April 18, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Easter Triduum Greetings

Special greetings to each of you! As we prepare to enter into the Triduum, please know that you are in my prayers and the prayers of the Provincial Council. I ask for your prayers as well.  
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Province Direction Statement – Spring 2019 Gatherings

Thanks to all of you who have agreed to be part of the organizing, hosting and facilitating teams for our first round of discussions focused on discerning our future directions of being vowed, religious men for the Marianist Family and in mission with our collaborators. To date, there have been meetings in Hollywood, FL, Cincinnati, OH and Honolulu, HI. The gatherings have been well-attended and the participants enthusiastic. Next week, an updated listing of the Direction Statement gatherings will be posted on the Province Portal.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Gratitude for Lenten Reflections
I want to take this opportunity to thank the following Brothers for offering us a beautiful reflection each week during the season of Lent:

  • Bro. Bob Moriarty
  • Fr. Bob Bouffier
  • Fr. Bert Buby
  • Fr. Steve Tutas
  • Bro. Paul Hoffman
  • Bro. Reinaldo Berríos

Blessed Holy Week

I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming a human being
so I do not have to pretend or try to be God.
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming finite and limited
so I do not have to pretend that I am infinite and limitless.
I thank you, crucified God, for becoming mortal
so I do not have to try to make myself immortal.
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming inferior
so I do not have to pretend that I am superior to anyone.
I thank you for being crucified outside the walls,
for being expelled and excluded like the sinners and outcasts,
so you can meet me where I feel that I am, always outside the walls of worthiness.

-Richard Rohr, OFM

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

What’s Happening

  • April 18-21: Baltimore
  • April 22-27: Saint Louis School and CUH board meetings, Hawaii

A Message of Hope and Joy
I had the honor yesterday to facilitate the St. John Vianney High School retreat here in St. Louis. It was truly a blessed time. The theme was on mercy. We discussed how mercy is when we choose not to ignore someone even when it is in one’s power to do so. The greatest witness of this gift of mercy is Jesus on the cross. Jesus saw each of us as He was crucified. May we each experience the mercy of God in our hearts during these holiest of days.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

April 19: Donald Neff
April 21: Lawrence Corbin
April 22: Sean Downing
April 23: Allen DeLong, Thomas Oldenski
April 24: Robert Hackel, John Leies
On the Calendar

April 18: Holy Thursday
April 19: Good Friday
April 20: Holy Saturday
April 21: Easter Sunday
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