News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
March 29, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Assembly 2018  

If you have not already done so, please register today for the Province Assembly. 
The Assembly Committee has been working diligently to ensure that our gathering will be fraternal, productive and hope-filled. Please assist by registering so we can plan effectively. Many thanks.
Area coordinators
As part of the recent Provincial Council meeting, we spent time with the province's six area coordinators. The meeting was substantive and encouraging. 
We discussed topics that included a summary report from each area; possibilities for continued "networking" of apostolic ministries in response to Goal D of Vision 2020; the promotion of vocation awareness and commitment within the area; support for the development of Marianist Family Councils across the province; and the common celebrations of funerals, jubilees and retreats. 
With Fr. Oscar Vasquez present, we spent time talking about possibilities for initial engagement with the new provincial leadership team during its first year of service. Finally, Bro. Jack Ventura and Fr. Tim Kenney presented an overview of the upcoming Province Assembly, especially as it involves lay collaborators from the six areas.  
It seemed to everyone that this area structure holds even greater potential for the future. Thanks to those who traveled some distance to take part in this meeting.
Easter peace and joy
"Then give all to Christ, and there is nothing we can give so good as ourselves if we really understand the Mystery."  
St. Gregory Nazianzen
We celebrate this week the great Mystery that stands at the heart of our faith. May this Paschal celebration fill us with peace and joy and inspire our zeal. 

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish you a blessed Easter. 

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

New community assignments

At our recent meeting, the Provincial Council made the following assignments for the next community year:
  • Bro. Tom Giardino from the Maryland Avenue Community in St. Louis to the Stonemill/Kiefaber community in Dayton.
  • Bro. Ron Overman from the Salve Community in St. Louis to the Alumni Hall Community in Dayton.
  • Bro. Robert Hoppe, who has been at the Cupertino Marianist Community taking care of some health issues, will now be there on a permanent basis. 
The council wishes these brothers all the best in their new communities.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Brothers approved for perpetual profession

At its most recent meeting, the Provincial Council approved the requests of Bros. Sylvester Burkemper, José Luis González Molina and Mark Motz for perpetual profession in the Society of Mary.

The profession ceremonies will be in the fall. Watch for more details.

To prepare for their vow profession, these brothers will take part in the month-long Spirit of Saragossa retreat this summer. Bro. Tom Redmond will direct Syl and Mark's retreat at the Cupertino Community, and Fr. Quentin Hackenwerth will direct José Luis' retreat at the Querétero Community. Let us give thanks to God for the gift of the vocations of these men, and let us support them with our prayers during this time of preparation.

Brothers to renew temporary vows

The provincial council also approved the requests of Bros. Jean Dossous, Allen Pacquing and Justin Quiroz to renew their temporary vows. These men will renew their vows this summer at the completion of their annual retreats.

Easter greetings!

The great Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins struggles to express his personal experience of the Resurrection of Jesus:

In a flash,
at a trumpet crash,
I am all at once what Christ is,
since he was what I am, and
This Jack, joke, poor potsherd,
patch, matchwood, immortal diamond,
Is immortal diamond.  

From "That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and the Comfort of the Resurrection"

Brothers, these are wonder-filled days as we enter into the solemn celebration of the Triduum. This three-day liturgy not only proclaims the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, but it is also the annual ritual of celebrating our great birthright, our coming to full knowledge that we are loved by God!

May the intimacy of Holy Thursday's call to humble foot-washing reveal to us how the Lord himself loves us and teaches us to love others.

May Good Friday's unparalleled experience of the once-and-for-all experience of the forgiveness of our sins give us new strength to be sacraments of reconciliation to a broken world.  

And may the retelling of the story of our exile to freedom, of darkness to light, of death to resurrection make our renewal of baptismal promises and the celebration of the Easter sacraments a deep and life-giving experience.

And once again in the beautiful words of Hopkins:

May he easter in us!
Be a day-spring in the dimness of us,
Be for each of us
A crimson-cresseted east!  

From "The Wreck of the Deutschland"

Happy Easter!

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Congrats to The Rattler

Congratulations to the staff of St. Mary's University student newspaper, The Rattler, for capturing a total of 42 awards at the 2018 Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention last week. The 42 awards are the most received at TIPA in the publication's 99-year history.
The Rattler placed first for overall excellence in its division of student newspapers, as well as for its special edition, the Rattler Magazine. Bro. Dennis Bautista is the publication's faculty adviser.

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Residence at Siena Woods in Dayton

The province and Diversicare (owners of Siena Woods) have agreed to establish a section of the first floor in assisted living to create a Marianist community.

The community will have a private entrance and will include 25 bedrooms, a lounge, dining room, a prayer room, office space and a nurse's station. The brothers in the current support community will move into this space to form a single community. The province will discontinue renting two cottages and we'll place our owned cottage for sale.

The model of care will be similar to our centers in San Antonio and Cupertino.

We expect to complete the move by May 1.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Commemorating 50th anniversary of King slaying

Join the National Civil Rights Museum in honoring the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination with a commemoration that begins on April 4.

Marianist ministries, communities or individuals can participate in a nationwide bell toll, advocacy opportunities, tree plantings, 50 acts of kindness and other activities. Visit these websites for more information:
Education for Justice resources

More timely resources have recently been added to the Education for Justice website. Topics include International Mother Earth Day on April 22, gun violence, human trafficking, and other pro-life resources and prayer services.

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  • Username: jvogt
  • Password: justice
Go to the Education for Justice website.
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.