November 29, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Letter #2

As we come complete our national celebration of Thanksgiving and as we prepare to begin a new liturgical year, I’d like to share with you a few thoughts on gratitude—individual, community and province gratitude. You should have received an email yesterday notifying you that Provincial Letter #2 is now available on the Marianist portal under Documents/Provincial Letters. If you have any difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Ann Mueller at the province office. I hope you enjoy the letter!

Provincial school

This is the name that I have affectionately given to the formation program that Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I have just completed. The General Council provides for the formation/education of new provincials and assistant provincials. The new model that they are using for these classes is based on individual units because the units of the society are so different. Bernie and I just returned from our three days of intensive workshops and presentations. It was a true blessing to be at the Generalate. When I visit Via Latina, I’m reminded that we are an international order. We also had the opportunity to visit with our men at Via Latina. Please join Bro. Bernie and I as we give thanks and pray for our General Council and their mission of service to the Society of Mary. 

Visit to the new community in Juárez

You may remember that the new ministry (actually a ministry cluster) in Juárez, Mexico, began this past August. The previous council initiated this new ministry at the request of the brothers in Mexico and set a one-year trial.  We are about ¼ of the way through that year. Beginning Sunday, I will be visiting the community and ministry. Please pray for the continued safety of our brothers in Juárez. We all know that there are many issues of violence in that city. 

Prayer for vocations

I’m thankful to the brothers who have taken the opportunity to send notes of affirmation in response to my reminder about vocation ministry and prayer in Notes from the Provincial Council two weeks ago. Thank you for taking time to respond. Two of the emails mentioned the importance of praying for vocations. The suggestion included asking priests to continue to keep using the Votive Mass for Vocations. I ask you to continue to offer your prayers.  

This coming week

December 2-5: As I mentioned above, I will be visiting our new ministry/community in Juárez, Mexico. Please keep our brothers and this new ministry in your prayers. 
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

New PAC contact information

As, I mentioned last week, Deacon Daniel H. Henroid, Sr. has accepted to serve as the pastoral assistance coordinator(PAC). I am including his new contact information this week.

Deacon Daniel H. Henroid, Sr.
314-533-1207 Ext. 218

From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Vallombrosa workshop

The Office of Religious Life is proud to offer a workshop this February titled: “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?” Dr. Greg Zuschlag, Ph.D., will guide us in an exploration of how the writers of each of the four canonical Gospels “tailors” their portrait of Jesus in order to meet the pastoral needs of their particular communities. Participants will gain insight into how each of the Gospels tell the story of Jesus for their particular communities, not only to assist us in becoming better readers of the Gospels, but also offer new opportunities for enhancing our understanding and faith in Jesus, the Christ.

The presenter of this workshop, Dr. Zuschlag, is a native San Antonian and has been a professor of systematic theology at the Oblate School of Theology since 2008. He earned his MDiv from the University of Notre Dame and his Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He is a husband and father of two young boys. 

The Office of Religious Life will pay for travel to and from your local community. All participants must be able to be present for the entire workshop arriving at Vallombrosa no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 1 and not departing before noon on Sunday, Feb. 3. Any hotel expenses before or after are the responsibility of the brother and his local community. 

Vallombrosa Workshop

February 1-3, 2019 (Friday-Sunday)
TIME TO REGISTER: limited applicants

If you wish to apply, please contact Donna Tucker, the administrative assistant for the Office of Religious Life. Donna will send you the registration information. Please do this sometime during the month of December if you are interested in attending this workshop. 

This weekend

   I am in Baltimore and Philadelphia visiting our communities, our parish and the Marianist Center for Lay Formation

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

Community visitation: Next week, I will be visiting our Marianist Retreat Center in Cape May Point, New Jersey. I look forward to my conversation with the brothers and to re-visit a place that, for years, I have considered holy ground. Please keep the visit and the work of the retreat center in your prayers.

