February 7, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter, Council Reports Posted
Please remember to read the Provincial Chapter reports which are located on the portal. We appreciate feedback to the questions posed.  

A New Model for Sponsorship at St. Laurence College in Ireland

Tomorrow, at the Annual General Meeting of the Le Chéile Schools, the agreement to transfer the sponsorship of St. Laurence College from the Province to Le Chéile will be formalized. This is part of the Province’s long-term succession plans in Ireland. We had previously announced to the Province our intention to pass the control and oversight of the operation of St Laurence College to this Catholic Schools Trust that incorporates 63 other schools. This process was begun by the previous Council. Please see the formal letter that I will be sending to various audiences and publics of the College. The Brothers in Ireland have been a part of the process from the very beginning and they will remain involved with the school as long as this is feasible. The school staff and the Board of Management were informed at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year and they both endorse the initiative. The Province will continue to have an on-going supportive relationship with St. Laurence College via the LIFE program and other program offerings from the Office of Sponsorship. Bro. Jesse O’Neill is now in Ireland and will be at the Annual General Meeting representing the Province. To learn more about Le Chéile, visit their web site

Serving the Church, Committee on Catholic Education

Congratulations to Fr. James Heft who has received a three-year appointment as a consultant to the Committee on Catholic Education for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Thank you to Jim for saying "yes." 

Serving the Church, Archdiocese of St. Louis

Congratulations to Fr. Tom French. Fr. Tom has been recognized by the Archdiocese of St. Louis and has been appointed to the Archdiocesan Council of Priests as a representative for the religious in the Archdiocese. Thank you Tom for saying "yes."  

Ordination in India

We rejoice with the Brothers in the District of India as they celebrate the ordination of Fr. Suman Dungdung as a Marianist priest. The ordaining prelate was Most Rev. Bishop Felix Toppo. Fr. Suman was ordained on January 28, at Blessed Chaminade parish in Singhpur. His pastoral year will be at Blessed Chaminade parish. Congratulations Fr. Suman! See more photos.

This Coming Week

  • February 6-8: Board Meeting, St. Mary’s University

  • February 11-13: Provincial Council Meeting, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Consultation on perpetual vows

Bros. Jean Dossous , Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez and Allen Pacquing  are requesting perpetual vows in the Society of Mary.

If you are a perpetually professed brother who has lived with Bros. Jean, Juan Pablo or Allen in the past three years, you should have received by now a consultation form either from your Director or from myself. If this has not happened, please send me an email with the request.

I would like to extend an invitation to any perpetually professed member of the Province to offer any reflections that you may have on any one of these Brothers in this time of discernment for them.

Please email your consultation form or reflections to myself or to my administrative assistant, Donna Tucker no later than February 15, 2019.

Let us keep Bros. Jean, Juan Pablo and Allen in our prayers.
Bro. Jean Dossous
Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez
Bro. Allen Pacquing

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

Next week, I travel to San Antonio, Texas, for Provincial Council meetings and to visit the community at Central Catholic High School. It will be a great honor for me to share time with the Brothers who have given decades of service to the mission of our Marianist life. I will have the opportunity to visit the school and to re-discover the great things happening there. The Provincial Council will have our annual corporation meeting with both Central Catholic and Tecaboca. This time with our Province leadership gives us a chance to affirm the work of these important ministries as well as identify possible challenges that may exist as we move into the future. Please keep this time of visitation in your prayers.  

A Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by William Raddell , teacher at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School

As a teacher in a Marianist school for 47 years, it is my hope that students will grow in their faith and in their relationship with the Lord as a result of their experience in school. I have students who have come back and shared how that has happened for them after they left the school. For each of the last three years, though, I have seen this happening in our midst. I think a key catalyst has been the development of our Kairos retreat program. Many students describe it as "life changing." What has particularly been a source of joy is that for each of the last three years we have had a student who either was not raised in any particular faith tradition or had only a nominal Christian background decide that they wanted to become Catholic. Two have gone through the RCIA program and been initiated into the Church and one has just started the process. At a time when so many young people are abandoning the Church, it is a great joy to see young people who have chosen to embrace our rich tradition.
Junior, Miranda Speck , who is entering RCIA, is pictured above with one of Villa Angela-St. Joseph’s Religion teachers, Brianna Wilson , who is her sponsor.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Racism Listening Sessions

In response to the recent Bishop's Pastoral Letter, Open Wide Our Hearts, the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee is hosting local gatherings in multiple dioceses to hear testimonies on the impact of racism in our communities. Check your local diocese to find out more information, but here are two we were able to announce via online research and word-of-mouth:

Friendly Reminder

If your community would like to discuss Racial Justice in more depth, click here to access our JPIC Monthly Resource from last month. In addition to suggested reading materials and discussion questions, there is also a prayer service focused on racial healing. Feel free to utilize this JPIC Resource as is, or adapt it as necessary to best meet the needs of your group. 

