News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
April 26, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

D ear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter Approval

We just received the ratification of the ACTS of the recent Provincial Chapter. Please read the letter of ratification from Fr. Manuel Cortés. Many thanks to all who contributed to the work and success of this Chapter meeting, with special thanks to Bro. Joe Kamis and the Preparatory Commission.

Creating a Spectacle

The members of the Provincial Council were privileged to join about 300 others to watch the premier production of "Spectacle" at the University of Dayton last Friday evening. This musical rendition of Marianist origins is the artistic production of Nick Cardilino (UD Office of Social Concerns), Jim Ford (director of MRCC) and Bro. Stan Zubek. It was enthusiastically received.

The production has been filmed and will undergo editing before being made available to a wider audience of the Marianist Family and beyond. Several Marianist schools have already indicated interest in staging this production during the coming academic year.

Signs of Life

During the recent Provincial Council meeting, 23 temporary professed in the District of India were approved for renewal of vows at the end of their annual retreats this year. Additionally, Bro. Santhosh Savarimuthu was approved to begin seminary studies at the Chaminade Seminary in Rome. He will travel to Rome in May and begin intensive Italian studies in preparation for the opening of classes in October.

Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez was approved to renew his temporary vows at the end of his annual retreat.  Bro. Juan Pablo is currently in Juárez, Mexico, meeting with the bishop about the new Marianist project there. As you might remember, Bro. Juan Pablo spent a portion of last year doing an immersion experience at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio and another period of time at St. Martin de Porres School in Uniondale, NY, sponsored by the Province of Meribah. We have just received a very generous donation from the students at St. Martin's (product of their Lenten collection) in support of the new initiative in Juárez. Thank you so much for the fraternal support!

We wish all of these brothers abundant blessings as they continue their Marianist journey.

Hidden Figures

The "Partnering with the Poor" program, directed by the Marianist Mission in Dayton, has seen exponential growth since its inception ten years ago. This "sponsorship" program in aid of Marianist schools in India and Africa has been far more successful than we could have imagined. The number of sponsors, donating $125 yearly to support a child's education, has been especially popular with online donors.

Much of this success is due to the leadership and creativity of Bro. Alex Tuss, encouraged by Linda Hayes, director of the Marianist Mission. However, there are many "hidden figures" behind this wonderful development: those who do personal correspondence with donors, answer the phones and data entry personnel. To all of these faithful staff members at the Marianist Mission, we give a warm and sincere "thank you."

This week, we bid farewell to two important but unassuming members of the province. Bro. Jim Droste was buried in St. Louis last Saturday. Bro. Eugene Frank is being buried tomorrow in Cupertino. Both men were exemplary Marianists who can now pray for our fidelity.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Directors Named for the Next Three Years

The Provincial Council, at its meeting last week, has named the following Directors:
  • Bro. Mike O'Grady to a third term of three years at the Marianist Residence in San Antonio. We received special permission for a third term from Fr. Manuel Cortés, the Superior General.
  • Bro. Jack Ventura to a second term of three years at the Parrish Street Community in Philadelphia.
  • Bro. David Quigley to a second term of three years at the Maui Marianist Community.
  • Bro. Alex Tuss to a first term of three years at the Sawmill Road Community in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Rev. Ted Ley to a first term of three years at the West Hills Community in California. 
The Council expresses our thanks to these men for their openness to being servant leaders for their respective communities.

The Council also thanks Bro. Jack Dempsey for his service as Director of the West Hills Community for the past six years and Bro. Larry Cada who is serving this year as acting Director for the Sawmill Road Community in Dayton.

Personnel Assignments:

Bro. Bob Wiethorn, who is presently at the Ministry to Ministers Sabbatical Program, has been assigned back to the Mercy Siena Community in Dayton, OH assisting the staff in caring for our brothers there.

Bro. Ed Longbottom who has been serving at the Cupertino Marianist Community, has been assigned to the DeSales Marianist Community in Cincinnati, Ohio effective sometime during the summer.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Ministry of Lector + Renewal of Vows + Entrance to Novitiate

At its most recent meeting, the Provincial Council considered and granted the following requests for various stages of formation:

  • Bro. Michael Chiuri and Bro. Brandon Paluch, first year seminarians at our Marianist Seminary in Rome, requested and were granted the Ministry of Lector.
  • Bro. Renny Markose, District of India, was also approved for the Ministry of Lector by the District Council of India and ratified by the Provincial Council.
  • Bother Juan Pablo Espinoza Chavez, of the Holy Rosary Community, requested and was granted the renewal of his temporary vows.
  • Aspirants Juan de la Cruz Perez and Magdaleno Ceballos requested and were granted entrance to the Novitiate.
Let us remember these brothers in our prayers as they continue to give themselves to our Marianist way of life.


Jordan Stewart has decided to withdraw from the formation program. We wish Jordan well, and promise prayers for this next stage of his life.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

New Racial Justice Team

For a number of years, the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) has addressed the related issues of racism and immigration through the efforts of our Racial and Immigrant Justice Team. While affirming the wonderful work of this team, it's been challenging to focus on two immense and timely topics within one issue team. 

Recognizing this limited capacity, along with increased interest that has recently surfaced within the Marianist Family to expand our racial justice efforts, MSJC is discerning the possibility of forming another issue team that would be focused solely on racial justice. 

Several people in the Marianist Family have expressed serious interest and have agreed to explore the formation of a new team.

Following MSJC's protocol, there will be a period of discernment before a team would be officially established. But, we have agreed that beginning exploration and action planning makes sense. Please contact Brian Reavey if you're interested in getting more involved with shaping our Marianist response to racial injustice.

Homily Helps: Linking Justice and Peace in the Lectionary

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Sunday, April 29 by Br. Steve Herro, O.Praem.
Sunday, May 6 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker

On the calendar
April 28: St. Louis Jubilee Celebration

May 1: National Brothers' Day

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.