December 3, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Jesús Alvarez Peña: A member of the Province, originally from the Querétaro Marianist Community, Mexico, has been studying English at St. Mary’s University. Jesús has applied for and has been unanimously accepted to begin the Novitiate experience in Dayton in January 2021. Thank you to both the Casa Maria Community and the Querétaro Marianist community for accompanying our brother.

Peter Evans: Originally from Dayton, Peter has been an aspirant at the Casa Maria Community. He has applied for and has been unanimously accepted to begin the Novitiate experience in Dayton in January 2021. Peter also spent a semester as a pre-aspirant at the Stonemill-Kiefaber community. Thank you to both communities for walking with Peter.

Please join the Provincial Council in praying for our brothers as they begin the Novitiate.

Special Notice

The annual report on the Province's child protection efforts is posted on the Marianist portal for members of the Society of Mary. Due to the sensitivity of this report, we ask that you please log into the portal to read it. The report is located under "Provincial Special Communications" (the large blue button on the top right of your screen). The title of the report is Child Protection Report 2020.
If you have any issues accessing the portal, contact Sandy Barnett. Please remember that this message is only for members of the Society of Mary.

Ministry of Presence

Last week, I received an email from an individual that had called the West Pine office and spoke to Bro. Bob Resing. The person wished to compliment us for the listening ear and accompaniment that Bro. Bob provided. The person was also able to speak to Bro. Jim Brown at the Marianist Mission, and once again, the person felt that Bro. Jim had given him many options for how to be of assistance. The person graduated from U.D. over 50 years ago. Great job, Brothers!

Thank You

As we all know, members of the Marianist Province have been involved with assisting the Church in many different ways. Fr. Jim Heft has served as the Founder and President of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies (IACS) since its incorporation in 1998. Fr. Jim retired as the Institute’s President on June 30, 2020. In true Marianist fashion, Fr. Jim has involved many Marianists in the operation of the Institute. The institute is sponsoring a virtual celebration in Fr. Jim’s honor on December 12, 2020. You can find more information on the celebration here.

We join the Institute in celebrating Fr. Jim’s many achievements as Founder and now President-Emeritus of IACS.

Messages from the World Council of the Marianist Family

On Friday, November 27, the World Council of the Marianist Family sent out a message via the Marianist General Administration. You may remember that the General Administration is sending messages out directly to each member of the Province via email. Directors: Please remember if a member of your community does not use email, print a copy for them. If you do use email and did not get the email from the World Council, please contact Pat Stephens, my administrative assistant, and let her know. She will check your email address with the General Administration.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful resources during this time of sheltering-in-place.

This Coming Week

  • December 3: Confessions, Chaminade College Prep, St. Louis
  • December 9: Chaminade University Board Meeting, virtual
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

2021 SM Ordo

I am very happy to present here the Quick Reference to the 2021 SM Ordo. This can be a handy guide for Marianist special days that occur. Community sacristans might want to make a copy to post on either your bulletin board or somewhere in the community sacristy as a guide for future planning.

Advent Reflection by Bro. Steve O'Neil

Two weeks ago, in Notes from the Provincial Council, I suggested, for the first Sunday of Advent, that we take on a stance of “prophetic resilience” in the face of multiple national and global crises. In today’s first reading from Isaiah, God tells the prophet to give comfort to His people; their time of penance has ended. And in the passage from the second letter of Saint Peter, he says, “The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard delay, but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish.” In today’s Gospel from St. Mark, we have the appearance of John the Baptist and how all the people around Jerusalem began to come out to the Jordan river to hear his message of repentance and preparation for the coming of the Messiah. This week I offer you the reflections from one of the CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) JPIC Coordinators, Brother Steve Herro, O. Praem. He reminds us that we cannot be passive observers of all that is happening around us. We have a responsibility to help everyone hasten the transition to a healthier and happier society. What better time to do this than during the Advent and Christmas season?

Advent Reading

A great read for Advent might be Pope Francis’ latest encyclical on fraternity and social friendship titled, Fratelli Tutti. Click here for a great infographic that gives some quick points for prayer and reflection.

Pandemic Video on Perspectives

Please click here to view a 3-minute video that you might enjoy watching that invites you to imagine yourself being born in 1900 and the many challenging things that one had to go through at that time. As we reflect on our current lifetime, this video offers an interesting perspective.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

An Advent Invitation

Submitted by Erica Duarte, Marianist LIFE Coordinator

Marianist LIFE is blessed by and deeply grateful for the foundation of our program, which grows from the leadership, wisdom, guidance, passion for education and formation of the vowed Marianists. We are eager to build on that strong connection between vowed Marianists and the young adults and their moderators that benefit and serve Marianist LIFE.

This Advent, we pray for the strength and courage to bring Christ to the world. In that spirit, we invite you to participate in Marianist LIFE in a special way. There are a variety of opportunities for brothers to collaborate with Marianist LIFE both during the summer program and throughout the year. If you might be interested in helping support Marianist LIFE, you can serve as a prayer partner. If you would like to talk about this or other ways you can help, please email Erica Duarte or contact her by phone at 210.576.4357.

Finally, know that LIFErs and LIFE staff pray often for the Society of Mary and the gifts they bring to the Marianist family. Please continue to pray for the students, moderators and leadership of Marianist LIFE, that they would be courageous and bold as they share the charism with the world in the spirit of Blessed Chaminade.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

December 3: W. Franz Schorp
December 4: Daniel Klco
December 7: Louis Fournier
December 8: Kenneth Thompson
On the Calendar
December 6: Second Sunday of Advent
December 8: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.