November 1, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Community visitation list

The community visitation list was distributed at the directors meeting in early October. We have made a few tweaks based on feedback from the directors and communities. Please download list.

The month of November

November is the month that we remember the deceased. I encourage all of us to take a few moments in these first few days of November to give thanks to God for the many role models that he has given to each of us. As a province, we have been blessed by the many holy Marianists that have gone before us. Who are your role models? Who have been the examples of faithfulness to the mission?  

CMSM Region V meetings

Monday and Tuesday of this week, I was able to attend the Region V CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) meeting in Chicago. After listening to other superiors speak about their issues, I was once again reminded about how blessed I am to be the provincial for the Marianists. I also realized how thankful I am for each of you. Thank you for being examples of hope and joy!

This coming week

I will actually be home for seven days before I hit the road again. I will attend the St. Mary’s University Board Meeting on November 8-9.
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Two important initiatives

At its October meeting the Provincial Council decided to move forward on two important initiatives relating to the responsibilities of the assistant provincial. These proposals were discussed and endorsed at the directors meeting.

First, in light of the concern for greater transparency in dealing with allegations of abuse of minors and vulnerable adults, we have decided to employ a victim assistance coordinator who is not a member of the province. This person would receive allegations and work to provide assistance to the alleged victim serving as a liaison that individual, the provincial, assistant provincial(in his role as child protection coordinator) and the Province Review Board. We are currently scheduling interviews with candidates and hope to have a person in place by December. Once this position is established we will provide you with the procedures for reporting abuse and the victim assistance coordinator’s contact information.

Second, the Council has commissioned a planning process to formulate a Province Direction Statement indicating the objectives to be pursued over the next five years. This work is to be broadly inclusive, yet at the same time be concluded within 18 months. It will be guided by a steering committee which the assistant provincial will chair. Four other members of the province will serve as well. Reflective of the calls of our Province Assembly and General Chapter, a Marianist Sister and Lay Marianist will also be invited to serve. This composition of the steering committee was presented for review by the Marianist Family Council of North America at its meeting on October 19 and nominations were sought for these additional two members.

Moderator of the Provincial Chapter

Finally, in the second round of balloting, Bro. Steve Glodek was elected Moderator of the Provincial Chapter. As specified by our Chapter’s Manual of Procedures, he and I will work together to form the three committees of the chapter and each committee will select its chair. 
From Fr. Tim Kenney

Dear Brothers,

Missionary Preaching

Over the course of this past summer, we had numerous Marianist priests, including myself, speak on our behalf at many parishes.

I wish to acknowledge and thank the following:
  • Fr. Ted Ley
  • Fr. Kip Stander
  • Fr. Tom Schroer
  • Fr. Al McMenamy
  • Fr. Pat Tonry
  • Fr. Josephraj Rymond
  • Fr. Ken Templin
  • Fr. Rudy Vella
  • Fr. Sean Downing
  • Fr. Marty Solma
  • Fr. Chris Wittmann
  • Fr. Mike Narker
All Souls Day

As we reflect on life and death and the many holy Marianists who have gone before us, let us also pray for those who recently lost their lives in the Tree of Life Synagogue.  

Once again, during the month of November, communities might take some time to reflect on the mystery of the Resurrection and our own planning for funerals. Please download the funeral planning handout.

Marianist Life plan

Communities might find this Life Plan instrument helpful for conversation. The General Chapter of 2012 and, just recently, the General Chapter of 2018 invites us to reflect on our common prophetic mission. At our recent Provincial Council meeting we referred to this Life Plan

Prayers for our country during this difficult time

I invite you to contemplate this quote from Henri Nouwen:

"Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears." - Henri J.M. Nouwen
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What's happening

Next week, the Head to Heart (H2H) workshop will take place at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka,Missouri. This gathering teaches ways to live Marianist spirituality in everyday experiences. It provides practical applications to deepen the expression of the Marianist charism within our sponsored ministries. This program is designed for all lay collaborators in our Marianist-sponsored schools and retreat centers including administrators, teachers and staff members. Please keep this important event in your prayers.

A Story of Hope and Joy

The following story is submitted by Jessica González Uhlig , who works in San Antonio for the Marianist Mission Advancement Office for Hispanic Outreach and Marketing. Recently, Jessica attended a luncheon at the Oblate Renewal Center celebrating the commissioning of the provincial council and new province community directors. She attended the event with her son, Luis Pagán-G onzález , who attends Central Catholic High School . Jessica describes below an interaction that occurred at the luncheon.

At the lunch, less than an hour ago, Luis was nudged by Central Catholic president Paul Garro to sit with him, along with campus minister Fr. Sean Downing and the new principal Stephen Walswick to share his experience. He was holding court, which cracked me up! 

During the drive home, he said, "Mama, I told them my experience at Central Catholic High School is so much better than at my other school, because I know my teachers care. They don’t force-feed us information, they share experiences, stories and connect with us as humans. What helped me be successful last year at Central is that I got along with all my teachers, not just one. They all cared about me doing well. And then there’s the brotherhood. We all got our backs and I know before I felt that people didn’t have my back. It’s so much better here.”   
 Luis Pagán-González is a junior at Central Catholic High School and hopes to attend LIFE next summer.
From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,


Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Migration; Sean Callahan, president and CEO of Catholic Relief Services; and Sr. Donna Markham, OP, PhD, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA; issued this statement on Tuesday urging all people of goodwill to speak and act with compassion towards those migrating north and seeking refuge from violence and poverty.

Thanks to Bro. Bob Wiethorn, we were made aware that LCWR also released a recent statement.

Visit MSJC's Facebook page and MSJC's Immigration Issue Team webpage for more articles, reflections and recommended actions. 

Don't remain on the sideline: vote!

As Pope Francis said, "An authentic faith . . . always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. We love this magnificent planet on which God has put us, and we love the human family which dwells here, with all its tragedies and struggles, its hopes and aspirations, its strengths and weaknesses. The earth is our common home and all of us are brothers and sisters. If indeed 'the just ordering of society and of the state is a central responsibility of politics,' the Church, "cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice." ( Evangelii Gaudium, No. 183)

Election resources
Find your state or local election office website here.

Read more about Church teaching on participation in public life here.

Global Catholic Climate Movement

The heads of six continental bishops’ conferences have signed a rare joint statement urging political leaders to solve climate change. The bishops’ call is clear: We call for ambitious and immediate action to be taken in order to tackle and overcome the devastating effects of the climate crisis. These actions need to be taken by the international community at all levels: by persons, communities, cities, regions, nations. 

The bishops’ statement is aimed at world leaders who are preparing for a UN climate summit in Poland this December. We pray in thanksgiving for the bishops’ leadership. Now, it’s our turn to respond. We invite you to take three minutes today to share the statement and this video with your pastor or another leader in your community. We’re all in this crisis together, and we’re all called to respond with the same clarity and urgency the bishops have demonstrated.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 1: Oscar Vasquez
November 2: James Contadino
November 7: Johann Roten (SU), Daniel Stupka
On the Calendar
November 1: Feast of All Saints
November 2: Feast of All Souls
November 6: Memorial of Blesseds Miguel Léibar, Joaquín Ochoa, Sabino Ayastuy, Florencio Arnáiz (Martyrs)
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.