February 17, 2022
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new

Dear Brothers,


Fr. Tom French (Chaminade Community) has been appointed to the College of Consultors for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. This appointment is in addition to his duties as pastor of Our Lady of the Pillar (St. Louis) and serving on the Presbyteral Council. 

Wellness Hints
Please click here for helpful information on wellness stories/links.  
Upcoming Calendar
  • February 18: Barat Academy, presentation & Mass 
  • February 19: Meeting with summer 2022 planning group, virtual
  • February 20-24: Colegio San José  board meeting/various Province virtual meetings
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

ACCU Convention – Called Together

Recently, I attended the annual conference of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Washington, D.C. The following colleagues joined me:

  • Dr. Savio Franco (Province Leadership Development)
  • Fr. John Thompson (VP for Mission at Saint Mary’s University)
  • Fr. Bill Meyer (Rector at Saint Mary’s University)
  • Bro. Ed Brink (VP for Mission and Rector at Chaminade University)
  • Fr. Jim Fitz (VP for Mission and Rector at the University of Dayton)
  • Bro. Ed Violett (Provost and VP for Academics at the Franciscan University)
  • Fr. Jim Heft (Theologian and professor of religion at USC)

Fr. Jim Heft spoke to the conference regarding his latest book, "The Future of Catholic Higher Education." He discussed issues of Catholic identity, the role of the theology department, preference for the study of theology over religious studies, and the complexity of hiring for the mission. Jim was engaging, insightful, descriptive, and hopeful in his assessment while recognizing the reality of living in a pluralistic Church.

The theme of the conference was “Called Together.” Other important presentations were offered to address both the challenges and opportunities in higher education today.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General, gave an inspirational talk on how Covid has impacted our lives and how the existence of loneliness and social isolation that exists in our society is calling us to a renewed sense of relationship and community. How Marianist is that?
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocations Chapter Report
If you would like to view a video version of the vocations part of the chapter report, please click here.
Vocation Refresher
Click below to join Bro. John Lemker as he takes a stroll down memory lane at the Novitiate.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 20: James Heft, Kevin Whelan
February 21: Fred Halwe,Geunwoo John Shim [(KO) novice], Irwin Wachtel
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