February 14, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez

Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter, Council Reports Posted 
Please remember to read the Provincial Chapter reports. We appreciate feedback to the questions posed.  

Thank you to the San Antonio Communities

Earlier this week, the Provincial Council met in San Antonio. The meetings were held on the campus of St. Mary’s University. The University and the Marianist Communities did a wonderful job of hosting us during these days.  

Personnel Assignment

Bro. Victor Forlani has moved temporarily to the Sienna Woods Community. While he is away from Alumni Hall, Fr. Joe Kozar, has been named acting director. Please join me in praying for a speedy recovery for our Brother, Victor. 

This Coming Week

  • February 19-23: Chaminade University, Board Meetings & Marianist Hall Community Visitation
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Valentine's Day

On this day we are reminded to reflect on the interior of our “hearts.” What are the heartful & spiritual qualities that we each seek in our lives? St. Augustine reminds us, “You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in YOU.”
Here is a blessing that we are praying in our prayer service at the offices on West Pine today:

I said a Valentine prayer for you
and asked the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
with the precious gift of love.

I asked Him for sincere love
the kind that’s meant to stay
Just like the generous love you give
To those you touch each day.

I prayed for love from my family and community
and from every cherished friend.
Then I asked the Lord to give you His love
that knows no end.

Vallombrosa Workshop

We just completed a wonderful workshop on Christology and Scripture, “Will the real Jesus please stand up.” We had a terrific variety of participants from the Province membership. The evaluations were excellent. I invite you to see who participated and review the results of the evaluations. The Office of Religious Life is being encouraged to do another workshop next year. 

ORL Advisory Council

Last Saturday, the Advisory Council spent all day in meetings reflecting on a variety of topics concerned with our spiritual lives. They offered great advice and encouragement. We spent time reviewing the Report to the Chapter; reflecting on how we celebrate funerals; looking at our retreat offerings; having an extended conversation on parishes and the having very important conversations around formation (initial & ongoing).

Spiritual Reading 

Several of our Brothers have read and recommended highly Fr. Ron Rolheiser’s book, Wrestling With God. It might be a good read for Lent and possibly to be worked into our retreat conversations as Fr. Rolheiser addresses themes around faith, meaning, hope and struggle.

Resource for Healthy Life and Ministry

Free interesting courses and Webinars, click here

Schedule for the Next Two Weeks Before Provincial Chapter

  • Visitation to the novitiate community, Dayton
  • Visitation to Queen of Apostles Parish, Dayton
  • Committee meeting: Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
  • Meeting with Brian Reavey, director of JPIC
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s Happening

I am headed to Hawaii next week to attend the board meetings of both Saint Louis School and Chaminade University of Honolulu. It is wonderful to see the continuing spirit of collaboration between two ministries who share the same campus. Thanks to Lynn Babington, president of Chaminade University and Glenn Medeiros, president of Saint Louis School for their leadership in creating this strong partnership. A special thank you to each Brother and each member of the Marianist family who contribute to our Marianist mission in Hawaii. It is alive and it is vibrant because of you.

A Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by Mary Kenney , province archivist for the National Archives of the Marianist Province of the United States(NAMPUS). Mary shares her hope and joy in how St. Mary’s University Department of History has partnered with NAMPUS.

Museum and History graduate students, led by Professor Margaret Sternbergh, are using the lobby of the National Archives of the Marianist Province of the United States as their museum exhibit laboratory. 

The Master of Arts in Public History program prepares students to curate public history experiences drawing on the heritage of San Antonio and South Texas where the Marianists led the establishment of schools and parishes in the new State of Texas.

Selecting objects and text from the Marianist Archives and developing an alluring narration, supported by historical research, these young emerging professionals uncover, describe and create a narrative of Marianist “stories waiting to be told.”

Using the Fr. Louis Reile, S.M. Personal Papers, 1925–2003, students Steven Hemphill and Geremy Landin Fall created a finding aid as a course project, serving NAMPUS as well as giving both graduate students an opportunity to produce a professional document, useful to subsequent researchers.

The eight participating graduate students selected 100 plus objects for consideration which NAMPUS archivist, Lisa Finnie, entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Each student then selected a small number of objects around which an exhibit proposal could be organized. In the Spring semester an actual exhibit will be created in the NAMPUS lobby. If all goes as planned, museum-quality lighting will be installed early in 2019, creating a permanent exhibition space with flexible floor plans.

Forging partnerships with faculty and with the San Antonio museum and archives communities is a major goal of the Marianist Archives, accomplishing our vision for the future.
St. Mary’s History Department students partner with NAMPUS
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Monthly Resource

With the goal of delving deeper into the spirituality of justice, peace and integrity of creation as a province, we present you with our second Monthly JPIC Resource for SM Communities. We hope this provides an opportunity for ongoing conversation, education, formation and prayer for you and your community. Each month will have a different theme, and this month's theme is Collaboration. In addition to suggested reading materials and discussion questions, there is also a prepared prayer service. Feel free to utilize this JPIC Resource as is, or adapt it as necessary to best meet the needs of your group. Please let us know how we can further assist you and your JPIC efforts at any time. 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 14: Alva Gillis
February 20: James Heft, Kevin Whelan
February 21: Fred Halwe, Geunwoo John Shim [(KO) pre-novice], Irwin Wachtel
On the Calendar
February 14: Valentine's Day
February 18: President's Day (Provincial Office Closed)
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.