April 11, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Personnel Assignment

The governing regulations of Chaminade University of Honolulu provide that "the president (Chaminade), with the concurrence of the chancellor (Provincial) of the university, shall appoint a rector." It is with a great deal of joy that I announce that Bro. Ed Brink has been re-appointed as the rector of Chaminade University for a term of three years.  

A Comment about the “This Coming Week” Section

Each week, I list the meetings/events that I attend each week to allow the members of the Province to know where I am and also to let you know the area of the Province that I will be visiting. This allows you to let me know if you’d like to see me.  

This Coming Week

  • April 11-12: Provincial Council Meeting, St. Louis
  • April 13-16: Chambers Community Visitation 
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Visit to Holy Rosary Community and Parish

Last weekend, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend four days at Holy Rosary visiting the community and the parish. We have five vowed Marianists living in the community and being an active presence and support to the parish.
A couple of highlights for me:

  • Family Retreat: a gathering of families for a Saturday morning Lenten retreat
  • One evening we had a gathering of about 20 lay people for dinner and 90 minutes of sharing on Marianist spirituality
  • Stations of the Cross on Friday evening with great attendance;
  • Meetings with parish staff, parish council, and many individuals connected with both the community and the parish

Holy Week
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Introducing the New Marianist App

The Office of Sponsorship is releasing a new mobile app to help Marianist-sponsored ministries get connected. The app is primarily a navigational tool for the Province website and includes these addition features:

  • Direct links to information that supports the Catholic, Marianist mission and identity of sponsored ministries

  • Directory and contact information for sponsored ministries and Province staff who support them

  • Easy access to important collaborators, such as Marianist LIFE, NACMS, JPIC, the Marianist Mission and Vocations

  • Quick access to back issues of Sponsorship News, FamilyOnline, and Alive magazine

The app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices. To download your free copy, visit www.marianist.com/app

New MUSP Director at VASJ
Elvis Grbac
As an alumnus of the school, Elvis Grbac, will be the new MUSP Director at Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School (VASJ) as of June 17.

Elvis brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to VASJ. He is pursuing Master of Theology degree. Most recently, he has been employed as a speaker for the Catholic Speakers Organization and served as chaplain and quarterback coach for the football team at St. Ingatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio. Perhaps most of you know him best from his time as a NFL quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens, the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco Forty Niners. We welcome Elvis to the Marianist Family.

Special gratitude to Timothy Neary who has directed the MUSP program at VASJ for the past seven years. Tim's passion and commitment to the students in the program has positively impacted their lives. Tim will remain at VASJ in an administrative role as assistant principal. Our prayers are with him in this endeavor as he continues his commitment to the school.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Monthly Resource for Communities

With the goal of delving deeper into the spirituality of justice, peace and integrity of creation as a Province, we present you with our fourth Monthly JPIC Resource for SM Communities. We hope this provides an opportunity for ongoing conversation, education, formation and prayer for you and your community. Each month will have a different theme. This month's theme is International Mother Earth Day, with a specific focus on Protecting Our Species.

We'd like to thank MEEC for their steadfast witness to the integrity of creation and their ongoing collaboration; moreover, we thank Tara Poling, MEEC staff member, who volunteered as guest contributor for this monthly resource. In addition to suggested reading materials and discussion questions, there is also a prayer option included.

Feel free to utilize this JPIC Resource as is, or adapt it as necessary to best meet the needs of your group. Please let us know how we can further assist you and your JPIC efforts at any time. 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

April 14: David Fleming
April 16: Sylverius Kerketta
April 17: Thierry Kadja
On the Calendar

April 11-12: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
April 14: Palm Sunday
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.