November 21, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Mount Saint John Conservation Easement

For several years now, the Province has been investigating the implementation of a land trust on approximately 62 acres of the Mount Saint John property. In March 2019, the Chapter asked that the Provincial Council “pay close attention to the contract and also respect the long history of this project.”  

After addressing the concerns mentioned by the Provincial Chapter and Province, the contract for the Mount Saint John land easement has now been signed and executed. The Province will receive approximately $370,000 after legal and other expenses. The Provincial Council will add these funds to a previously created council designated endowment for the maintenance of the Mount Saint John property. We are pleased to extend the ministry of the Mount Saint John property by placing a significant portion of it in a land trust while also helping to ensure the long term maintenance of the Mount Saint John property.  

Covington Catholic School

Last week, the Province received notification that Covington Catholic High School, a school that we staffed until the early 1970s, has been approached by an anonymous donor that wants to donate a significant gift in honor of the education received while at Covington Catholic High School. The gift is in honor of the Marianists. The stipulations from the donor to the school is that the money should not be used for bricks and mortar but for academic programs and faculty/staff development.  

This Coming Week

  • November 21: St. Mary’s High School Board Meeting, St. Louis
  • November 23: Direction Statement Meeting #2, St. Louis
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Catholic Directory

This is the time of year when the (Arch)Dioceses in the United States ask us to submit our current information on the location of our members and the ministries we conduct.

Here at the Provincial Offices, Pat Stephens submits our information for the Archdiocese of St. Louis and those members not in residence at one of our communities (e.g., special assignment or in a foreign country). 

In our other (Arch)Dioceses, other contact persons complete these reports. Given the heightened concerns that the information submitted by the Province is complete and accurate, I would like to ask those others who currently undertake this responsibility would both identify themselves to either Pat or me (we know some but not all of you), as well as send a copy of the submission you make to your (Arch)Diocese. 

Thank you very much for your attention to this and for performing this service on behalf of the Province.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Formation Weekend

We just completed a wonderful formation weekend on the theme of Marianist education. In attendance were 16 persons in different stages of Marianist formation and ten formators from the three provinces (US Province, Meribah Province and Marianist Sisters) and one region (Korea). We were honored to have four presentations given by Bros. Jesse O’Neill and Dennis Bautista, Mr. John Hollian and Ms. Neomi De Anda. We celebrated a wonderful Eucharist in Adèle Chapel with Fr. Sean Downing at Central Catholic before heading over to the Marianist Residence for a delightful dinner and dessert social with our elderly. Thank you for your prayers.
Marianist Center for Lay Formation

I have had meetings this week with Bro. Jack Ventura, director of the Marianist Center and Brian Reavey, director of JPIC. I am also sitting down with some of the other people doing ministry at the center, praying with them and supporting them in the many ways they give of their time to our Province.
Bros. Jack Ventura and Stephen Glodek, Francine Cruz, Fr. Pat Tonry, Toni Mesina and Sierra Christian
Brian Reavey and Fr. Tim Kenney

Advent is almost here. We know it's coming, but it seems to sneak up on us every year. When we add the seemingly endless to-do lists, school and family activities/obligations, the true meaning of this time of anticipation and joy can get lost.

With Advent signaling a new liturgical year, what “new year” resolution do you plan to make for the good of your community life and ministry and life as a Marianist?


There are many websites that offer daily reflections and resources as we set aside time to be alert, awake and aware to God.

Pope Francis Visit to Japan

In solidarity with our Brothers in Japan, the official theme of the Pope’s visit to Japan (Nov. 23-26, 2019) is “Protect All Life,” a quote from his “Christian Prayer in Union with Creation,” at the end of his encyclical Laudato Si’. The Pope will address many issues around this theme: nuclear arms, death penalty, protection of the environment and reconciliation. He will also meet with the new Emperor and express his support for Japanese Catholics.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Head to Heart: A Gathering of Hope and Joy

The Head to Heart (H2H) formation opportunity and workshop was hosted by the Office of Sponsorship, November 4–6 at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center.

Representatives from all the Marianist sponsored schools throughout the Province as well as representatives from the retreat centers, the Marianist Provincial Office of Communication and Bro. Jack Ventura from the Marianist Center for Lay Formation participated. H2H teaches collaborators (administrators, teachers, staff members, etc.) in Marianist sponsored ministries ways to live the Marianist Charism and commitment to the mission in everyday experiences. It provides opportunities to develop and commit to practical applications to deepen the expression of the Marianist charism within a Marianist-sponsored ministry.

Through the program, we explored the issues of understanding mission and ministry, articulating the Marianist Charism and the importance of community to our identity. A mini retreat focused on Mary’s role in our lives and deepening personal growth. Participants discerned their call to Marianist ministry and looked at how we live life through the Marianist lens. Everyone left with a personal and professional plan for incorporating what they experienced in their own lives and the lives of their ministry.

The team of presenters included:
  • Michala Jacobson – Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School, Omaha
  • Fr. Bob Jones – Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School, Dayton
  • Toni Mesina – National Coordinator Marianist LIFE
  • Bro. Jesse O’Neill – Marianist Office of Education
  • Patrick Wheadon – Marianist Office of Sponsorship

My personal thanks to Pat Wheadon and Deanna Snyder; for their stellar planning and execution of this most valuable program.
Head to Heart participants make a public commitment in carrying out their personal and professional plans.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Medical Expenses

The Office of Temporalities has been reviewing our medical expenses for the previous fiscal year to ensure that we have filed all possible claims with our insurance company. 

During the year that ended June 30, 2019, there were considerable medical expenses that were not covered or not filed with the insurance company for refund. We have noticed that several invoices were paid to communities or individual brothers without the copies of the medical invoices accompanying the payment request. We believe that some of those expenses could have been filed with the insurance company by our office in order to receive a refund. 

Effective today, we ask that you include the invoices along with the request for a refund. This would apply to any refund request of $10 or more for prescription medications, doctor or dental visits, prescription glasses, etc. If an amount is less than $10, you would not need to include the back-up information. We believe we will be able to file some of these expenses with the insurance company in order to decrease our out-of-pocket expense. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,


PULSE Applications are live! Do you know a young adult who might be interested in a year of service, solidarity and intentional community living, complemented with spiritual and professional development as a servant leader through the Marianist Charism? If so, please encourage them to visit our PULSE website and download our application for the 2020-21 academic year.

NACMS just published two more Community Meeting Kits. These resources include all you need for a community meeting on a Marianist topic: an opening prayer, program material (articles, podcasts, videos), reflection questions and a final blessing. Click here to download the Death Penalty & Restorative Justice resource from MSJC, as well as Praying with Faith of the Heart

Pastoral Letter

Last month, Bishop Mark Joseph Seitz published a pastoral letter, " Night Will Be No More," to the people of El Paso, Texas. “The pastoral letter represents a major statement from the Catholic community on the intersecting issues of race, gun violence, racially motivated attacks on Latinos in the United States and the ongoing militarization of the border,” Diocese of El Paso officials shared. The pastoral letter is also available in Spanish. 
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Prayers for National Catholic Youth Conference

The National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis will take place November 21-23. Sr. Gabby Bibeau, Bro. Brandon Alana, Fr. Dave McGuigan and Bro. Mark Motz will host the Marianist exhibit at the conference. Please keep them and the 20,000 high school youth (including a group from St. Mary's House, Cape May, New Jersey) in your prayers.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 25: Timothy Phillips
November 26: William Campbell
On the Calendar
November 21: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 23: Direction Statement Meeting #2, St. Louis & Hawaii
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