November 4, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

The Marianist Tradition Continues

As we all know, there will be fewer professed Marianist religious in most of our educational institutions in the future. We also know that our charism is relevant, strong and attractive to many, especially lay Marianist educators and our students and parents. Hence we have much to offer the Church and our world. Two of the efforts that are ongoing to continue the Marianist educational charism in our ministries are the Office of Sponsorship and the Association of Marianist Universities. One of the projects of the University of Dayton to support and continue the many Marianist projects there is the "Forever Marianist" initiative. Click here to read more about this initiative.

Via Latina 22

The edition of Via Latina 22 that was received earlier this week featured our very own, Bro. Justin Quiroz. If you did not receive this email from the General Administration, please check your spam inbox, and if it is not there, please contact Ms. Pat Stephens. We will check with the General Administration to see what email they have on file for you. Once again, let us unite ourselves in celebrating Bro. Justin’s final profession and pray for all currently in initial formation.

Vocation Awareness

Please remember to develop your Community Vocation Plan. Pray and act for vocations!

This Coming Week

  • November 6: Marriage at Our Lady of the Pillar, preside
  • November 7–10: Visit Querétaro Community, Mexico
  • November 10–13: St. Mary’s University Board meetings, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Month of November

As we enter November, the month traditionally dedicated to the dead, the Church points us to the afterlife and reminds us of eternal things. This is a great time to visit one of our cemeteries and remember our fellow brothers who are numbered among the saints in prayer and thanksgiving. It might be a good time to review and reflect on the Mass of Christian Burial and for each Province member to think about their own funeral and hopes/expectations. I invite you to take a look at the enclosed form and to keep a copy for yourself and for your local community director.

Marianist Mission Pilgrimage

Many thanks for all of the prayers for what turned out to be a very successful and prayerful time for all participants. It went very smoothly, and the pilgrims had a great time.

We ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit on all the world leaders gathering in Glasgow to address important issues of our time like climate change and ways to collaborate to reduce pollution and assist poorer countries. The world has much work to do if it's going to avoid catastrophic climate outcomes. But we have made progress, and it is all about working together.

Upcoming Calendar

  • November 4-6: Religious Formation Congress, virtual (St. Louis groups gathering at School Sisters of Notre Dame Motherhouse.)
  • November 7: Masses in St. Louis, presider
  • November 11-14: Marianist Formation Weekend Gathering, Eureka, Missouri
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Head to Heart

This workshop begins next Monday, November 8, at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center, Eureka, Missouri. The experience is designed to teach ways to live Marianist spirituality in everyday experiences. It provides practical applications to deepen the expression of the Marianist Charism within a Marianist-sponsored ministry. The workshop is intended for all lay collaborators in Marianist-sponsored schools and retreat centers. Please keep all the participants in your prayers next week.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher

“Women religious outnumber men religious by more than three to one (45,100 women religious; 15,549 men religious)." (National Religious Vocation Conference)

Take time today to think about how we can help others understand the diversity of vocations in the church.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 7: Johann Roten (SU), Daniel Stupka Johann Roten (SU), Daniel Stupka
On the Calendar
November 6: Blesseds Miguel Léibar, Florencio Arnáiz, Sabino Ayastuy & Joaquín Ochoa, Martyrs
November 7-13: National Vocation Awareness Week

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.