March 10, 2022
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter
Thank you for your prayerful support of the Provincial Chapter. Our meetings concluded this past Monday, March 7. In the final evaluation, several members noted how fraternal the discussions were not only in the chapter itself but also in the various areas of the province.

We are preparing to send a report to Fr. André-Joseph Fétis and the General Council soon. Once he has ratified the Acts of the Provincial Chapter, I will publish the Circular.

Dioceses and Archdioceses across the U.S. and worldwide are sponsoring conversations on synodality. Each diocese is handling the process differently. Chaminade University’s Marianist Lecture featured Bishop Robert McElroy on synodality. The title of his presentation was “A Synodal Church: Proclaiming Jesus to the World.” The presentation was very well received. You can click here to listen.

Catholic Sisters Week: March 8-14
Our Church began celebrating Catholic Sisters Week (CSW) this Tuesday. As Marianist Brothers, we give thanks for opportunities to collaborate with religious sisters, particularly our Marianist Sisters. The Religious Formation Conference provides an excellent resource to search for virtual or in-person CSW activities. Click here for more details.

Wellness Hints:
Please click here for helpful information on wellness stories/links.

This Coming Week
  • March 11-13: Assist with parish Masses, OLP 
  • March 14-15: Provincial Council meetings, St. Louis
  • March 16-17: Staff meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Lenten Prayer
As we enter fully into our Lenten journey, click here to enjoy a beautiful prayer written by Fr. Steve Tutas.

Formation Weekend
Beginning this evening (March 10), we will have 25 participants from three provinces who will gather at Bergamo to reflect on our Vow of Poverty. I am so grateful to everyone for your prayers for this important time for our brothers and sisters in initial formation.

Patronal Feast
As we anticipate the Patronal Feast of the Marianist Family on March 25th, Feast of the Annunciation. I invite you to read the newsletter prepared by our Marianist Sisters by clicking here.
Feast of St. Joseph – March 19
Husband of Mary, Foster father of Jesus, Patron of workers and the dying, Patron of the universal Church, listen to the words of Blessed Chaminade on St Joseph:

“Yes, my dear children, our destiny is in the hands of Joseph. What a powerful motive for hope and what a happy presage! Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and the Head of the Holy Family, Joseph has been kind enough to accept us as his children and to permit us to call him Father! Let us then pray to Saint Joseph with all fervor and confidence. Great power has been given him in heaven and on the earth. He can obtain for us from the august Mary all that is lacking to us, all that we need, even in the temporal order, and he wishes for us all kinds of good. Let us then, my dear children, have for him an entirely filial devotion and may his name be blessed without ceasing in our hearts and on our lips with those of Jesus and Mary."(Chaminade, Letters, no. 1253, Circular Letter to the Marianist Communities, March 21, 1841)
Prayer for the people of Ukraine
Last week, I provided a prayer as we continue to lift up the people of Ukraine and pray for peace and for so many who have now died or who have become refugees. Please click here for another prayer.

Upcoming Calendar
  • March 9-13: Dayton: Formation Weekend
  • March 14-15: Provincial Council Meetings
  • March 14: Reconciliation Service: Pillar Parish
  • March 15: CCP Mission Integration Mtg
  • March 17-20: L.A. Religious Ed Congress
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Urban Students Program (MUSP)
Thanks to the members of the province who submitted a potential new name for MUSP. We received many creative responses. Please remember to send any other suggestions to me by March 15th. This discernment will continue by sharing the suggested names with the four directors of the program. Please join us in asking the Holy Spirit to continue guiding this process.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter Vocation Highlights
I created an abbreviated recap video of my Provincial Chapter presentation; please click here to watch. I am open to hearing more suggestions on Vocation Ministry as we collectively “turn up the heat.”

Important notes of interest and engagement include:

  • Quarterly roundtable discussions will continue, but please share with me ideas on how best to communicate with you. In the past, I advertised events in “Notes” for two weeks and then sent a reminder email the day before. I use Horizon articles as the topics for pre-reading of the roundtable discussions. Click here for other subjects proposed by chapter members. 

  • If you are willing to help lead a virtual discernment group, please sign up here. Thank you to Bro. David Betz for already filling it out. 

  • I am excited to share my ideas about a session at the Assembly or other Vocations Summits that focus on “who are we inviting” and “how are we inviting.” I hope to bring in outside wisdom from Springtide Research to the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) to guide this conversation. For an example, click here. The webinar has me thinking about creating a personalized approach rooted in research and best practices. 

Please know my prayers for you as you serve as vocation leaders in your ministries, communities and province.

Vocation Refresher
“67% of sisters, brothers, and priests pray using Lectio Divina/spiritual reading, and reflection as part of their regular prayer life.” (National Religious Vocation Conference, NRVC)

How can we utilize readings and prayer books to engage young adults and students in creative ways to help them discern their vocation? How can we reflect on our Marianist Charism, sharing that reflection as an example to others?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 14: John Laudenbach
March 16: Robert Juenemann
On the Calendar
March 14-15: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
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