News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
March 15, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Passage to India

After the Provincial Chapter meeting, representatives from the District of India met with our Mission Advancement Office and with the new province leadership.

Fr. Sudhir Kujur and Bros. Darwin Joseph and Lucian Tigga met with Allison Hewitt, Bro. Bernie Ploeger and me to review the current financial situation of the district and to plan for funding for important capital projects.

The meeting was informative, productive and encouraging. The district is working to develop an English-medium school, St. Joseph-Chaminade Academy, in Bangalore. Watch for more about this project as plans unfold.

From left, Bro. Darwin, Fr. Oscar, Bro. Bernie, Fr. Sudhir, Fr. Marty and Bro. Lucien.

That meeting was followed by two extended meetings with Fr. Oscar Vasquez, Bro. Bernie and me. We covered an array of topics, from formation issues, to leadership development, to implementation of the five-year strategic plan. Our time together provided the new province leadership with an overview of the District of India and its concerns. Oscar and Bernie look forward to a visit to the district as they begin their term of service to the province.

Out of Africa

As part of our ongoing support for the growth and development of the Region of Eastern Africa, our Mission Advancement Office has been engaged in fundraising for the regional ministries.

Outstanding in this regard is the "Partnering with the Poor" program, begun by the late Fr. David Paul, and given quantum development by Bro. Alex Tuss. The Advancement Office also works with a number of major donors and funding agencies for African ministries.

The Region of Eastern Africa has a number of interesting projects under development. Bernie and I will travel to Nairobi at the end of May to meet with regional leadership about transition to our new leadership and about the sequencing of funding for regional ministry development.

Sayounara and mahalo

I was privileged to preside at the Mass of Transferral for Fr. Francis Nakagawa at the Cupertino Community on Monday afternoon. Fr. Francis would have celebrated 70 years of Marianist life in June.

Thanks to Bro. Jack Somerville, Grace Pancipanci and the brothers in the community for the care they provided Francis. Now he can celebrate his wonderful jubilee with all the saints!

Let us pray for each other during these days of Lent.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Lenten resources

From SLIconnect

When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Coping With Perfectionism, 1-2 p.m. EDT today or on demand. Learn more.

From the Religious Formation Conference

Spirituality of Holy Week webinar, March 21. Sr. Sally Latkovich reflects on the events of the Triduum and how they act as catalysts to renew the faith community. Learn more.

Important Marian conferences

From the International Marian Research Institute
Mary, yesterday and today, April 6
Frs. Thomas Thompson and Johann Roten present this sixth online forum. Participants will receive advance copies of the papers that will be presented. There is no cost to join the forum. Register by March 23. Learn more.

From the Mariological Society of America
Mary and the Sacraments of Healing and Christian Vocation, May 15-18 at Bergamo Center. This is the society's 69th annual program. Learn more

Reminder! Sign up now for annual retreat

If you haven't already, please sign up now for the 2018 Province Retreat. You have three options:
  • May 27-June 2: Silent retreat at Tecaboca
  • June 10-16: Spirit of Saragossa at Bergamo
  • Individually scheduled: Private retreat, with approval from the Office of Religious Life. Please contact Fr. Bill Meyer.
Registration deadline is March 26. Register now.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Earth Day resource

The Global Catholic Climate Movement invites the faithful to celebrate International Mother Earth Day on April 21. The theme is "Coming Together for Our Common Home." Learn more.

Changemakers in California

Join us at Chaminade in West Hills for a day-long Changemakers social justice conference on April 28. Learn more.

Marianist PULSE Blog 
Marianist PULSE continues to thrive! One new initiative is a blog featuring reflections from PULSE volunteers, formators, partners in ministry and PULSE alumni. Former PULSEr Ellen Yoder was a recent guest blogger. Read it.

Via Latina 22
On the calendar
March 19: St. Joseph, spouse of Mary
March 23-25: Provincial Council 
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