News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
March 22, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Faithful, most senior Marianists

With the death of Fr. Eugene Hick on March 16 in Bordeaux, two of our brothers become the oldest and second-oldest members of the Society of Mary.

At 96, Bro. Francis Heyer (Maryland Avenue Community, St. Louis) is the oldest Marianist in the world, followed by Fr. Joseph Stefanelli (Cupertino) who is just a few months younger.

Bro. Francis
Fr. Joe
These men are a blessing to our province, not just because of the honor of longevity, but primarily for their faith, religious commitment, dedication and witness.  
Here's a list of the 30 oldest Marianists in the world, 14 of whom are U.S Province members.

Welcome, Bernadette

As previously announced, Carol Dexter will be leaving us in early April. Taking her place as communications manager is Bernadette McCaffrey-Groner.

Bernadette received her BS in Communications and English from Saint Louis University. She has been working in the nonprofit field since 2001 in a variety of roles, starting off as an editor and writer for the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

A life-long St. Louisan, Bernadette has been working in marketing, event planning and grant writing for the past five years.

She and her husband, Troy, have two children, Wyatt, 7, and Genevieve, 4. She will start training this week and will be in the office officially beginning April 9. Welcome Bernadette!

LA Congress connections

The Marianists had a significant presence at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress again this year. Thanks to everyone who helped support our outreach at this lively gathering of 34,000 Catholic leaders and youth.

We even had a Marianist visitor from Spain, Fr. Daniel Pajuelo, pictured here with Fr. Josephraj from the Marianist Community in West Hills. 

Frs. Daniel and Josephraj
Special thanks to Bro. Mark Motz and those who assisted him at the vocations booth. Thanks, also, to Allison Hewitt, Deanna Snyder and the Mission Advancement Office.

Holy Week prayers

As we begin the final days of Lent, may the coming days truly be a "Holy Week" for us all. Let us remember to pray for one another.
From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Fr. Cris Janson to join St. Joseph Parish

The Provincial Council will nominate Fr. Christian Janson to Archbishop William Lorie of Baltimore for the role of parochial vicar for St. Joseph Parish in Eldersburg.  

Cris will join the Eldersburg community in mid-May when he completes his sabbatical at the School of Applied Theology in Berkeley, California.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Changemakers California

The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative and the Marianist Office of JPIC are sponsoring a day-long Changemakers conference on April 28, at Chaminade College Prep. Join other justice-minded people for workshops, prayer and action opportunities. Learn more.

Integrity of creation webinar

The Catholic Climate Covenant will explore ways religious communities and institutions can reduce their energy consumption and transition to renewable energy sources.

Join the one-hour webinar on March 27 or April 2. Learn more.

Death penalty petition

Ohio plans to put William Montgomery to death on April 11.

Montgomery has maintained his innocence the entire time he's been on death row. Last week, the Ohio Parole Board ruled 6-4 in favor of commuting his death sentence, but the final decision rests with Gov. John Kasich.

Please sign the petition asking Gov. Kasich to stop this execution.
On the calendar
March 22-24: Provincial Council
March 23: Council meets with area coordinators

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.