November 12, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter, 2021

Last week, after consulting with the Provincial Council and the Provincial Chapter Preparatory Committee, I informed the Provincial Chapter that due to the current and projected health situation in our country, the March Provincial Chapter will be postponed until August 2021.

The dates will be Thursday, August 26-Monday, August 30. The meeting will be held in St. Louis.

I will convoke the Provincial Chapter in early 2021, as is the custom. The members of the Provincial Chapter will have a short zoom meeting during the normally scheduled meeting in March so that any items that require a vote or consultation of the Provincial Chapter can be addressed. The Chapter will remain open until the conclusion of the Chapter in August.
We Celebrate Our Brothers!

The Archdiocese of St. Louis recently celebrated a Mass for the jubilarians of religious congregations living in the Archdiocese. One of the jubilarians was Bro. Francis Heyer.

Bro. Francis celebrated 80 years of religious profession. He is also the oldest Marianist both in the Province and the entire Society of Mary. Thank you, Bro. Francis, for your example.
Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

The following are helpful resources on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Listening in Times of Stress. As this pandemic continues in our world, each one of us, our fellow brothers, staff members and people with whom we minister, are dealing with a tremendous amount of stress. Saint Luke Institute provides an interesting article on listening entitled “When Listening Matters Most.” Click here to read. 

  • Better Sleep. I hope you find this article from the Saint John Center on better sleep helpful. With daylight savings time ending, adjusting to a new sleep routine may take a little bit. This article by MindWell reminds us that sleep is a key element for good health and wellness providing renewal for our body and mind. With a busy schedule, a lot on our minds, and the stress that comes along with it, good sleep isn't always easy. These helpful tips offer suggestions for improving your routine, calming your mind, eating better and adding more movement to your lifestyle for improved sleep. You can even try their four-week challenge!  

This Coming Week

  • November 12: Presentations to Chaminade College Prep Middle School, St. Louis, morning
  • November 12: St. Mary's University Board Committees: Catholic & Marianist Identity, virtual and Board Executive Committee, virtual
  • November 13: St. Mary's University Board meeting, virtual; preside at Senior Retreat Mass, Chaminade College Prep, St. Louis
  • November 16: Provincial Council meeting, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., virtual
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Formation Weekend Starts Tonight!

Beginning tonight, November 12, through Saturday evening, November 14, the Office of Religious Life will host a virtual formation weekend on the topic of our vow of chastity, "Intimacy, Healthy Relationships and Healthy Integration".

The main presenter will be Kevin P. McClone, a clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at Catholic Theological Union. Over 30 participants (formators and those in initial formation) will come from the three Provinces: US Province, US Province of Marianist Sisters and the Province of Meribah. We will also have participants from Korea and Mexico. It will be a time for prayer, sharing, reflection, input, fun and support. Please keep this very important gathering in prayer. For a list of participants, please click here.

Bro. Mike Murphy Remembrance Cards

A beautiful burial service took place at our cemetery here in St Louis last Saturday afternoon. Marianists in the area, along with five family members from Omaha, were present. We have some extra remembrance cards for anyone who would like one. Please email my administrative assistant, Terry Eversole, to request one.
Novice Francisco Cho

Due to health reasons, Novice Francisco Cho has returned to Korea. He has completed his canonical first year as a novice and will continue his discernment in his second year. Our prayers are with Francisco. 
2021 SM Ordo and Revised Marianist Missal

It is my hope to have our Ordo and Missal on our portal, and in the hands of our Marianist priests by the First Sunday of Advent.


The season of Advent is around the corner. We will listen to many of the Old Testament prophets offer us beautiful images and invite us to reflect on the spirituality of justice in our everyday lives.

I have invited Bro. Steve O’Neil to assist us each week by offering reflections for our weekly prayer. I invite you to take a look at this beautiful prayer service that was put together by the Archdiocese of Dublin on justice. You might like to use some or all of it with your own adaptions for your community prayer or community meeting in the future:

CMSM Homily Resource for 33th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, November 15.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Mary's Lead Cohort 2

Mary’s Lead serves leaders across our sponsored schools in the Province of the United States. The yearlong program is intentionally designed to gather, remember and pass on the hard-earned leadership wisdom shared by experienced Marianist leaders and cohort members, both religious and laypersons.

Cohort 1, consisting of 12 principals and presidents, will conclude their journey in February of 2021, a year consisting of three retreats and monthly online engagements. Cohort 2, consisting of 16 participants, will be comprised of a broader range of leadership positions extended to vice principals, directors of campus ministry and deans. Cohort 2 will begin the same week Cohort 1 concludes. Both groups will come together at Bergamo Center, Dayton, Ohio, to share the wisdom received and to extend blessings to the new cohort. Click here for a list of participants for Cohort 2. Please keep them in your prayers.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

The month’s Notes includes October and the first week of November, National Vocation Awareness Week.

I talked with five inquirers, one of whom shows great potential. Thanks to Fr. Ken Templin for continued conversation with him.

Special thanks to Bro. Bob Flaherty, for sharing his vocation story to students who are taking Clayton Graham’s Marianist Charism class at Archbishop Moeller High School. Clayton graduated from Chaminade College Preparatory, Class of ’99, St. Louis.

Thanks to Pre-Novice Chucho Alvarez Peña for his assistance in translating for the V Encuentro where I exhibited virtually. The virtual exhibition is very different, but this was good practice before the SEEK Conference in January and LA Congress in February.

Many thanks to Bro. Mitch Schweickart, Fr. Tim Kenney, Fr. Sean Downing, Fr. Dave McGuigan, Bro. Andy Kosmowski, Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez, Bro. Brandon Alana and Bro. Allen Pacquing for attending the NRVC Convocation. Please ask them what they learned and how it applies to our province vocation efforts. I also hope to have a future roundtable discussion sharing from the convocation. Please keep your eyes open for that invitation.

Here are the highlights for National Vocation Awareness week

  • Monday was an Instagram Live “Stay and See” virtual tour of the pre-novitiate and aspirancy communities for the FMI and SM. You can watch it here. Thanks to Bro. Brian Zampier, Aspirant Peter Evans and the Casa Maria Community for your help and support.  

  • On Tuesday, we had a special "Casa Tuesday" hosted by Bro. Dennis Bautista with Pre-Novice Chucho Alvarez Peña, Bro. Allen Pacquing and Fr. Brandon Paluch serving as the panel. You can view that here. After "Casa Tuesday," there was a special holy hour for vocations at St. Mary’s University. Thanks to Fr. Brandon Paluch for presiding. We had five SM/FMI contacts in attendance as well as other St. Mary’s University students. Click here to view.

  • Wednesday was the Marianist Roundtable Discussion. I hope to have more of these with upcoming topics of the NRVC Convocation, and part 2 and 3 of welcoming diverse discerners. Unfortunately, this was not recorded, but please ask any of the participants about it and what they learned. Thank you so much to all who participated.  
  • To close the week, I exhibited at Prince of Peace Parish in San Antonio for their vocation fair. This was the first in-person event I have done since June. I think people are starting to feel more comfortable with socially distanced events.  
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 15: Thomas Redmond
November 17: Peter Evans (aspirant)
On the Calendar
November 16: Provincial Council meeting, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., virtual
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