News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 12, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter XXXV

The lineamenta for the General Chapter has been available for some weeks now. I urge you to read it, along with the reports from the General Administration. In my response to the document, I stressed four areas of concern:  
  1. Governance, especially the status of "territorial communities" and the needed support for younger units in the Society of Mary.
  2. Partnering with the laity, especially with educational collaborators, and support for the development of Family Councils of the Marianist Family.
  3. Development of new and future leadership across the Society.
  4. Living a vibrant and radical religious life today.

The premier of this Marianist history musical will be staged at the Boll Theatre at the University of Dayton on the weekend of April 20-21.  Tickets are still available.  For those who attended the Lay Marianist Assembly last July, yo u know what a spectacular performance this promises to be. Congratulations to the authors:  Nick Cardilino  from UD,  Jim Ford  from MRCC, and  Bro. Stan Zubek .

spectacle musical


Stephen Glodek
Bro. Stephen Glodek

Bro. Tom Redmond
Bro. Steve Grazulis
Three of our province members have generously offered to conduct retreats this year for our Brothers in India and Africa. During the month of May, Bro. Steve Glodek will be directing two retreats in the District of India and Bro. Tom Redmond will be doing the same for the Brothers in the Region of Eastern Africa. Bro. Tom was to have accompanied Fr. Bill Behringer, but health concerns have prevented Fr. Bill from going this year. He did, however, video tape all of his presentations, and Bro. Tom will use these as a basis for leading the retreats in Kenya and Malawi.

Bro. Steve Grazulis will be joining Fr. Jinu Muthukattil in directing the retreat for the Scholastic Brothers in Bangalore during the month of May. Bro. Steve will then spend two months at the novitiate in Ranchi before traveling to the province for a visit with his father and the celebration of his Golden Jubilee of profession in Dayton in August.

Thanks to all of these Brothers for their generosity.


Last week, in my report about the Provincial Chapter, I quoted the various texts that came from the Chapter committees. These texts became Acts of the Chapter (statements, endorsements, referrals, rejections) once they were approved by a vote of the Chapter. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Easter Joy

The Church gives us 50 days to savor the joy of Easter. May this be a blessed time for our entire province, grateful for our faith and for God's overwhelming love for us. As the Holy Father says in his new apostolic exhortation, may this lead us to greater holiness.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Personnel Assignment

Bro. Richard Martens, SM (Central Catholic Community) has moved permanently to the Marianist Residence Community. The Council hopes that this move will be beneficial for Bro. Richard as he will receive the assistance he needs.
From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

150 Years!

Congratulations to Father Neville O'Donohue and the parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Community in Eldersburg, MD who will celebrate the parish's 150th Anniversary this coming weekend.

Guadete et Exaultate

In his new apostolic exhortation, Rejoice and Be Glad (Gaudete et Exaultate) Pope Francis explores the heights and depths of practical Christian holiness.  He looks at the call to holiness in today's world, with wit, insight, and encouraging counsel, and invites Christians to embrace the fullness of the Beatitudes.

Available from the USCCB, in English and Spanish. 

Final Reminder

  All brothers, with the exception of members of the three health-care communities (who will have their own retreats), should have registered for an annual retreat. This includes those brothers who intend to make a private retreat. The province will subsidize up to $200 for travel and $500 for retreat to those brothers who register their private retreat with the Office of Religious Life.

From Fr. Oscar Vasquez

Dear Brothers,

Easter Greetings

Easter Greetings and Blessings to each of you from Bro. Bernie Ploeger and myself. Please continue to pray for us as we daily remember your intentions. The newly designated Provincial Council continues to meet with their counterparts to work on a smooth transition. I have had several meetings with Fr. Marty  Solma as he briefs me on the status of the Province. 

Personnel Updates

Bernie and I would like to announce the following personnel updates as we continue to move forward.  
  • Fr. George Cerniglia will be completing his term of service in Hawaii at Chaminade University. Fr. George will be assigned to the Chaminade Community in St. Louis with ministry at Our Lady of Pillar as the Associate Pastor. The assignment will begin at the end of October. 
  • Fr. Marty Solma will be taking a sabbatical break. After the sabbatical, Fr. Marty will be assigned to the Hale Malia Community and will be the Chaplain at Chaminade University. The assignment will begin in mid-November. 
On the calendar
April 19 - 21: Provincial Council, Dayton

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.