October 29, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Brothers in the News

Bro. Steven O'Neil was one of the five panelists at St. Mary's University, San Antonio, to address the annual Crossroads Symposium on October 21. The topic of the symposium was: How does Catholic Social Teaching Address the Issues of Today? The symposium was moderated by Thomas Mengler, president of St. Mary's. Panelists addressed how the church's involvement in today's fight against social and racial injustice and the handling of the COVD-19 pandemic reflects social and racial injustices in healthcare and politics.

Thank You

The Province thanks Sierra Christian for her five years of service at the Marianist Center in Philadelphia. Sierra was the administrative assistant for the Province Office for LIFE, served as an administrative assistant for the Marianist Lay Communities-North America, and administered many of the Marianist Center's financial aspects. Sierra will be leaving her position at the Marianist Center in November.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following are helpful resources on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Sr. Mercedes McCann, RSM, is the featured speaker in this new podcast, Anticipatory Hope. This podcast from Saint John Vianney Center discusses the importance of incorporating anticipatory hope into our lives and putting negativity aside. Sr. McCann mentions five ways of building hope for ourselves and to be a hope provider for others as we are all on this journey together. Click here to listen.

  • Saint John Vianney Center's Dr. Robert J. Wicks's new article, The Good and the Bad: Balancing Acts During a Crisis is an interesting article. He discusses that it's all about our perspective in times such as these and gives practical tips on making healthy choices as we navigate challenging times. To read the full article, click here

This Coming Week

  • October 29-30: Provincial Council meeting, St. Louis & Emmaus Retreat confessions
  • November 1: St. Louis Area Marianists gather at the Marianist Cemetery
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

A Rich History in San Antonio

Special thanks to Bro. Dennis Bautista for creating a series of videos celebrating our Marianist history in San Antonio. This exhibition at our archives is entitled Faith, Education and Charity: Marianist origins in San Antonio, 1852-1927. Enjoy these videos.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

National Religious Vocation Conference

Nine members of the Province will be attending the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) Convocation to prepare for National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW). The Convocation is October 28-31, and NVAW is November 1-7. This year, because the convocation is virtual, NRVC offered free admission to guests who entered after 2002. Thanks to Bro. Mitch Schweickart, Fr. Tim Kenney, Fr. Sean Downing, Fr. Dave McGuigan, Bro. Andy Kosmowski, Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez, Bro. Brandon Alana and Bro. Allen Pacquing for attending. Please ask them what they learned and how it is applicable to our province vocation efforts.

Below is a quick overview of what is happening during NVAW. I would like to especially point your attention to a virtual roundtable discussion that will be held Wednesday on Zoom. This discussion will just be available to Marianist Religious; everything else is directed toward discerners. Please keep sending in events that you know of, and I will keep adding them to this live document.

National Vocations Awareness Week: Marianist Events

Sunday, November 1:
Special intentions for vocations at all the Masses in our parishes
Monday, November 2:
Stay and See. Virtual tour of Pre-Novitiate/
Aspirancy Communities of the FMI and SM on Instagram LIVE with stories from the Vocation Directors and those in initial formation at 3:30 p.m. (CDT) on Instagram @vocations_marianist.us. This is open to anyone.
Tuesday, November 3:
Virtual Casa Tuesday with Panel Discussion. Join St. Mary’s University students, Casa Maria and Holy Rosary communities for the weekly Casa Tuesday. This week we will feature a panel with Chucho (who newly entered formation), Bro. Allen Pacquing (newly perpetually professed) and Fr. Brandon Paluch (newly ordained) as they tell their vocation stories and answer your questions. This event begins at 5:30 p.m. (CDT) on Zoom and the Marianist Vocations YouTube Channel. Open to anyone.
Wednesday, November 4
Zoom Roundtable Discussion. Please join members from across the Province as we discuss how we can attract and accompany young adults from diverse backgrounds. Please read “Inviting African Americans to join our communities," “Walking with jóvenes who are discerning their vocation” and “Six keys to inviting Asian Americans” from the Horizon Summer 2020 magazine before attending the Zoom discussion. You can find it here, or a hard copy was mailed to your community. The roundtable discussion begins at 6:30 p.m. (CDT) on Zoom. Meeting ID: 966 5445 4408. Passcode: culture. Open to Marianists.
Thursday, November 5
Cincy Vocation Awareness Week. Sr. Nicole Trahan and Bro. Mitch Schweickart (Ohio Regional Vocation Directors) will greet discerners participating in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Meet and Greet. This will be from 2:00-7:30 p.m. (EDT). Open to young adults discerning consecrated life.
Thursday, November 5 & Friday, November 6
Virtual Office Hours. On Thursday and Friday of National Vocation Awareness Week, I will be holding virtual office hours that will be widely advertised. Young adults who are discerning or would like to know more about Marianist religious life may schedule a meeting with me by using this link.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 29: Charles Johnson
October 30: Leo Slay
October 31: Robert Maruyama, Christopher Wittmann
November 1: Oscar Vasquez
November 2: Kouamé Wolfang Adela (IV), James Contadino
On the Calendar
October 29-30: Provincial Council meetings, St. Louis
October 31: Happy Halloween
November 1: All Saints Day
November 2: All Souls Day
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.