February 10, 2022
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Gabrielle Bibeau has discerned that she will leave the Marianist Sisters and has received dispensation of her temporary vows. The Marianist Sisters are deeply grateful for all Gabby has contributed to the congregation and the Marianist Family over the past decade and offer prayerful support for her future journey. Gabby plans to continue as an active and committed member of the Marianist Family. She will also continue her work with NACMS in Dayton, Ohio.

Provincial Chapter Reports
Please remember to check the portal for the reports from the Provincial Council. Log in and navigate to the Provincial Chapter section located in the center of the fourth row. Please contact Bernadette Groner if you need assistance. I am aware that the different areas of the Province are using varied methods for our traditional pre-chapter meetings. Please be safe!
Join me in thanking the Marianist Center for Lay Formation, Bro. Stephen Glodek (director), Bro. Jack Ventura (assistant director) and Ms. Francine Cruz (administrative assistant) for tending to all the details organizing the virtual Foundation Day this past Saturday. After a short welcome and prayer, Bro. Jack and Ms. Marg Van Herk-Paradis, a Marianist affiliate from Stratford, Ontario, gave presentations for input for our small group discussions. It was a wonderful celebration with lay and professed Marianists present as we virtually shared a little French wine to toast the 221st anniversary. 
If you were unable to view the celebration, please contact Bro. Jack Ventura and he will send you a copy.
Fr. Joe Uvietta’s Funeral Mass
St. Mary’s University has a recorded version available for those who had technical difficulties viewing Fr. Joe’s funeral Mass. Thank you to Ms. Terry Eversole at the West Pine offices and Ms. Liza Sanchez, St. Mary’s University media specialist, for making this available. Click here to view.

Wellness Hints
Please click here for helpful information on wellness stories/links.  

This Coming Week
  • February 10-11: St. Mary’s University Board, virtual
  • February 13-16: Travel to Cupertino for council meetings (14 & 15)    
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

A New Name for MUSP
The Marianist Urban Students Program is in search of a new name. I am seeking input from the province on some possibilities. Please read this document giving the rationale for the change and how communities and individual brothers can participate in the process.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz

Vocation Refresher
“Each year, four or five thousand young women and men join a faith-based volunteer service program for a year of service. They are probably the most identifiable pool of potential vocations to religious life in the United States. Sponsoring a volunteer service program (solely or jointly with others) should be an important consideration for every religious institute.”
(Pathways to Religious Life, Gaunt, p. 178)
How do our volunteer service programs link the service with our Marianist Charism? In what ways do these programs foster a discernment of a vocation of service in the Church (lay, religious, or cleric)?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 12: Robert E. Hughes
February 13: Alvin McMenamy
February 14: Alva Gillis
February 16: Memo Peña Contreras (pre-aspirant)
On the Calendar
February 14-15: Provincial Council meeting, Cupertino
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.