February 28, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Prayers for the Provincial Chapter

This evening we begin the Provincial Chapter, I ask that you continue to pray for the blessing of the Spirit upon our Provincial Chapter.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Next Week: Begins the Season of Lent

It is hard to believe but we are already on the verge of Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday! This is a great time for us to reflect on our baptismal call and renewal as well as our call to reconciliation and forgiveness. 

Every week, we will be inviting one of our Brothers to offer a reflection as they think about the daily readings, the 40 day journey, and what this season means for them.

The spiritual writer, Joan Chittister offers a wonderful pamphlet that you might find helpful titled, Mary, a Beacon to Light the Way. It can be ordered through Benetvision.

Conversational Retreats

Several Brothers have inquired about the conversational retreats so I thought I would make a couple of comments. 

Matt Dunn, Bro. Jack Ventura and I have met a couple of times to plan the retreats around themes connected to our Marianist Family: our call as baptized persons to discipleship; our call to holiness and prayer; our call to religious life in the Marianist family; our call to share a Marian model of Church for our world; our call to be people of justice and reconciliation; our call to be saints and reflect on our heroes! Great themes that lend themselves to reflective questions for sharing.

Every day we will have someone present the theme and give a conference. A process will then follow for conversation.

We are hoping to involve some of our Lay Partners and Affiliates to join us for part of the time or the whole time. Matt Dunn will be extending an invitation to the Marianist Lay Communities with registration through the Office of Religious Life. 

We will have daily prayer and Eucharist and time for quiet as well.

Next Week

Following the Provincial Chapter, I will join our formation team in California for Formation Weekend (March 7-10). Formators and those in initial formation from the three Provinces (Province of the US, Province of Meribah and Marianist Sisters) will be present to reflect on prayer and liturgy. I have invited Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S. to give some of the presentations. Sr. Joyce Ann is the director of the Institute for Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio, and an adjunct professor of liturgy at the Athenaeum of Ohio. Please pray for all of us!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

March 4: Province chapter concludes
March 6-8:Baltimore
March 9: Cupertino

A Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by Rev. Jim Fitz, SM , Vice President for Mission and Rector at the University of Dayton.

I find great hope and joy in engaging with the students here at the University of Dayton. There are many stories. Let me reflect on students who serve. Service was a part of the life of Jesus and Mary. The fact that our students embrace their example brings me hope.

Some examples: 
  • There are over 40 service clubs in the Center of Social Concern in campus ministry; many student initiated.  
  • Campus Ministry and ETHOS sponsor both domestic and international immersion service trips.  
  • The Fitz Center for Leadership in Community sponsors many opportunities for service in the Dayton community.
  • The Center for Catholic Education sponsors educators in under-resourced Catholic schools (the Lalanne program).  

What is most impressive are the reflections students share after their service. Here is a small taste:
  • “The most important thing that I learned this semester is that relationships and the trust that stems from them are at the foundation when it comes to working with people.”
  • “Indeed, the love that Homeboy Industries offers is just like our merciful heavenly Father . . . But will I be willing to open the door of love and mercy in my heart and forgive people’s past and focus on their future?”
  • “These children (REDS) and people were such happy individuals; the schools we walked into radiated joy, which was refreshing compared to the entitled culture we live in where children are granted so much yet do not understand why they should be grateful.”
The ETHOS Center (Engineers in Technical Humanitarian Opportunities of Service Learning) seeks to provide service-learning experiences through technical immersions, student activities, research and hands-on projects. Through these experiences, students have gained perspectives on how engineering and technology are influenced by the world. Participating students, as seen above, have been able to use their engineering skills for humanitarian purposes, serving others through practical engineering knowledge. Our alumni learn about the world, different cultures and themselves.                         
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Annual JPIC Advisory Committee Meets 

This past weekend, nine of ten Province JPIC Advisory Committee members gathered in Dayton for annual meetings. We discussed a variety of reports, updates and projects, as well as spent time visioning possible initiatives for the future. On Saturday evening we concluded our meetings with dinner and sharing with the Marianist PULSE Community. 

Please continue to keep us in prayer as we delve deeper into the spirituality of justice, and as always, please let us know how we can help you and your communities further advance justice, peace and integrity of creation in the Province and beyond.
Not pictured: Bro. Roger Bau & Brian Reavey , photographer
A Note of Thanks
Dear Brothers,

Thank You

I want to thank you for the overwhelming support and prayers that you have offered to me and my family as we mourn the loss of my mother, Kathleen. I was moved by the outpouring of letters, emails, calls and cards offering support and consolation. There were more than 20 of my Marianist Brothers at the funeral. Your presence and prayers were especially meaningful to my father, Chuck, who has come to know so many of you over the years. You weren’t just people he met attending a funeral, you are my Brothers and you are our family. I am sincerely grateful and my family was truly touched. On behalf of them, I thank you.

  - Charlie
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 2: Richard Dix
March 4: James Bartlett, Thomas Giardino
March 6: Chester Burnog, Christian Janson
On the Calendar
February 28-March 4: Provincial Chapter
March 6: Ash Wednesday
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.