December 16, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Bro. Esteban Reyes Durán has been assigned to the Cape May Marianist Community with ministry at the Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape May Point, New Jersey. We are thankful that the U.S. Immigration system has finally moved forward to allow for Bro. Esteban to obtain a new R-1, Religious Worker Visa.

To assist in balancing numbers in the St. Louis communities, Fr. Oscar Vasquez is assigned to the Chaminade Marianist Community.

Area Coordinator, California

After consultation with the brothers in California, Bro. Jack Somerville has accepted the position of California Area Coordinator. The term will extend until August 2024. Since Bro. David Betz has already moved to Dayton, this appointment will begin immediately. I wish to thank Bro. David for his service as the Area Coordinator. I also thank Bro. Jack for accepting this additional responsibility.

Congratulations to Sr. Grace Walle

Marianist Sister, Sr. Grace Walle, FMI, the chaplain for the Law school at St. Mary’s University was honored as the recipient of the 2021 Community Service Award by the Mexican American Bar Association of San Antonio on December 11. The Association promotes social, economic and educational advancement of people of Mexican heritage. Sr. Grace is known for her commitment and dedication to helping law students and their families when the need arises as they transition through law school.
Congratulations to Bro. Diniswayo Soko, Eastern Africa

As he is known to folks in the Society of Mary, Bro. Soko has completed a Master’s degree in Business Administration at St. Mary’s University. Bro. Soko will be returning to Eastern Africa on January 7, 2022. We wish Bro. Soko well as he returns to Eastern Africa and active ministry.

A Request Received

Recently, we received a request for information from a reporter in California. She wanted to get a response from a Marianist on an article she was preparing on our Blessed Mother.  I put her in touch with Fr. James Heft (Lalane Community, Los Angeles). The article appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune. Click here to read the article.

Perpetual Vow Retreat, Eastern Africa

On Sunday of this week, the Perpetual Vow Retreat will begin in Eastern Africa. Please pray for Bros. Emmanuel Saopa and Stanley Gwiyanga who will be on retreat from December 19-January 22. Please also keep the retreat director, Bro. Tom Redmond, in your prayers.

Wellness Hints
Please click here for helpful information on wellness stories/links.

West Pine Staff in Service

For the last several years, the West Pine Staff has gathered twice a year for a day of service. Because of COVID, we were not able to do our day of service, the staff opted to assist Food Outreach in St. Louis. Employees contributed a total of $500.

This Coming Week

  • December 16: West Pine Staff Annual Christmas Luncheon
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,


As we rapidly bring the Advent season to a close, I hope you have had a chance to reflect on the many ways you have been AWAKE and ALERT to the presence of God. I hope everyone in the Province has a wonderful Christmas and know that you are in my personal prayers.

Advent Presentation: December 18

You are invited to "Bridging the Cosmos: An Advent Conversation on Relationships, Human and Divine" on December 18. There is no cost for this presentation. For more information, click here.

JPIC: Laudato
Upcoming Calendar

  • December 18-19: Weekend Masses & marriage preparation, St. Louis
  • December 24: Christmas Eve Masses & St. John Vianney Mass, St. Louis
  • December 25-30: Out of the office
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

No Bad Vibes

As we come near to the end of a calendar year, I want to take this time to thank everyone in the Office of Education for their ongoing commitment in what has indeed been another challenging year. Our ministries continue to thrive in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. One example of this has been the work of the administration and staff at Tecaboca throughout this past year. A theme that emerged there this year was “No Bad Vibes.” These words called to them and each of us during 2021 to endure difficult times with a smile and to do the best we can.
Kay Tally- Foos, director of Tecaboca, stated, “The last two years have been a lesson in 'you’re not in charge,' and having 'the serenity to accept the things you cannot change.' As the administrative and program staff, we have found that working within this context in a prayerful way, trusting, and trusting again, is all we can do. Keeping Tecaboca ready and able to hear the call to service – by all of us pitching in wherever needed – has been our response. My deepest gratitude to Fr. John Thompson and Fr. Brandon Paluch for their support and presence during the year. Thanks as well to aspirant Chicago Schuller (pictured here) for his leadership during the year." 

As we approach 2022, I pray that we would together hold in our heart the coming of Jesus in such a way that allows us to live in hope and to smile even in the midst of whatever challenges may come our way. Blessings to each of you during these remaining days of Advent.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Express Scripts Changes

For all brothers who are using Express Scripts for their Medicare Part D prescription coverage, Express Scripts Medicare is changing to Cigna prescription drug plan for 2022. The change will be effective January 1, 2022. The new prescription cards are being sent out this week to the community directors. Please give your new card to your pharmacy and ask them if they are in Cigna’s network. If they are not, please contact Gina Marty for a complete list of in-network pharmacies.

This will not change your medical insurance at all, just your prescription coverage. Please feel free to email Gina Marty if have any questions.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher

“Nearly all (95%) of perpetually professed sisters, brothers and priests earned at least a college degree, and 70% have a master’s degree or more.” (National Religious Vocation Conference, NRVC).

Try and arrange a time in the future to attend Mass at a college campus to pray with college students about their vocation.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

December 16: Thomas French
December 18: Stephen Tutas
December 22: Timothy Pieprzyca
December 24: Michael Kraszewski
On the Calendar
December 19: Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 23-24: Provincial Offices closed for Christmas
2021 Holiday Schedule for Notes
December 25: Christmas Message from the Provincial Council
January 1, 2022: New Year's Message from the Provincial Council
January 6, 2022: Resume regular schedule for Notes from the Provincial Council
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.