March 14, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Personnel Assignment

As was announced by the General Council, Bro. Lester Kaehler will be completing his term as vice-rector of the seminary in August, 2019. Beginning Sept. 1, Bro. Lester will be assigned to the Casa Maria Community with ministry in support of the vocation/formation program.  
India Liaison

Please join me in thanking Bro. Dennis Schmitz for his assistance to the Province and the District of India by serving as the provincial liaison to India. He has done this in addition to his regular duties as part of the Marianist Center of Hawaii. These visits take time and much energy. Bro. Dennis will be bringing his tenure to a close this semester. His contributions have been invaluable as he has visited with each Brother, community and ministry in the district. The Indian District Council now visits each community twice each year.  
This Coming Week

  • March 18-19: CMSM Region V meeting, St. Louis
  • March 19-22: Community & ministry visitation (with Fr. John Thompson) to the Ciudad Juárez Community.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Formation Weekend 

Close to 30 individuals in initial stages of formation along with their formators from the three provinces (Province of the US, Marianist Sisters and the Meribah Province) gathered at the Vallombrosa Retreat Center in Menlo Park to reflect on the topic of prayer, Liturgy of the Hours and Eucharist.

In addition to the presentations and discussions, there was time for the formators to meet together as a whole, and also by individual provinces. At the end of the weekend, everyone was transported to the Marianist Care Center in Cupertino for a panel discussion, celebration of Sunday Eucharist and a delightful social/dinner with 22 of the Marianists who live there. The next formation weekend will take place in November on the topic of Marianist Education Today
Formation weekend group photo.
Siena Woods Retreat in August

We received word that our original presenter for the Siena Woods Retreat, Bishop Matthew Clark, is not able to be with us due to his own health issues.

We are delighted that Virginia A. Blass has agreed to be the presenter. The topics will remain the same: Aging with Grace and Learning From Our Life Lessons.

Virginia A. Blass, D.Min.,M.A., M.Ed. is an experienced and certified spiritual director, preacher, author and retreat master. Virginia has been engaged in ministry for over twenty-five years, and offers spiritual direction, guided retreats, parish missions, parish programs and consultation. She was also a special education teacher for many years.

Virginia has engaged in ministry in collaboration with both the Passionists and Jesuits of the Tri-Province for many years. She has been "on team" in retreat centers in: Calvary Monastery in Shrewsbury, MA; Eastern Point Retreat Center in Gloucester, MA; Campion Center in Weston, MA and Bishop Molloy Retreat Center in Jamaica, NY. She is presently a member of the Passionist Preacher’s Mission Team. Virginia has also developed several resources in areas of parish social outreach, retreats and Ignatian spirituality.  
Lenten Reflections and Resources
Please read these reflections written by two of our Brothers linked below:

In addition, you might enjoy watching these very short videos.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

  • March 18: Visit to Chaminade College Preparatory–Chatsworth, California 
  • March 20: Return to St. Louis

A Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by Deacon César Ávila , principal of Colegio San José in Puerto Rico.

Two important words for the Society of Mary today are: "laity" and "families." This was one of the many important statements that Fr. Donald Wallace listed in the celebration of the Eucharist in honor of the feast of the founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. All the students were present in the auditorium, along with the teachers, parents, families and alumni. Fr. Wallace stressed the importance of knowing the stories and places of those important figures of the Society of Mary and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.

During the celebration of the Mass, the members of the Marianist Youth Movement of the school (grades 6-12) responded "amen," after each of the commitments they assumed as young Marianists: to generate more fraternal environments, participate in the Eucharist and to search for moments of encounter with God through prayer. At the conclusion of Mass, the president of our school, Bro. Francisco González, addressed some words of thanks to these new founders, who stand out for their support and unconditional commitment to the institution.
Founders Day Mass at Colegio San Jose
Fr. Donald Wallace presides at the Founders Day Mass at Colegio San José. To his left is principal Deacon César Ávila, and to his right is Fr. Armando Añeses, faculty member at the school.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Monthly Resource for Communities

With the goal of delving deeper into the spirituality of justice, peace and integrity of creation as a Province, we present you with our third Monthly JPIC Resource for SM Communities. We hope this provides an opportunity for ongoing conversation, education, formation and prayer for you and your community. Each month will have a different theme. This month's theme is the Dignity & Rights of Workers, paired with the feast of St. Joseph and socially responsible investing. In addition to suggested reading materials and discussion questions, there is also a prayer option included. Feel free to utilize this JPIC Resource as is, or adapt it as necessary to best meet the needs of your group. Please let us know how we can further assist you and your JPIC efforts at any time. 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 14: Raymond Gohring, John Laudenbach
March 16: Robert Juenemann
March 20: Peter Pontolillo
March 21: Giancarlo Bonutti
On the Calendar
March 13-15: Provincial Council Meetings, Cupertino
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 19: St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Patron of the SM)
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.