News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 19, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Jubilee Celebrations

The first of the province jubilee celebrations will take place in St. Louis on April 28. That will be followed by celebrations in Honolulu (May 6), San Antonio (May 26), Cupertino (June 2); then in Douglaston and Dayton later in the summer. We have many brothers marking special anniversaries this year, and these celebrations give us a chance to honor them and their Marianist lives. Congratulations to all of our province jubilarians!


The International Marian Research Institute at the University of Dayton has been in existence for many years, jointly sponsored by the university and the Marianist Province of the United States. IMRI degrees are granted in conjunction with the Marianum in Rome.

Because of declining numbers of students interested in pontifical degrees and financial constraints in keeping this program vibrant, a study commission was set up in 2017 to evaluate present needs and future possibilities. Fr. Jim Fitz, Vice President for Mission and Rector, was part of this study commission.

In the end, the recommendation is to integrate IMRI within the College of Arts and Science and to house it in the Religious Studies department. Degrees will include master's level and, in time, a doctoral degree. The hope is that this configuration will be more attractive to a US audience. IMRI will continue its pastoral and cultural programs as in the past, as well as its web site. This new arrangement will require a decoupling from the Marianum, at least in terms of the degree-granting capability.

I will be in Rome during the first week of June and will meet with the Director of the Marianum to discuss these developments.

The Marian Library, which is owned by the university, will continue to be a premier resource for Marian research in the US and internationally.

Assembly 2018

A final encouragement to members of the province who have not already registered for the Province Assembly. Please do so before the April 23 deadline. This province gathering promises to be an encouraging event for our province life and mission and for our new province leadership.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter Election

Fr. Marty Solma sent information for the Provincial Chapter election last week to Community Directors and those living outside community. Please be reminded that the deadline for return of the ballots is Friday, April 27 at noon. If you have any questions regarding the information sent, please contact Pat Stephens.

Please keep the Provincial Chapter elections in your prayers.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

New Liturgical Celebration, Mary, Mother of the Church

On March 3, Pope Francis decreed that the liturgical celebration, Mary, Mother of the Church be inserted into the General Roman Calendar.

From this year forward, all dioceses, parishes, religious orders and congregations will celebrate the new obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church on the Monday following the Solemnity of Pentecost. This year, the new obligatory memorial will be celebrated on May 21.

The prayers and readings for this particular Mass can be found in the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Two Volume Set: Missal and Lectionary.

Every community should have the revised set to conform to the Roman Missal, Third Edition, 2012. It can be ordered from Liturgical Press.

Brothers' Day, Tuesday, May 1

It is not too early to plan how your local community will celebrate the second annual Brothers' Day on Tuesday, May 1. For prayer resources.

From Fr. Oscar Vasquez

Dear Brothers,

Assignments for the support of the District of India

Blessings in this Easter Season. Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I will visit the District of India from Dec. 30 - Jan. 12. We are excited and pleased to make this visit together. For this first visit to India, the District Council has encouraged us to focus our time in Ranchi and Bangalore and meet with the brothers as they gather for meetings/celebrations. We will also visit some of the ministries.  Bro. Bernie and I are thankful to the District Council for arranging our visit.

Bro. Dennis Schmitz will continue to visit India for workshops and fraternal support. In the name of the Province, I want to thank Bro. Dennis for his generosity in continuing to work with and visit our brothers in India. The visits to India are long and take a toll on one's body. In using the workshop model for assistance, Bro. Dennis will no longer visit all of the communities in India. The District Council has begun a wonderful process of visiting communities together. Such visitations by the District Council are important as they continue to work with the Brothers in implementing the District's Strategic Plan. Bro. Dennis will join other members of the province in facilitating workshops identified by the District Council.

Most importantly, Bro. Dennis' willingness to continue in this role of accompaniment will assist Bro. Bernie and me as we get to know the members of the district. Bro. Dennis will also continue with his duties in the Office of Special Ministries at the Marianist Center of Hawaii.

As previously announced in Provincial Council Notes, Bro. Bernie and I met with some members of the District Council ( Fr. Sudhir Kujur, Bro. Lucian Tigga and Bro. Darwin Joseph) on March 6 - 7 in St. Louis after the Provincial Chapter. One of the things discussed during our time together is how the province can continue to support and work with the District Council and the brothers of the district. In the future, we will be using the workshop model in assisting the District Council in implementing the District Strategic Plan. This will allow the District Council the ability to highlight areas in the need of additional support.

In the name of the entire province, Bro. Bernie and I express our strong support to the District of India for its continued growth.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Peace in Syria Sign-On
Our Provincial Council proudly signed onto a timely peace initiative and letter titled, "U.S. Catholic Leaders Urge Inclusive Diplomacy and Dialogue for a Just Peace in Syria. We Must Stop the Potential for Further Violence in Syria: War Is Not the Answer." Read more.

Earth Day
This Sunday, April 22, marks International Mother Earth Day. As of this week, the Global Catholic Climate Movement reported more than 500 Earth Day events will be taking place internationally this weekend. To see a map of events and/or to be reminded of GCCM's available resources, click here.

Via Latina 22
On the calendar
April 19 -21: Provincial Council, Dayton

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