News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 10, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Blessed Adèle

In less than a month, the Marianist Family will celebrate   the beatification of Mother Adèle de  Batz de Trenquelléon.  

The beatification will take place in Agen, France, and we have asked Fr. Oscar Vasquez and Bro. Bernie Ploeger to be our official province representatives. A few others members of the province will also be attending.

Sr. Franca Zonta, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, has just published a circular in honor of this very special occasion.    "In the Light of the Beatitudes" can accompany all of us during the coming month as we prepare to celebrate Blessed Adèle.

General Chapter XXXV

This week we received  Bulletin #3  from the Preparatory Commission of the General Chapter. It is an invitation for our communities and lay collaborators to pray for the work of the Chapter by signing up for "prayer slots." Please  read the bulletin  and discuss how best your community can respond. 

Doctoral Studies

Bro. Blaise Mosengo
Bro. Blaise Mosengo has been studying at the University of Dayton and living at the Stonemill-Kiefaber Community.  In April, Bro. Blaise received approval for his doctoral dissertation:  "Phenomenological Study of Academic Leaders at a Marianist Higher Education Institute in the Democratic Republic of Congo." Blaise will travel back to DRC this week and spend two months doing research for his dissertation. We wish him well and congratulate him on carrying forward Marianist education in the heart of Africa.

Day of the Religious Brother

Many members of the Province observed the second annual Religious Brothers Day on May 1. Brothers in San Antonio gathered with Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller to celebrate the gift of the consecrated life in the Church. Thanks to Bro. Mike O'Grady for helping to organize this event for our Brothers.


Just before the Hawaii jubilee celebration last Sunday, a gust of wind blew my hat, and I tried to retrieve it. I landed face down outside of Hale Malia community. No bones were broken, but I ruptured the quad in my left leg. I'll see the orthopedic doctor on Monday to get his appraisal and recommendation. Thanks to  Bros. Ed Brink and Dennis Schmitz, good Guardian Angels.

May these days before Pentecost be filled with our earnest prayer, "Come, Holy Spirit!"

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,


Bro. Robert Metzger, who for the past ten years has been ministering with the National Religious Retirement Office of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington D.C., will be completing his service there in mid-September.    

In October, Bob will begin a sabbatical year residing at the Cupertino Marianist Community, assisting the community with their needs. In spring of 2019, Bob will spend a few months in Ireland with the Marianist Community at 13 Coundon Court. The province thanks Bob for his many years of quality service in the National Religious Retirement Office, assisting many religious orders with planning and understanding their finances.  He made the Marianist Province proud!

Bro. Bill Campbell has been assigned to the Hale Malia Community in Hawaii with ministry as Vice President of the Marianist Center of Hawaii.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Congratulations Brother Allen!

Congratulations to Brother Allen Pacquing who was recently appointed to the Board of the Religious Brothers Conference. Our own, Brother Stephen Glodek is presently serving as the conference president.

Webinar Worth Consideration

Sliconnect/Resources for Healthy Life & Ministry is offering a webinar, "Intervening with a Peer: When Avoiding is Enabling," on May 17, from 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT or ON DEMAND. Michael Pollard, LCSW, identifies strategies for managing difficult conversations with those close to us.  Further information

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,


Please join me in offering congratulations to two of our brothers who have reached important milestones in their studies as Marianist educators. 

Bro. Jean Dossous  (Chambers Street) graduated cum laude on May 6, from the University of Dayton with his undergraduate degree in education. He majored in both Adolescent to Young Adult Education and History. Bro. Jean did his student teaching at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. He will begin his educational ministry at Saint Louis School in Honolulu, Hawaii, in July teaching history and geography in their middle school.

Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chavez (Querétaro, Mexico)
completed his Master's Degree last month in "Contemporary Theology" at the Marist University of Guadalajara. His degree research concerned the System of Virtues' Five Silences as a formative process. Bro. Juan will join in initiating the new educational ministry in Juárez, Mexico, this summer. 

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,


Thanks to the leadership of Jim Vogt from MSJC and our planning committee, we had a successful Changemakers conference on April 28, in West Hills, CA. We welcomed about 70 participants, including Bros. David Betz, Jack Dempsey, Tom Oles and  Fr. Joseph Raj. Special thanks also goes to Chaminade College Preparatory for hosting our event. 

U.S. Catholic Climate Declaration

Our province was invited to sign on to the most recent collective response from U.S. Catholics promoting the integrity of creation. We would like your feedback before our province endorses this initiative. Please do not sign the declaration; rather, please review it and respond back to Brian Reavey with any comments, affirmations and/or objections by next Friday, May 18. More information.  

Advocacy Opportunity

The House of Representatives recently introduced their version of the 2018 Farm Bill reauthorization (H.R. 2). The bill proposes significant changes to domestic nutrition programs which could result in up to 2 million people losing access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Catholic Charities USA, Bread for the World and other like-minded faith-based organizations are encouraging the faithful to tell your member of Congress to insist on changes to H.R. 2 that protect people who are poor and hungry. Your voice is needed as the House is set to vote on the bill as early as next week. 
Take action.  

Linking Justice and Peace in the Lectionary

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Sunday May 13th by Dianne Bergant, CSA
On the calendar
May 12: Mary, Mother of All Graces
May 18 - 20: Provincial Council Meeting, Dayton
May 19: First Vows - Joseph Kurt Nugent
May 21: Mary, Mother of the Church

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.