Your Advocacy Made a Difference

Thanks to your many calls, letters and emails in response to action alerts from Catholic collaborators, Congress passed into law several pieces of legislation which support those who are poor and vulnerable in our world:

  • The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018 was passed after two years of hard work. Given the many humanitarian crises faced by those in Syria and Iraq, this much needed legislation will assist and support those who are most vulnerable and have the greatest need in the region. The act ensures the mechanisms of justice are honored and provides direct assistance to those facing forced migration and persecution, especially based on faith.

  • The Farm Bill was passed with bipartisan support just before the end of the year. This critical piece of domestic legislation remains one of the most important ways the nation can demonstrate its solidarity with poor and hungry people at home and around the world, offer support to struggling family farmers and ranchers, encourage sustainable stewardship of the land, and help vulnerable rural communities thrive. The Farm Bill offers support for domestic nutrition programs and international food and development programs which reduce famine around the world. Additional resources were also directed to conservation and rural development efforts.

  • The FIRST STEP Act, which included the re-authorization of the Second Chance Act, is progress towards long-term criminal justice reform. This reform seeks more equitable application of our justice system and provides valuable resources for prisoners to prepare for reintegration into our communities, which benefits everyone. The Second Chance Act in particular helps those returning citizens make contributions to their families and community. Cardinal DiNardo said, “The First Step Act advances the causes of justice and mercy in our criminal justice system.”

Linking the Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Founders Week Hollywood, FL

Sr. Gabby Bibeau and I were invited to visit Chaminade-Madonna during Founders Week and had a wonderful visit. We shared our vocation stories and talked about vocations to the whole student body over two and a half days. We attended a Marianist LIFE meeting and joined the local Marianist community in renewing our vows at the all school Mass. We were also able to join the Marianist Lay Community.  I am very grateful for our many hosts.  

Marianist Family Council of St. Louis

On January 27, I joined the Marianist Family Council of St. Louis for Mass, a presentation and a meal celebrating Founders Week. I gave a presentation during which I discussed the culture of vocations and about how the entire Marianist Family is an essential resource for helping our young people listen to God’s call.  

I am very grateful and impressed that the entire Cape May Community presented about vocations at a career day at a local school. Thank you, Bro. Al Koch, Bro. Stan Zubek and Fr. Dave McGuigan for your wonderful witness to our communal life.  
Dayton Vocations Animation Committee

On February 1, I joined the Dayton Vocations Animation Committee (DVAC) for one of their monthly Discernment Evenings. A Discernment Evening consists of joining a community for evening prayer, dinner, a presentation, personal prayer time and sharing followed by then compline. This month, Bro. Mitch Schweickart gave a wonderful presentation about tools for discernment, comparing the tools of his daily ministry to tools needed for vocational discernment.  
Moeller Marianist Community

On February 6, Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I (Moeller Graduates) joined Moeller Marianist Community for an all school Mass celebrated by Fr. Kip Stander. It was also a time for celebration. Bro. Ron Luksic and I renewed our vows and Fr. Larry Schoettelkotte celebrated his anniversary of ordination. Thanks to Bro. Bob Flaherty for the invitation.  

Upcoming Events

  • February 9: Religious Life Advisory Board Meeting 

  • February 14-17: Assisting with the Marianist PULSE retreat in San Antonio

  • February 22-24: Attending the StMU Awakening Retreat
  • March 2: Chapter Report 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 7: Francisco González
February 10: Kenneth Sommer
February 12: Robert E. Hughes
February 13: Alvin McMenamy
February 14: Alva Gillis
On the Calendar
February 11: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
February 11-13: Provincial Council Meetings, San Antonio
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.