A story of hope and joy

Submitted by Tim Cullen , head of school, St. Anthony School, Maui, Hawaii

The St. Anthony School 'Ohana gathered together to celebrate Mass on October 31. The K - 12 students and staff lifted prayers up through words and songs in recognition and celebration of our relationship with God and with each other. The little grade school students walked over holding hands with the older ones. As a K-12 school, St. Anthony School has combined masses to demonstrate the Marianist characteristic of education in Family Spirit. On Friday, November 2nd, the SAS LIFE team planned and facilitated a prayer service for All Souls Day. Staff and students decorated bags with pics and comments of loved ones who have passed on and included items for the local food pantry. The service started in church, continued around the St. Anthony statue with everyone holding hands and concluded with a beautiful dove release. This annual event is emotional, joyous and reflective for all involved.
St. Anthony students gather for the All Souls’ Day Mass
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Human rights vigil 

Join others from the Dayton area to commemorate International Human Rights Day and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10. Learn more.

Advent resources & virtual calendars


Migration Exodus: Catholic religious men and women in Mexico have issued a call for protective, pastoral accompaniment and financial resources. There are additional large groups coming from Central America. This is a time for courage. This is a time for more completely exposing the mass injustice and violence toward migrants. This is a time for embodying a "nonviolent moment" which unleashes creative energy into the situation. If you are willing to help in any way, please fill out this form and we will be in touch with details and logistics. A large network is organizing events on Dec. 10 for a Faith Convergence at the border and Dec. 15 for Posadas at the border. More details forthcoming.

Linking justice and peace in the lectionary

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Coming soon 

Stay tuned to learn more about how JPIC is lived out in our Marianist schools. I plan to feature a Marianist institution or brother once a month during future issues of Notes from the Provincial Council as we continue to emphasize how JPIC is integral to Marianist education. 
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocatio n m inistry

Mid-October and November were busy for the Vocation Office. In order to cover everything, we will divide our many activities between this edition of Notes from the Provincial Council and next week's edition.

Here are a few vocation activities we had in October:

  • The Lalanne Community hosted a religious vocation discernment retreat on October 14. The day consisted of Mass, discussion, lunch, quiet time and an article to discuss.  Thank you for continuing to be an intentionally inviting community.  
  • On October 20, I joined a panel with Allison Leigh (UD Office of Mission and Rector), Kateri Dillon and Dominic Sanfilippo (both former Marianist Pulse volunteers) for the State Community Retreat. They asked us to join the panel because of our various involvements with formation within the Marianist Family. I was able to speak about my involvement with Lay Marianists as well as a Marianist Religious and speak to the importance of collaboration in vocation ministry.  

  • On October 19-21, students from the University of Dayton and University of Cincinnati participated in the Future Full of Hope Retreat which consisted of prayer, sharing and discernment. I was asked to represent the vocation of brother, it was a nice opportunity to share our charism along with a few other communities and give the students a chance to see that they are not alone in discerning religious life.  While in Dayton, between the Future full of Hope Retreat and the local celebration of my perpetual vows, I met with several students, inquirers and Marianist Contacts in the Dayton and Columbus area. 
  • On October 21, I joined UD students for Bro. Brandon Alana’s program titled “Mass on the Grass” at which Fr. Chris Wittmann presided. I think it is important to join students at events they think are important as well as inviting them to our events. What are examples of events in your ministry where you can be present to students?  
  • On October 24, I joined both houses of Marianist PULSE for dinner and ice cream. After dinner, I led a discussion about community life. You may find it interesting that 37% of people, who have completed a year of service, said they have considered a vocation to ordained ministry or religious life. Do you have a community of full time volunteers serving in your area? I am sure they would enjoy prayer and a home cooked meal and could give us some great exposure to young people who may already be thinking about religious life. (The image below is from CARA.)
  • I try to stay current with current statistics about Vocation Ministry. I am currently reading “Pathways to Religious Life” by Fr. Thomas Gaunt, SJ, the executive director of CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate). Fr. Gaunt also was a speaker at the NRVC Convocation, which I will speak about next week.
  • On October 27, Fr. Jim Fitz and the UD Office for Mission and Rector hosted a Mass and gathering celebrating my perpetual vows. It was a wonderful and humbling experience for me personally but also a good way for students think about their vocation. 
  • On October 31, several St. Mary’s University Students dressed up like Marianist Brothers at Holy Rosary’s Halloween event, Trunk or Treat. Apparently, we are now known for our white short sleeved button-down shirts. Brother's who would like to get their own signature signature short sleeved button-down shirt, click here
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

November 29: Esteban Reyes Durán
December 1: Jean Dossous
December 3: W. Franz Schorp
December 4: Daniel Klco
December 5: John Samaha
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.