December 13, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Marianist releases

This past week, several documents have been released. Most of these documents were sent to each individual Marianist. A reminder to directors to please make the documents available to those who do not have access to email. There are two documents below that I would like to note:

Newsletter: An update on the the 7th International Lay Assembly gathering in Korea. The newsletter also featured a link to the letter from Félix Arqueros Pérez, President of the International Organization of the MLC. Read the letter.

Special Letter:  Matt Dunn wrote a letter to the Marianist Family on behalf of the MFC-NA on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The letter states that we are committed to strengthening local Family Councils and establishing them where they don’t currently exist. I encourage Marianists across the province to support these efforts in whatever way possible.  Read the letter.  

The Jesuit release of names

Most of the Jesuit provinces in the United States have already or will soon be releasing the list of credibly accused Jesuits. They join the list of several Archdioceses/Diocese that have released the names of credibly accused priests. The Dioceses in Texas (including San Antonio) will be releasing the names of credibly accused priests. The CMSM recently encouraged members to release names as well. The thought is that this transparency will help the healing process for victims and make us even more accountable in the future. We now must determine what our response as a province will be to these releases. Please keep in mind that the release of names by the Dioceses is based on the criteria that they have created. Let us continue to pray for the victims of abuse, their families and those that have been accused of abuse.  

A reminder that the release of names will once again stress the importance that we, the Marianists of today, must be even more faithful to our vows. This also stresses the importance of our on-going Praesidium accreditation, the on-going “Conversations that Matter” education component and, most importantly, a watchful and supportive eye in community. These all help enable us to continue to call ourselves to accountability and fraternal support/challenge.  

Marianists in ministries/boards
As you can imagine, keeping the records straight on who is in ministry and on boards for Marianist institutions is not always easy because of the yearly turn-over. We’ve updated the information sent to us. Please let me know if the document needs to be updated.  Review the document.  

This coming week

Amen, alleluia! I'm actually home all this week!
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Marianist ORDO

I have placed on the Marianist Portal our revised ORDO. I am grateful to Fr. Richard Villa for his kind assistance. We will not be sending out copies to the communities or priests. Please feel free to make copies from the portal as needed. Very soon, I will have a revised copy of the Marianist Sacramentary. 

Sabbatical requests

From time to time, it is good for a brother to take some rest for spiritual renewal and development and/or for the development of professional and ministerial skills. Some people have a desire to take a sabbatical at the time of transition into a new ministry or in late adulthood as we age. There are many wonderful programs that help us face important questions in life and invite us to grow as part of our continuing formation. 

If you are considering a sabbatical, I would invite you, first of all, to consult your local community. Once you have done this, if you would like to make an application, you may do so to the appropriate provincial assistant (Religious Life or Education) by February 1, 2019. 

Applications should include:
  • A statement around your desire for spiritual renewal and development and/or professional/ministerial preparation
  • All details available to the Brother concerning the proposed program including goals or aims of the sabbatical
  • A statement of the way you envision using the knowledge and skills acquired for service in the Province and the Church
  • A statement as to the dates and timing for the future sabbatical as well as whether you have had a past sabbatical experience

Last call for the Vallombrossa workshop

We only have a couple of spots left for the workshop on Christology in February. If you are thinking about applying, I want you to know that we are just about full. 
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Update on St. Laurence College, Loughlinstown Ireland

I want to update you on an important step in the journey of assuring a vibrant future for St. Laurence College. You may recall that we have been pursuing the initiative of entering Le Chéile, a Catholic Schools Trust, who would assume the sponsorship of the College. The Síol Board [the governing board of Le Chéile] confirmed at its December 5 meeting that they are happy to proceed with St. Laurence joining Le Chéile at this time. 

Our application documents have been accepted and the next step is the drawing up of the formal “Commission and Licence Agreement” that our solicitor is working on now. The Province continues to own the land and the school, but we transfer the type of sponsorship activities that our Sponsorship Office had been doing to Le Chéile.  Our brothers will remain there and be active in the school. Our tentative timeline is to have a formal signing about February 1 with a school celebration of the event later on in that month. We are excited for this new chapter at St. Laurence College and ask you for your continued prayers during this transition.

Special thanks to Bro. Tom Giardino for all of his work this past year in helping to make this happen. 

A celebration of LIFE 

During this season of Advent, as we anticipate the new life of Jesus into our world, I want to take this time to celebrate a beacon of hope and joy that has existed in our province for almost fifty years. Marianist LIFE (Living In Faith Experience) is our national faith-formation program which is rooted in Catholic and Marianist tradition and targets the needs of our high school students. 
LIFE is based on Blessed William Joseph Chaminade’s vision for building a community of communities to change the world. Marianist LIFE provides students at Marianist and non-Marianist institutions opportunities to share faith, to learn from each other, and to become instruments of peace. Since 1970, Marianist LIFE communities have developed in many parishes and high schools. There are approximately 40 institutions actively involved with Marianist LIFE in 10 states, Puerto Rico and Ireland. 

Our deepest gratitude to Toni Mesina, director of LIFE, who for many years has continued the effective leadership needed for such a program to flourish. Read her reflection below.

A story of hope and joy
Marianist LIFE continues to thrive in our schools, to the point where Chaminade St. Louis & Chaminade West Hills have been sending LIFE Teams to two regional summer programs for the last three years. Programs grow where Marianist LIFE Communities thrive in the student body. Not only are student LIFErs excited about LIFE, but their adult moderators find community for themselves in other moderators and staff members with whom they work each summer. Many times after a summer program, a moderator will comment to me, "Now I understand what this whole Marianist thing is."

In 2018, Holy Rosary (San Antonio) and Queen of Apostles (Dayton) returned to the summer program. QAC's absence was brief at the Central program, but after a few years, the South team was excited to work with Holy Rosary once again.
In 2020, LIFE celebrates its 50th anniversary with one national summer program where all three regional programs will gather for one experience. This will take place at St. Mary's University in July of 2020. This is an amazing opportunity for students and moderators to meet others from across the Province whom they would never meet otherwise. We are working very closely with various offices at the university, including University Ministry on some LIFE Alumni programming, which we have not hosted for some time. Imagining 300 people at one summer program is daunting, but exciting all the same.
Social justice is an important component of the summer programs. Here students learn about human trafficking through the Game of Life, looking "Behind the Brands" online, and read about current, real-life human trafficking situations.
From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Marianist PULSE applications now available
If you know of a young adult college graduate (or soon-to-be grad) interested in growing in the Marianist charism through service, justice and living in community, please invite them to consider Marianist PULSE (Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education). Applications for 2019-2020 are available. Applications are due by January 10, 2019 and late applications are welcome on a rolling basis following that date.  Learn more .
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

December 13: DuWayne Brisendine
December 14: John Putka
December 15: Paul Reich
December 16: Thomas French
December 18: Juan de la Cruz Perez (novice), Stephen Tutas
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.