News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 24, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Jubilee Joy
This Saturday, we will celebrate the third of our province jubilees this year. In San Antonio, many of the brothers will be celebrating important milestones in their Marianist lives and ministries. We offer our fraternal best wishes and congratulations to these faithful Marianists.
Out of Africa
On Wednesday evening, Bro. Bernie Ploeger landed in Nairobi and will spend the next week meeting with members of the current Regional Council. The province continues to manage the region's endowment and to raise auxiliary ministry funds, especially through the Partnering with the Poor program at the Marianist Mission. The Region of Eastern Africa has a number of legacy ministries and a few new initiatives. Bernie will work  with the Council for fundraising needs and project sequencing. I was going to take part in these meetings as well but, alas, other events have prevented that! 
Here are two newsletters from Our Lady of Nazareth Primary School which give some highlights of recent development there.

Bro. Chola Mulenga, former Regional Superior, will be here in the US to take part in the Ministry to Ministers program at the Oblate School of Theology in August. He will be in the province until early 2019 as part of his sabbatical program.
Our One Great Act of Fidelity
This is the title of Ronald Rolheiser's book on the Eucharist. On June 12, Word of Fire Ministries (Bishop Robert Barron) will publish a new DVD series on "The Mass." Both of these resources can serve as good catechetical tools for schools or parishes.
Joseph Kim has returned permanently to the Region of Korea, having spent the past two years at our novitiate in Dayton. We bid a fraternal farewell to Joseph and offer our prayers and congratulations as he prepares for his first profession in a few weeks.
Let us continue to pray for all of our brothers in the health care communities. May they offer their prayers and sufferings for the needs of the province.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,


At the Provincial Council meeting last week, the Council made the following appointments:

1. Bro. Edward Brink to a first term of three years as director of the Hale Malia Community in Honolulu.

2. Bro. Joseph Markel to a first term of three years as director of the Maryland Avenue Community in St. Louis.

3. Rev. Timothy Kenney to a first term of three years as director of the Salve Community in St. Louis.

4. Bro. John Campbell as the area coordinator for Hawaii for a term of two years.

5. Rev. Tim Kenney will continue as area coordinator for St. Louis finishing up his two year term.

6.  Bro. Joseph Barrish (Meyer Hall) has been permanently assigned to the Siena Woods Marianist Community effective this week. We hope that this new assignment will benefit Joe as he grows older gracefully. Joe hopes to continue his ministry at the Marianist Network for the Arts at Gallery Saint John. We wish Joe all the best in this move.

These appointments will become effective this summer, except for Bro. Barrish who is already at Sienna Woods. The Provincial Council thanks these members for their willingness to serve in these leadership capacities.

We also thank the brothers who have served as directors and/or area coordinators. They include Rev. George Cerniglia as director of the Hale Malia community and area coordinator in Hawaii; Bro. Bill Campbell who served as director at Maryland Avenue community in St. Louis and Rev. William Meyer who served as director at the Salve Community in St. Louis.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Religious Brothers Assembly 

When: July 20-23, 2018

The 47th Assembly of the Religious Brothers Conference will be held in Potomac, MD July 20-23, 2018. Keynote speaker will be Bro. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB who will speak on the Zealous Brother and the Work of ZealMore information .   Register here .

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,


While many activities in our educational institutions continue during the summer, the main period of the academic year has already or is winding down in most. It gives me a chance to offer, in my own name and that of the entire Provincial Council, gratitude for the generous and competent Marianist ministry of our brothers and the many lay collaborators this past year. 

The mission has been advanced in the daily contact that reveals to our students the unconditional love of God and the hope that they can develop their dreams to be the best person they can be. This is worth our lives.

We do not always receive the appreciation that is deserved, but there are instances that arise in one area that could be generalized to others. Such is the case I want to share with you. I received a packet of "thank you" cards from students and their parents/guardians of the Marianist Urban Students Program at Villa Angela-St. Joseph. I would like to share a few examples. These could have been sent by many persons around the Province, but enjoy them and allow their message to fill your hearts. Read examples.

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,


Landscape: A History of Mount St. John is the latest publication by Bro. Don Geiger, SM.

The publication reviews the development of the Mount St. John property in Dayton, Ohio, from the time of glacial activity 17,500 years ago to the construction of the novitiate building in 2014.  Bro. Don presents many interesting facts about the ecological environment of the property, the acquisition of land, and the development of property buildings. Members of the NACMS team ( George Lisjak and Dan Jordan) helped with the publication.  This project was originally suggested to Bro. Don by Fr. Jack McGrath when he was the director of Mount Saint John.

At the May provincial council meeting in Dayton, Bro. Don presented his book to the members of the council. Copies of this book can be obtained through NACMS. The Council thanked Bro. Don and the members of NACMS for their work.

Rev. John Thompson, Brother Tom Giardino, Rev. Bill Meyer, Brothers Don Geiger, Charlie Johnson, Joe Kamis, Ron Overman and Dennis Bautista.

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

U.S. Catholic Climate Declaration

Thank you to the many Brothers who submitted your strong endorsement for our Province to sign on to the most recent collective response promoting the integrity of creation, the U.S. Catholic Climate Declaration. Our province is among thousands of Catholic organizations nationwide supporting this important initiative. We appreciate your affirmation for our province's continued commitment to promote a culture of justice, peace and integrity of creation.

Linking Justice and Peace in the Lectionary

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest. 

Sunday May 27th by Domenico Di Raimondo Romo, CSpS
Sunday June 3rd by Br. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
Sunday June 10th by Dianne Bergant, CSA
On the calendar
May 25: Mary, Help of Christians
May 26: San Antonio Jubilee
May 27: The Most Holy Trinity
May 28: Memorial Day
May 31: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.