December 10, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Stephano Kim (Korea) has been approved by the Korean Regional Council and ratified by the Provincial Council to begin the Novitiate in Dayton in January 2021.

New International Personnel Book 2020-2021

The new International Personnel Books were mailed to communities late last week. There is a copy of the International Personnel on the portal as well. Please destroy copies of last year's personnel; do not simply recycle them. We have a limited supply of these personnel books; please contact Pat Stephens if you need additional copies.

On a Positive Note

In our world today, sometimes it seems that we only hear about the negative or only see the news that places the Church in a bad light.  Recently, the Catholic News Service had a wonderful article about the Marianist Student Communities at the University of Dayton. Read the article here. Enjoy!

Bro. Kumaraswamy K.

After Bro. Kumar's return from the United States, the India District Administration assigned Bro. Kumar to the Scholasticate community with the ministry of teaching in the UD-Deepahalli Program. Recently, Bro. Kumar decided on his own, without authorization, to leave the community and to return to his family. Calls to Bro. Kumar for his return have been unsuccessful. I am very concerned about this unacceptable situation. Should he contact you, please inform me. Please pray for Bro. Kumar.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Saint Luke Institute & the Catholic Apostolate are sponsoring a new workshop, "Grace & Bias," on Tuesday, December 15 at 1:00 p.m. (EST). This workshop is free. The initial description states: Ministry leaders will learn skills for examining their own personal biases and strategies for engaging others in meaningful dialogue about race. The ever-growing diversity of the Church and our world continues to enrich and challenge pastoral ministers in new ways. Implicit bias, or the attitudes and stereotypes that affect our behavior in an unconscious manner, can impact our ability to successfully manage intercultural interactions and diverse ministry environments. Understanding the implicit biases we hold and how personal identity and cultural experiences impact our worldview can facilitate personal growth and development as an effective pastoral leader. Click here to register.

This Coming Week

  • December 10: Confessions, Our Lady of the Pillar, St. Louis
  • December 11: Confessions, Chaminade College Prep, St. Louis
  • December 12: Preside at Marriage, St. Louis
  • December 17-18: Provincial Council Meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Third Advent Reflection by Bro. Steve O'Neil

Recently, Fr. Tim Kenney gave me a copy of Sr. Joan Chittister’s book The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage. Much of it is a call for us, Catholic Christians, to step up a new level of prophetic spirituality. In the chapter on “Audacity,” she describes a figurine of a prophet that sits on her desk, "It looks to the casual observer to be made of heavy lead, just right for a person of power and influence. In actuality, once the figurine is picked up, anyone can tell it is very light because it is not metal and is hollow. And then I understood. So, too, is the prophetic spirit empty of anything but the Word of God, of everything but what it means to be true to the coming of the Will of God for creation.”

This came to mind when I read today’s readings. In the Gospel, we hear how John the Baptist rejects all the titles of power and authority that the Jewish priests and Levites wanted to place on him. Instead, he quotes the prophet Isaiah, “I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘make straight the way of the Lord.’” John is very clear about his vocation. He is simply to announce the coming of the Messiah and help the people prepare for his arrival through repentance. On the other hand, this week’s first reading is the same passage from Isaiah that Jesus chooses to read in his hometown of Nazareth at the start of his public ministry (LK 4:14). Jesus takes on a much more ambitious agenda, “to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God.” Both of these figures allow the Spirit of God to fill them and direct their lives and mission.

In the Responsorial Psalm today, we hear Mary’s Magnificat. She, too, in a more physical way, has allowed the Spirit to fill her in order to bring forth our Savior. She knows this action of faith will change the course of her people by quoting the earlier prophetess, Hannah (Samuel 2) “He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he has remembered his promise of mercy.” Let us use this Advent to be more open to the action of the Spirit in our own lives, so we too can be a prophetic call to “uncommon courage.”

To conclude, I offer a couple of Advent prayers that may also lead to further reflection.

Other Advent Resources

  • You might be interested in an online Advent Day Retreat with Fr. Ron Rolheiser this Saturday, December 12. For registration and information, please click here.

  • Enjoy this photo beautiful Advent wreath made by our novices in India.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Sponsorship Renewal

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School recently signed the renewal of their Sponsorship & Services Agreement. This agreement was first signed by the school in 2017 as a new member of our sponsored schools’ family. Here is a link to
the YouTube site where you can see the event. They did an excellent job celebrating!

The Fulcrum

Please click this link to view the December issue of The Fulcrum, our LIFE newsletter. The link includes a video of the 50th anniversary of LIFE that many will enjoy.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

December 10: David Betz, William Grundish
December 12: Thomas Spring
December 13: DuWayne Brisendine
December 14: John Putka
December 16: Thomas French
On the Calendar
December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 13: Third Sunday of Advent
December 17-18: Provincial Council Meetings
2020 Holiday Schedule for Notes
December 17: Notes from the Provincial Council 
December 24: Christmas Message from the Provincial Council
December 31: New Year’s Message from the Provincial Council
January 7, 2021: Resume regular schedule of Notes from the Provincial Council
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.