November 21, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Happy Thanksgiving

On behalf of the provincial council, I wish all members of the province a special and happy Thanksgiving. Know that each of you remain in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers.  

Computer servers at West Pine 

Over this past weekend, there were a number of power interruptions in our area here in St. Louis. One of the power surges ended up damaging our servers here at the provincial offices. The servers were down all of Monday, November 19 and part of Tuesday. The server is now back on-line and the email service is slowly returning to normal. Thank you for your patience.  

General Chapter letters

As we all know, the General Chapter produced three letters. The letters were intended for the following groups:
* Members of the Marianist Family
* Collaborators in the mission
* Message to the young people

The letters to the members of the Marianist Family & collaborators in the mission were both distributed to each of you immediately after we received the printed copies. They have also been sent out electronically. The letter to the young is being formatted into a digital message and will be sent out around Chaminade day. The rectors, pastors, presidents and principals have all received and helped us disseminate the letter to collaborators in the mission.  

Please let me encourage you to help us ensure the letter is received by all members of the Marianist Family. Many of you work with different lay groups and Lay Marianists, if your group has not received the letter, here is a digital version.

This coming week

November 23 – 28:  Bro. Bernie Ploeger & I will travel to the Generalate for our in-service/training for new provincials and assistant provincials. 
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Planning process and province direction

At the Province Assembly this past summer, the incoming council indicated that consistent with the recommendations made in the responses to the consultation conducted by the superior general prior to our appointment, we would initiate a planning process focused on a three to five year time horizon. Its goals are to be statements of overall strategic intent, that is, a Province Direction Statement.  

At the meeting of the council with the directors and area coordinators in October, we presented our working proposal for this process. We received many helpful suggestions, affirmations, and cautions. In particular, they affirmed that while there is a part of this work that is for the province in itself, at the same time, it needs to be in the context of the entire Marianist Family and so the steering committee should include a Marianist Sister and lay member of the Marianist Family.

As currently envisioned, the Province Direction Statement will include three components:

Reading the Signs of the Times–four to seven statements which indicate what are judged to be the most important opportunities and challenges facing the province as seen through the lens of the Marianist Charism, the 2018 Province Assembly affirmations and the 2018 General Chapter documents.

Description of Our Desired Future–a brief statement of what we as a province wish to be in five years both in ourselves and within the Marianist Family in light of our Reading the Signs of the Times.

Statements of Strategic Intent–three to five goals that we judge are necessary to achieve, if we are to attain Our Desired Future.

I am very pleased that the following persons have agreed to serve as members of the steering committee.

Bro. Reinaldo Berríos
Ms. Katie Gushoney
Sr. Nicole Trahan
Bro. Tom Wendorf
Bro. Jack Ventura
Bro. Ed Violett

Mr. Tim Fallon will be the committee’s facilitator and I will be its chair. The goal is to have the Province Direction Statement ready for adoption at the March 2020 meeting of the provincial chapter.

To truly be “owned,” the manner in which the Province Direction Statement is developed must be broadly consultative and formulated in a manner that is:

inclusive without, though, failing to make choices;
educative in the sense that participants are required to see the province
beyond their local situation;
elicits commitment to taking the personal actions required by the
directions set.  

In the near future, the steering committee will hold its first meeting with a goal of mapping out the consultation process through August 2019.  

Thank you in advance for your participation and support as we continue the work of reimagining the dream as brothers of hope and joy.  

Pastoral assistance coordinator
For several years, consistent with best practices and Accreditation Standards for the Protection of Minors, the province has had a “neutral” person available to assist someone making a report of abuse. Key aspects of work of this person include: explaining the province’s process for addressing reports of abuse and, as appropriate, offering to arrange for counseling and/or other pastoral support.

Most recently, Fr. Tim Kenney has served in this role. Given the current crisis and calls for transparency, the council decided that our pastoral assistance coordinator (PAC) should be someone independent of the province. I am very pleased that Deacon Daniel H. Henroid, Sr., has agreed to serve in this capacity on our behalf. 

