March 21, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,


At one of the pre-Chapter meetings, an issue was brought to the attention of the Province. The concern was that even though the communities in Mexico are now “communities” of the Province and not a separate district, they had not been incorporated fully into the Province portal. The Marianists in Mexico are now included under “Find a Brother.” Additionally, the Marianists in Mexico have been invited to access the portal.

Provincial Chapter Follow-Up

The ACTS of the Chapter were sent to the Superior General for ratification immediately after the Chapter on March 7. As soon as we receive the ratification, I will publish the ACTS of the Chapter to the Province. In addition, I will notify those that submitted propositions on the disposition of the propositions by the Chapter. This process, waiting for ratification from Rome, is very important to our collegial approach to life.  

This Coming Week

  • March 21: Return from visiting the Juárez Community with Fr. John Thompson
  • March 27-April 2: St. Mary's University Board, Ligustrum Community visitation, several meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Retreat Registration Reminder

Just a reminder that all Province members need to inform the Office of Religious Life of your retreat plans by April 1. If you are registering for one of the seven Province retreats, your registration deadline is April 1. At this time, the Cupertino Retreat is filled to capacity.

Lenten Reflections

Many thanks to Fr. Steve Tutas for submitting his Lenten reflection for Wednesday, March 27, click here.

Next Monday, March 25, is the Feast of the Annunciation. It is also a day that has been designated to pray for our Marianist Family, known now as the Patronal Feast of the Marianist Family. Let’s pause and remember in prayer everyone who is connected with our family.
"Lent invites us to stop eating whatever protects us from having to face the desert that is inside of us. It invites us to feel our smallness, to feel our vulnerability, to feel our fears and to open ourselves up to the chaos of the desert so that we can finally give the angels a chance to feed us."
( Ron Rolheiser, OMI)
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

copy pending

A Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by Caytie Lagrange , biology teacher and Mission Integration Team (MIT) coordinator at Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory

A table—very simple, nothing special, but round. Annually, the familiar story is told, one that we all know. And each year that passes, each new student and faculty member that witnesses the table being set, remembers it. It is a tradition that, through a story, defines our Marianist traditions and our charism. A tradition that is only familiar to a few schools. A connection that is set deep into our history and understanding of our founder and his devout intentions.

To a Marianist, this is all too familiar. So why does the table stand out so strongly? I have taught at other schools, who were also based on a strong tradition, even that of Mary. Even then, we had Brothers on campus; their presence was known, but the history and charism were not. Every student at Chaminade-Madonna, whether they can verbally define the Marianist Charism or not, they all recognize the feeling of hospitality, the drive for adaptation and change and the presence of love on our campus. The table is merely a physical representation of who we are and where we come from, but also where we will always be. We will always have room around the table, to welcome each other.

Even in other interpretations, this past February 14th, a round table supported the faces of the 17 victims from the Stoneman Douglas Shooting. Candles were lit as names were called out to recognize the peers of our students—students from our own backyard. Although this round table displayed a different story, it was a story none the less, representing the love and recognition of our charism, and the hope we hold in our hearts to continue to move toward a better world. 
The Chaminade-Madonna community honors the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting at a ceremony which occurred on February 14, 2019, the one-year anniversary of the tragedy.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 21: Giancarlo Bonutti
March 22: Reinaldo Berríos, Thomas Oles, William Schlosser
March 24: Stanley Murakami
March 26: Robert Metzger
March 28: Roland Bunda
On the Calendar
March 25: The Annunciation of the Lord
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.