receive the email, please send me the email address that you’d like the General Administration to use. I will ask them to add the email address to your profile. (Please check your SPAM folder to assure that the email was not caught there.)
  2. If you DID receive the email and can’t find the document, please email Pat Stephens. She will email you the document.  

NB: Remember last week’s Provincial Council Notes; the General Administration is now sending documents directly to each individual Marianist.  

For good measure, we will post the document on the p rovince portal, listed under General Chapter 2018/General Council. 


As I'm sure you have read, several dedicated individuals (lay & vowed religious) created a very special musical production. Members of the group were Nick Cardilino, Jim Ford and Bro. Stan Zubek, S.M. Their labor of love, S pectacle, is an original musical about the Marianist Founders. The performance showcases the story of our foundation through the lenses of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous and Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon. The musical is available on Youtube. Watch Spectacle.

Yet, this inspired and talented group feels their work is not complete. They hope to offer lesson plans around the lives of the Founders as well as make the musical available for others. If you are interested in helping, please contact one of the members listed above. 

Aging as a Marianist

Several years ago, one of our older brothers shared with me that I could no longer call myself a young brother. He suggested that I could use the traditional “a brother of a certain age.” I was not sure what to make of his comment. Reflecting on this now, we can all agree that we are growing older. The key for each us is deciding how we should deal with the blessings and the challenges of growing older.  

Fr. Jim Heft shared a copy of an article that he is writing for the National Retirement Religious Office (NRRO) on aging from a Marianist perspective. Enjoy!  Read the article.


Fr. David Fleming will be completing his assignment at the Marianist Generalate Community in December. From January to April 2019, David will be teaching in the UD India program. In late April, David will join the Novitiate Community and will be a part of the NACMS staff.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Office of Justice, Peace, & Integrity of Creation moves to Office of Religious Life

At our recent directors meetings, I announced that the JPIC Office is moving from the Office of Temporalities to the Office of Religious Life. Recently, I met with Brian Reavey for some extended conversation as we make the transition and plan for a few new directions. Brian has done a wonderful job in providing direction, clarity and meaningful conversation to the topics that are part of his office. He will continue to represent the province as the liaison with MSJC. I have encouraged Brian to offer “reflective moments” around JPIC to myself, to the Provincial Council and to the province and to brainstorm with me on further conversation around the spirituality of social justice. I believe, together, we can begin to provide prayer services to communities that might be a means of keeping certain themes in front of us. Please stay tuned! Thank you Brian for all that you do in your service to the Marianist Province of the U.S.

Funeral planning and conversation in November

As we begin to anticipate the month of November, it provides us with an opportunity to remember the dead and to reflect on our own mortality. At the recent directors meetings, I provided some guidelines for conversation on funeral planning. I also provided a handout to serve as a guide. I want to encourage communities during this month of November to have an open discussion on death and dying, on the ways we celebrate the life of each other when we die and what might be some of our own thoughts around death and resurrection. In the funeral Mass, we affirm the following: “Life is not ended but merely changed.” I ask that we reflect on these important questions: What is my approach to death? What is my hope for myself and for my community at the time of my death?

Completing the month of October & reflecting on the sanctity of human life

Over the last few weeks, our Church has invited us in a very special way to pray for the sanctity of human life, from the moment of conception until death. I would like to invite our communities to pray together a decade of the rosary for this intention. It could be in the context of our daily Mass or at community prayer. I was invited to write an article on some of my thoughts for Justice Jottings. I am sharing those thoughts with you in this article.
The Feast of All Saints

November 1: This feast honors all the saints of the church, known and unknown. The occasion allows us to reflect on the nature of holiness and to celebrate the exemplary faithfulness of holy men and women of every place and time whose lives and deeds continue to inspire us.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

This week, principals and presidents of our Marianist sponsored schools and directors of our retreat centers gathered here in St. Louis for our administrators’ conference. This event was preceded by a formation workshop for retreat center and school board chairs and their presidents and directors. It was a valuable time for school and retreat center leaders to network and find encouragement in one another.

Special thanks to the Office of Sponsorship for their outstanding preparation for this gathering. Our Marianist charism is alive and vibrant at our retreat centers and schools. 
Marianist administrators gather in Saint Louis
Marianist administrators gather in Saint Louis

A story of hope and joy

Submitted by Bro. Joseph Nugent , SM , junior year religion teacher at Saint Louis School in Honolulu.
Recently, I took the junior class to the Men’s March Against Violence in Honolulu. They were excited to have a chance to get away from school. It was fun for them to be together. As the students arrived and saw hundreds of mature men advocating for this cause, they began to realize that this experience was about more than just having fun.

As they saw groups chanting slogans and holding picket signs, they started to talk about the seriousness of the issue. The whole mood of the 114 students changed. As onlookers of the march cheered and shouted their affirmations of Saint Louis gentlemen making a stand for this issue, the students smiled and cheered for nonviolence. I could see the joy and pride they had in being there, as they asked me if they could come again and bring signs.

They took seriously the atmosphere of advocacy for victims of abuse. They returned to school more considerate of their actions and how they affect other peoples’ lives. Their joy and interest in the meaning of the experience showed me that their age is not a detriment to their zeal for helping make our world a better and safer place.
Students from Saint Louis School attend the Men’s March against Violence
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 26: Robert Bouffier
October 27 : José Jesús Ruiz Santillán
October 29 : Charles Johnson
October 30 : Leo Slay
October 31: Robert Maruyama, Christopher Wittmann
November 1: Oscar Vasquez
On the Calendar
October 23-25: Provincial Council
November 1: Feast of All Saints
November 2: Feast of All Souls
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.