He holds an MSW degree from Washington University. In addition to his experience as a counselor, he has served more than 40 years in leadership roles in St. Louis area social services agencies. Within the Church, he has served as a permanent deacon since his ordination in 1985. For both the Archdiocese of St. Louis and for three religious communities of men, he has acted in roles analogous to the PAC position. He has had extensive, direct contact with victims of clerical sexual abuse including conducting interviews, mediation sessions, coordinating pastoral outreach/assistance as well as participating in administrative reviews of processes.

We are currently making arrangements for confidential reporting of abuse by phone or email that will be directed to Deacon Henroid. I will be announcing these arrangements shortly.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Justice Jottings

Many of you may receive the MSJC Newsletter, and some of you may not. There is a wealth of information in issues of justice that are shared and stories about some very good things happening in the Marianist Family. This year, MSJC is celebrating their 20th anniversary. As we enter into Thanksgiving week, please take some time to read this newsletter and check out some of the very positive happenings. To sign up, email Jim Vogt.

Marianist formation weekend

Last Thursday through Sunday, 28 young men and women in different stages of initial formation attended a Marianist formation weekend. Joined by their formators, they gathered for a wonderful program at Mother Boniface Spiritual Renewal Program in Philadelphia. Three provinces were present: the Marianist Sisters, Meribah Province and the U.S. Province. Presentations were given by Bro. Jack Ventura, Matt Dunn, Sr. Grace Walle; along with a wonderful panel of committed Lay Marianists connected with the East Coast. I want to express my gratitude to Bro. Charles Johnson for his assistance in helping to facilitate many of the temporal concerns.  
An interesting blog for Thanksgiving reflection

Every Sunday, Maria Shriver sends out an interesting newsletter on her blog. It is full of positive thoughts appropriate for this time of year. Maria grew up in a family that was driven to serve. Her uncle was President John F. Kennedy. Two of her other uncles were Bobby and Teddy Kennedy, who served in the U.S. Senate and also ran for president. Her father, Sargent Shriver, served as founding director of the Peace Corps, led the nation’s war on poverty and ran for president as well. Her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, started the Special Olympics. I thought you might also enjoy her blog.

Saragossa retreat continues

Let's continue to hold Bro. Tom Redmond and those on retreat in formation in our prayers. We are so grateful to Bro. Tom for making the trip and serving as retreat director for our brothers.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

On November 27–29, Dan Donnelly and I will be attending the Directors of Sponsorship Meeting in Baltimore. This annual gathering is attended by people in leadership roles of various Catholic religious orders and congregations who are responsible for supporting their sponsored ministries. This will be my first time attending this meeting and I look forward to the great opportunities to network with other folks involved in sponsorship, and for the type of sharing that has been so beneficial to our province as we continue to build our sponsorship model.

A story of hope and joy – a time of Thanksgiving

I had the honor of spending the past 15 years serving at one of our sponsored schools Mother Seton Academy in Baltimore. This tuition-free middle school strives to educate in a multicultural environment and promote dignity and respect for each person. Mother Seton Academy challenges its students to realize their God-given talents and become leaders who serve their families, communities and society. Below is a reflection written by 8th grader Jeremiah Haynes. His words remind all of us to be truly grateful for the many gifts we have been given during this Thanksgiving season. Blessings on each of your celebrations.

A reflection by Jeremiah Haines–MSA Class of 2019
I am very grateful for the wonderful education that I am receiving at Mother Seton Academy. I am thankful for my teachers who understand the students both emotionally and academically. MSA is different from other schools in that there are six religious congregations that support us on many levels. Spiritually, these congregations help me express my love for God freely. Financially, they make it possible for me to attend this great school. MSA is giving me an opportunity for success. 

My school helps me when times get tough through the campus ministry and counseling programs. My 8th grade class is trained in peer mediation and mindfulness. Over the years, the Marianist Brothers have supported our school by teaching and expressing God’s love for us.  Bro. Justin Quiroz , Bro. Tom Trager and Bro. Jesse O'Neill have given us valuable lessons that I remember to this day. This is why I am so grateful for Mother Seton Academy.
Jeremiah Haines–Class of 2019
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 24: David Schmitz
November 25 : Timothy Phillips
November 26: William Campbell
November 28: Mark Motz 
November 29: Esteban Reyes Durán
On the Calendar
November 21: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
November 22: Thanksgiving
November 23-26: GA meetings/new provincials
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.