March 3, 2022
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

(Beginning with the August 2022 Personnel) Bro. Roger Bau is assigned to the Holy Rosary Marianist Community with ministry at Holy Rosary parish.

Bro. Fred Silbereis is assigned to the Marianist Residence with a ministry of prayer and service to the community. The assignment begins on April 3, 2022.

Bro. Ken Thompson is assigned to the Siena Woods Marianist Community with the ministry of prayer and service to the community. The assignment begins on April 5, 2022.

Did you receive this notice?
Late last week, Bro. Maximin Magnan, our Education General Assistant, sent out important information on the Global Compact on Education and Marianist Education. Please click here if you didn’t receive the mailing sent via email directly from our G.A. in Rome, and check with Ms. Pat Stephens to confirm the email address on file for you.

Thanks and Recognition
As many of you know, Ann Mueller recently retired, after more than 19 years of service to the Marianist Province of the U.S. and 11 years to the former St. Louis Province. We are putting together a memory box for her. If you would like to include a card or note, please send via mail or email to:

Marianist Province of the US
4425 West Pine Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108

Wellness Hints
Please click here for helpful information on wellness stories/links.

This Coming Week
  • March 3: Chaminade University Board
  • March 3-7: Provincial Chapter, MRCC, St. Louis
From Bro. Bernard Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

31st Session of the Provincial Chapter
Please join the members of the Provincial Chapter in asking that the Holy Spirit guide its deliberation as it meets from the evening of Thursday, March 3 through the morning of Monday, March 7. Reports of the Council and the District of India, as well as minutes of the pre-Chapter area discussions, may be found on the Province Portal. Log in and navigate to the Provincial Chapter section located in the center of the fourth row. Please contact Bernadette Groner if you need assistance.

New Members of the Communications Office
Ms. Bernadette Groner, Communications Director, and I are pleased to welcome the following two new members to the office:
Theresa Petry Communications Specialist

Theresa is a St. Louis native with a nephew who graduated from Chaminade College Prepatory and another who attended St. John Vianney High School. She is a graduate of Ursuline Academy and has a BS in Socio-Political Communications with minors in Journalism and English from MO State University.

Theresa spent much of her former 26-years of employment as a television news reporter, anchor, and producer working for ABC, CBS, and Fox affiliates in St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri.

She continued her communications career as a marketing director for a national law firm, a crisis-communications consultant, and a copywriter for several Fortune 500 companies. She says, "I am thrilled to be working for the Marianists, lending my skills to an organization with such a profound purpose."

You can also find her hosting St. Louis & Me locally on Sunday mornings on channel 24 – the program highlights local charity organizations.
Communications Coordinator

John also is a St. Louis native with a wealth of experience in several fields. He began his career in advertising and technical data when we would do things by hand in the "BC" era (Before Computers). As the world became digital, he realized the importance of education and received degrees in Art, Computer Science, and Communications.

His talents and interests led to a job at McDonnell Douglas/Boeing supporting military aviation in various roles from illustrator, programmer, engineer, and data scientist. Most recently he worked as an IT Data Analyst for Navvis Healthcare.

As a lifelong Catholic, faith has always been an important element in his life; he served as Grand Knight for his local Knights of Columbus council. He says, "It is now exciting for me to be able to use my experience and talents to help advance the Society of Mary into the future."

He enjoys spending time with his daughters and grandchildren, golfing, photography, woodworking, and learning blacksmithing in his spare time.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

We begin our 40-day retreat into the desert of our lives, seeking to come closer to God by word and deed. 
Maui Lay Marianists
While on visitation in Honolulu, I went to Maui to meet with two Marianist Lay Family leaders. Stephen and Martha are doing an excellent job in this time of transition, providing guidance and encouragement to the Marianist Lay Community connected with St. Anthony’s Parish.

Spiritual Direction Institute
This summer, Fr. Bill Meyer will conduct a two-week Spiritual Direction Institute at Chaminade University July 5-15, 2022. Click here for more information. Financial assistance is available if accepted into the program.

Prayer for the People of Ukraine
Let us pray night and day for these people and for an end to this horrible violence we are witnessing.

Formation Weekend
Following our Provincial Chapter meeting, we will welcome our Brothers and Sisters in initial formation from the three Provinces. The gathering will occur in Dayton at Bergamo, and the topic is our vow of poverty. An invitation was sent out to our Marianist Brothers and Sisters in the Dayton/Cincinnati area to join us for one of the socials. Please rsvp to Terry Eversole. Let’s keep this important time in prayer.

Pre-Aspirant from Mexico
Carlos Julio (Flores Cabrera), has left our pre-aspirancy program in Mexico. We ask God to continue to bless him in his discernment as he moves forward.

Upcoming Calendar
  • March 3-7: Provincial Chapter meetings
  • March 9-13: Formation weekend, Dayton
  • March 14-15: Provincial Council meetings
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Sponsorship Commission Update
The Marianist Sponsorship Commission met in person earlier this year to review the work of the Office of Sponsorship. It was one of two meetings required each year (the second meeting is in April with the Provincial Council). The Commission meets other times, as necessary, via Zoom.

Our meeting included a review of the goals and key objectives of the Office of Sponsorship and the financial needs to sustain the programs and services provided. Commission members also received reports on the Global Compact on Education that Sponsorship helps support. The Marianist Educational Bridge project was developed between the Office of Sponsorship and the Association of Marianist Universities.

The current Sponsorship Commission members are Bro. Jesse O’Neill (chair), Bro. Ed Brink, Don Eggleston, Susan Ferguson, Bill Hunt, and Dan Donnelly (ex-officio, non-voting). The province expresses our deepest gratitude to these members who continue to generously share their time and wisdom supporting our mission as Marianist educators.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher
The witness of the community, its religious and missionary fervor, its openness and receptiveness, and its joy are the primary elements of vocation ministry. That common witness relies upon each brother. That is how vocation ministry can be done by attraction and not by proselytism. It is the manifest presence of God at the heart of its life and of its activity that, more than anything else, makes a community attractive, whatever be its median age.” (Fostering New Vocations, P. 36)

Who is effectively committed to vocation ministry? How can we enlarge the group of those who work at it? And what responsibility should be granted to each individual to harmonize the whole work?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 2: Richard Dix
March 4: Thomas Giardino
March 6: Chester Burnog, Christian Janson
March 9: Theodore Cassidy
On the Calendar
March 3-7: Provincial Chapter Meeting, St. Louis
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.