News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
March 8, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

New Mission Advancement Council

In response to a recommendation at the Provincial Chapter of 2017, the Provincial Council has appointed a Mission Advancement Advisory Council to assist the Office of Mission Advancement (formerly the Development Office).

The Marianist Mission, the St. Louis office, the Join Her Mission campaign, and our planned giving and major gifts efforts fall under the purview of this Advisory Council. The first face-to-face meeting of the new council will be on June 11 in San Antonio.

Please read the guidelines for the council, outlining its responsibilities, as well as the list of initial members. We are grateful for their willingness to assist us in this important area of our mission.

This Mission Advancement Advisory Council complements the other boards and committees that assist the Provincial Council. These include the Finance Committee, the Sponsorship Commission, the Province Review Board, and the Commission for Zeal and Mission.


With regret, I announce that Carol Dexter will be stepping down as communications manager for the province. Carol's last day will be April 6.

Over the past five years, Carol has served as the indefatigable editor of both FamilyOnline and Notes from the Provincial Council.

In addition, she has provided a host of other services, including creation of the new website, FamilyOnline upgrades, obituary writing, excellent video production, editing of publications, writing for Alive magazine, and giving expert advice to all of our departments.

I am sorry to see Carol depart from West Pine but wish her and her family God's abundant blessings for the future. We are in the process of hiring a replacement for Carol, and that appointment will be announced shortly.

Dialogue, debate, fraternity and word-crafting

On Monday afternoon, the Provincial Chapter concluded its work of reviewing reports, addressing propositions and attending to the future of the province.

Special thanks to Fr. Oscar Vasquez who completed three years as chapter moderator, to David Brinker for his fine support of our prayer life during the chapter, to Jim Ford for the kind hospitality at MRCC, and to Bro. Alex Tuss, who served with distinction as recording secretary. After the final minutes have been reviewed and approved, I will again write a letter to the province, reporting on all of the Acts of the Provincial Chapter.

In short order, we will have an election in the province to replace the nucleus of the Provincial Chapter since the terms of all delegates expire with this session. If a second election is needed to fill quotas of age and area, this will take place after some pending personnel changes are made. Bro. Joe Kamis will organize these elections.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,


Bro. José Julián Matos-Auffant has decided to withdraw from the Society of Mary at the completion of his temporary vows.

We thank José for his years among us in community and for his service as a Marianist religious in the ministry of the Church. We promise our prayers during this time of transition.

Body, Mind and Spirit workshop in Dayton

We are now registering for the final of the three 2018 regional workshops on Body, Mind and Spirit, focusing on issues of health and well-being.

Feedback from our first session in Honolulu has been very positive.

The Dayton workshop will be:
  • In the Madeleine Room, Chaminade Center, Mount Saint John
  • April 6-7 (Friday evening and Saturday)
Housing for this workshop will be in the local communities. A limited number of rooms are available.

You may submit any transportation costs to the province for reimbursement. Please plan to be present for the entire program. Learn more and register.

New CARA study:  what attracts men and women to religious life?

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation commissioned the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to survey women and men who entered religious life in a U.S.-based congregation, province or monastery during 2017.

The survey's goal was to learn about the characteristics and vocational discernment experiences of these women and men. Read more.

From the Office of Mission Advancement - Allison Hewitt

Dear Brothers,

Summer preaching yields nearly $94,000

Last summer, members of 22 parishes heard the good news about our Partnering with the Poor programs in Eastern Africa and India. Now that we've received the revenue from the dioceses, I'd like to thank the preachers who helped raise $93,929 to benefit those we serve:

Fr. Ignase Arulappen
Peter Daino
Fr. Sean Downing
Jessica González
Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Marty Solma
Fr. Kip Stander
Fr. Ken Templin
Fr. Pat Tonry
Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Rudy Vela
Fr. Rich Villa

This coming summer, the Marianists have again been invited to preach in six dioceses.
On the calendar
March 16-17: Body, Mind and Spirit workshop, San Antonio 
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