March 7, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter
I’m truly thankful to the communities and the members of the Province for the prayers that were offered during the Chapter. The Chapter was a time for conversation, prayer, questions and support. A special word of thanks to Bro. Bernie Ploeger and the members of the Preparatory Commission who made all of the preparations for the Chapter. Preparatory Commission members also included:  Bros. Steve Glodek (Moderator), Mike O’Grady (Temporalities Committee Chair), Ed Brink (Education Chair) and Fr. Sean Downing (Religious Life Committee Chair). Please take a moment to thank Chapter members for undertaking this extra time requirement. I'd also like to add a special thank you to Fr. George Cerniglia (Recording Secretary) as well as Pat Stephens and Gina Marty for their tremendous support in helping to make the Provincial Chapter successful.

Provincial Chapter, Follow-up

Now that the Chapter is complete, the MINUTES of the Chapter as well as of the ACTS of the Chapter will be sent to the Superior General for ratification. As soon as we receive his approval, I will send you the ACTS of the Provincial Chapter.  

Season of Lent
This Holy Season of Lent calls us to a time to focus on "GSO." The time honored traditions of working on our relations with God, self and others. Prayers to and for each of you!

Personnel Assignment

Bro. James Vondran will be moving to the Siena Woods Marianist community on June 11 with a ministry of prayer and service.  

This Coming Week

  • March 9-12:  Lalanne & West Hills Communities
  • March 13-15: Provincial Council Meetings, Cupertino
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

The Journey Begins

As we begin this 40 Day Journey, I invite you to read a wonderful reflection given to us by Bro. Robert Moriarty, who is a member of the Philadelphia Community.
Also, I invite you to consider signing up for Bishop Robert Barron's Daily Lenten Reflection.

Finally, you might enjoy watching a short video, Almsgiving and Joy During Lent by Fr. James Martin, SJ.

Conversation Retreat Letter to Marianist Lay Communities

Matt Dunn, Chair of the Marianist Family Council of North America (MFC-NA) has just written a nice letter to all members of the Marianist Family inviting them to participate in one of the two conversation retreats that will be offered this summer at Bergamo and MRCC. I invite you to read the email that he is sending.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s happening

  • March 11: Visit to Archbishop Riordan High School, San Francisco
  • March 13-15: Council meetings, Cupertino

A Story of Hope and Joy

We are happy to announce that the formal signing of St. Laurence College into the Le Chéile Schools Trust occurred on Feb. 8. The Le Chéile Schools Trust now comprises the schools of fifteen religious congregations, the Marianists being its newest member. The aim of the Trust is to carry on the legal, financial and inspirational role of trusteeship that has, up to now, been done by individual congregations. This is a significant development in Irish education as the Catholic Church and the individual religious congregations renew and reformulate their commitment to Irish education.

St. Laurence College formally celebrated this new relationship with the Le Chéile Trust with a liturgy in the Bro. Fred Rech library on Feb. 26. Students, staff, parents and members of the Board of Management welcomed some special visitors to the school for this special occasion including Bro. Tom Giardino and Ms. Mary Mitchell O'Connor, Minister for Higher Education. This moment marks a new chapter of hope and joy for St. Laurence College as they continue to provide a Catholic, Marianist education to the students they serve into the future. 
St. Laurence College gathers for the liturgy celebrating our entrance into Le Chéile
Pictured above - Bro. Jim Contadino , SM (Board of Management chair),  Eilis Humphreys (Le Chéile executive director),  Audrey Doyle (ethos and leadership officer), Bro. Tom Giardino (Assistant for Special Projects)
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Lenten Resources

Here are some Lenten resources you or your community can utilize from various JPIC organizations:

Partnering With the Poor

Finally, if you're not yet aware, your community or institution can help children in Africa or India via almsgiving at our Marianist schools there through our Province's Partnering with the Poor program.  
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Busy February

February has been a busy short month so I will try and give you the highlights without much description. 

On Feb.9, I joined Fr. Tim Kenney for the Office of Religious Life Advisory Board Meeting.  

Feb. 14-17, I cooked for the Marianist PULSE volunteers, who were on their mid-year retreat, and led one session on cultural aspects of conflict resolution in communities.  

On Feb. 17, I joined the San Antonio Marianist Family for Marianist Manna. 

On Feb. 23, some of our Contacts participated in the first Virtual Discernment Group. This was contact led and directed and I am very hopeful that it will continue to be a helpful resource for them in the future.  

Feb. 23-24, I joined the StMU Awakening Retreat as a member of the pastoral care team and “Guardian Angel” which means I prayed for the staff in a special way throughout the retreat. The Rector and Rectress (student leaders) asked me to serve in this role because of my ministry as vocation director so I could meet more students and help them discern their vocations. As you can see by the picture, there were many students! 
March 1-3, the Dayton Regional Discernment Retreat was held. Many thanks to Sr. Laura Leming, Bro. Tom Pieper, and Fr. Ted Cassidy for leading the retreat and for the Governor’s Island Community for hosting them.
March 2, I presented to Provincial Chapter. Click here for a 25 minute video of a recreation of that presentation.  

March 5, I presented to an MLC of students from St. Mary’s University. 

Please keep the upcoming events in your prayers: 

  • March 7-10: Formation Weekend 
  • March 11: Visit to Riordan 
  • March 21-24: Exhibiting at LA Religious Education Congress 
  • March 29: Discernment Evening at Stonemill Kiefaber 
  • April 5-7: San Antonio Regional Discernment Retreat 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 9: Theodore Cassidy
March 14: Raymond Gohring, John Laudenbach
On the Calendar
March 10: Daylight Savings Time Begins
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.