November 19, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Notes Holiday Schedule

Please note the holiday schedule for Notes from the Provinical Council at the end of the newsletter.

Our World Situation: COVID

As we all know, the numbers of those that have the virus continue to skyrocket each day. The number of deaths is also increasing. One of the other things that I continue to see in the news is the “fatigue” with the safeguards. As the number of people that have contracted the virus goes up in our country, this also means that the number of people that we encounter are carriers of the virus. Please continue to live and model the safeguards.

On Monday, November 23, I will be sending a letter of encouragement, support and reminder to live by the safeguards during this time of pandemic. Please click here to read the letter. 

Our World Situation: Hatred, Racism & Violence

In a spirit of solidarity, I present to you three statements below as a reminder to all of us as religious, in our own area of the world, to do our part to bring an end to the current situation of hatred, racism and violence.

  • Marianist Sisters Statement. The U.S. Marianist Sisters Province recently released a statement on racism. We are thankful to the sisters for sharing this statement with us. Please help us educate others about this statement. Please click here to read the document.

  • Religious Brothers Conference Statement. As we all know, the Marianists have been participants in the RBC (Religious Brothers Conference) for many years. Two of our brothers are a part of the leadership group. Thank you to Bro. Stephen Glodek and Bro. Allen Pacquing for helping to serve this organization and brothers across the United States. The RBC recently published a statement condemning all forms of racism and stand with those who work for justice, foster peace and offer love to our beloved nation. Please click here to read the statement. 

  • MSJC Statement. The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative in 2016 released the document entitled “Calling the Marianist Family to Renounce the Sin of Racism.” The collaborative recently reminded us of this statement and it is appropriate to place a reminder in this issue of Notes as well. Please click here to read the document.

As our world continues to deal with the issues of racism and hatred (to list a few), let us pray that each of us as Marianist religious may be instruments of reconciliation and peace. Please remember to check the different resources that were sent out at the time of the Directors' meeting on this important issue. Let us pray for healing for our country.

This Coming Week

  • November 20: St. Mary's University Search Committee for Dean of School of Business; Preside at Senior Retreat Mass at Chaminade College Prep, St. Louis.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Formation Weekend

Formation Weekend went very well for our first virtual conference. One session, we had +40 participants; normally, we had about +35. I marvel at a meeting happening with participants from three countries, four states, sharing sessions in large groups and small groups. Thank God we had Bro. Mark Motz to navigate the technology.

Important topics included our vow of celibate chastity, identity, intimacy, integration, fears, self image and relationships.

Next Formation Weekend will be in March, 2021!
First Sunday of Advent Reflection by Bro. Steve O'Neil

I recently saw a new T-shirt for sale that had the following saying on the front, “The first rule of 2021, is we don’t talk about 2020!” (For trivia buffs, this is a play on words from the 1999 movie “Fight Club”). As we conclude the last few weeks of this calendar year and begin a new liturgical year, we may feel much like the Israelites in the first reading —abandoned and forgotten by God. What many are calling “pandemic fatigue” leads us to long for better, more normal times. We may also wish to consider the Gospel message of watchful preparation for the unknown. Some might say we missed valuable signs leading up to the current crises: for the Covid19 disaster —poor safety and security at global labs working with infectious pathogens, and the systemic racism in American society underlying the deaths that gave rise to the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Similarly, the case could certainly be made for climate change being responsible for the record number of hurricanes and storms making landfall this year.

On the Education for Justice website, I came across a very appropriate prayer called “Prophetic Resilience.” It looks to the seasonal cycles of death and rebirth in nature to guide us through the darkness of Winter we are now entering, to a hope of new growth and vitality in Spring! As Christians, we also see this in the whole Paschal Cycle of birth-death-resurrection each liturgical year. May God bless us all this Advent with a resilient hope for the new year


  • Universal Children’s Day is on November 20. This day promotes and celebrates the rights of children, including the right to life, health, education and play, as well as, the right to family life, to be protected from violence, to not be discriminated against, and to have their views heard.  

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

A Moment of Gratitude
MUSP Provides a Safe Place

As we approach Thanksgiving, I would like to share some words from a senior at Purcell Marian High School who has been part of the Marianist Urban Students Program (MUSP) for the past four years. Below is Jaimone Jones’ reflection.

MUSP has impacted me in my high school career by helping me in making sure I am on top of my academics and when I wasn't, it gave me the support I needed to get to the grade I needed. It gave me a safe place in the school where I knew I could be comfortable around the people in the program. This program also gave us a place where we could go to for advice and help. A place where we could talk about God and reflect. MUSP was very helpful for me, especially in my freshman year, because it helped me transition from being a leader in a grade school to a small freshman in high school. Going to Purcell Marian and being in MUSP has been one of the best experiences, and I am so grateful. For the rest of my time here and beyond, I’m hoping this program can remain available for the freshmen.

-Jaimone Jones, Senior Student Ambassador
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 19: José Degorio
November 25: Timothy Phillips
On the Calendar
November 21: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2020 Holiday Schedule for Notes
November 25: Thanksgiving Message from the Provincial Council
December 3: Notes from the Provincial Council
December 10: Notes from the Provincial Council
December 17: Notes from the Provincial Council
December 24: Christmas Message from the Provincial Council
December 31: New Year’s Message from the Provincial Council
January 7, 2021: Resume regular schedule of Notes from the Provincial Council
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.