October 3, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Prayers for Community Directors

Please pray for the safety of our community directors as they travel to St. Louis for our annual directors meeting. We also pray in thanksgiving for their ministry of service to us all.

From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim Kenney 8.19
Dear Brothers,

October is Respect Life Month

The theme that is being promoted is “Christ Our Hope in Every Season of Life.” Click here to find many good resources for creating a culture of life.

Interesting Read: University of Dayton Magazine

As I was paging through the UD magazine, I came across a very interesting article on the nature of hell. Read it here.

I also enjoyed a previous article on vocation ministry that appeared on President Eric Spina's blog titled "What is Your Calling?" His colleague, Stephen Wilhoit, wrote an excellent piece about how universities can help students discern their calling and develop lives of meaning, purpose and joy. I invite you to click here to read this thoughtful piece.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

I am so grateful for the recent appointment of Bro. Tom Giardino as the executive director of the Association of Marianist Universities (AMU). The mission of AMU is to facilitate an environment to sustain cooperation and the exchange of experience and information among our three universities. Below is an invitation and encouragement to each of us from Bro. Tom.

Characteristics of Marianist Universities

Dear Brothers,

The Association of Marianist Universities [AMU] continues to contribute to our common mission with the publication of an update of the Characteristics of Marianist Universities. At the Directors meeting this week, each local community director will receive a copy of the new edition of this booklet for display at the community. This is the fourth printing and the first significant revision since the original publishing in 1999. If any individual is interested in a copy, please contact me.

The AMU also publishes an e-newsletter twice a year. You may already be getting a copy. Again, if you are interested in being on our mailing list for the “AMU Newsletter,” please let me know. For more news about AMU and to access resources about the Catholic and Marianist mission at our universities, I would encourage you to visit our website.

Thank you for your fraternal support.

Bro. Tom
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Global Catholic Climate Movement Announces Papal Event this Friday

As a capstone to the Season of Creation, Pope Francis will hold a special event this Friday in the Vatican gardens. During the event, Pope Francis will plant a tree alongside indigenous leaders from the Amazon region and consecrate the upcoming synod on the Amazon to St. Francis. The tree he will plant is a Holms Oak, the species reputed to be what the birds sat in to listen to the sermon of St. Francis. Watch the event live starting at 6:00 NYC / 12:00 Rome / 18:00 Manila here.

We invite you to join an online prayer service to see photos from this event and to close the Season of Creation. During this ecumenical prayer service, we will celebrate the journey we’ve shared and reflect on this year’s theme of biodiversity and the web of life.

Date: Friday, October 4
Time: 10:00 am EST
Language: English
*Note: the link will not be active until the time of the event indicated above.

The outpouring of commitment for this year’s celebration was incredible; people of faith organized nearly 1,200 events for the Season of Creation.

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Sunday, October 6 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
Sunday, October 13 by Dianne Bergant, CSA
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 3: John Lemker, Gerard Sullivan
October 6: Delmar Jorn, Gary Morris
October 7: Sylvester Burkemper, Robert Moriarty
October 9: Gerald Chinchar, Edwin Shiras
On the Calendar
October 3-6: Directors Meeting, MRCC, Eureka, Mo.
October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.