News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
May 3, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Mexico Developments

Last week, Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez visited the bishop of the Diocese of Juárez to introduce the Marianists and to begin immediate preparations for the new educational project in that city. Juan Pablo was received by Bishop José Guadalupe Torres Campos who expressed enthusiasm for the presence of the Marianists in his diocese and extended a very warm welcome. 
Bishop Jose Guadalupe Torres Campos and Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chavez
Bishop José Guadalupe Torres Campos and Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez

As it turned out, the bishop's assistant comes from Juan Pablo's area and knows his family. Very small world. Hopes for this new project are high. The official start will be in early August. Please pray for our Mexican Marianists and this new initiative of theirs.

This week, Fr. John Thompson and Fr. Oscar Vasquez are visiting the community in Quarétaro, talking with the brothers and discussing legal, property and ministry issues. The brothers in Mexico will have their annual retreat in mid-June, directed by Fr. Rudy Vela.

Athletics at CUH

Bro. Frank Damm (3rd from right), Dr. Lynn Babington, president of Chaminade University (5th from right), Mr. Vaughn Vasconcellos, chair of the board (6th from right), Glenn Medeiros, president of St. Louis School (7th from right)

On Friday, April 27, the Chaminade University Ohana gathered for the groundbreaking of the new Silversword Athletics Training Center and locker rooms. This new facility will add significantly to the athletic programs at Chaminade University and will be completed in the Spring of 2019. Many individuals contributed to this dream becoming a reality, but special thanks was given to Bro. Bernie Ploeger, immediate past president of Chaminade University. Ten representatives of the Chaminade Ohana used traditional ʻōʻō to officially break the ground.

Mary, Mother of the Church

As many already know, Pope Francis has established a new Marian feast to be celebrated for the first time on May 21, Monday after Pentecost. "Mary, Mother of the Church" has deep biblical and patristic roots and is deeply set in Marianist DNA. By a happy coincidence, National Geographic has just published a new issue entirely devoted to the person of Mary. This is the second time in 20 months that National Geographic has featured Mary on its cover. Our Office of Mission Advancement has obtained copies of this new issue and will send it as an expression of gratitude to all of our major donors. It is also a fine way to mark this new and beautiful Marian feast in the Church.

Retreat Season

Bro. Tom Redmond is currently in Malawi, leading the first of two retreats for the brothers in the Region of Eastern Africa. Tom was originally scheduled to accompany Fr. Bill Behringer who, because of ill health, had to cancel at the last minute. However, all of his retreats presentations were videotaped, and Tom is using these as the basis of his retreat direction. These 16 special retreat talks will stand as a legacy to Fr. Bill's depth of spirituality and love for the Society of Mary. Tom will direct a second retreat in Kenya next week.

On May 11, Bro. Steve Glodek will travel to the District of India where he, too, will direct two retreats: one in Bangalore in the south of India and one in Ranchi in the north.

Let's pray for our brothers as they provide this valuable service to our brothers in Africa and India.

First Vows

This month will see four young men profess first vows in the Society of Mary. Joseph Kurt Nugent will make his profession in Dayton on May 19. On May 24, three Brothers in the Province of Meribah will do the same. We offer our prayers and best wishes to Bro. Joseph and to Bros. Patrick Cahill, Andrew Santoriello, and Peter Sennert. As they are entrusted to the loving heart of Mary, may she care for them and form them into the likeness of Christ.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Personnel Assignments

The following assignments were made recently by the Provincial Council for the coming community and ministry year:

Bro. Justin Quiroz is assigned to the Chambers Street Marianist Community with ministry at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School in Dayton.

Bro. Jean Dossous is assigned to the Hale Malia Marianist Community with ministry at Saint Louis School in Honolulu.

Bro. Joseph Nugent is also assigned to the Hale Malia Marianist Community with ministry at Saint Louis School in Hawaii.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Brothers Showraiah and Bineet to Profess Perpetual Vows

In a recent communication from Superior General Manuel Cortéz, we were informed that the requests of  Bros. Showraiah Ravulapalli and Bineet Tirkey for admission to perpetual vows in the Society of Mary were ratified by the General Council in Rome.

Bro. Showraiah is oriented to become a Marianist priest and Bro. Bineet is oriented to live as a lay religious. We congratulate these brothers and the District of India and promise to keep them in prayer as they prepare for the celebration of their life commitment as Marianists.

Reminder... Oblate Summer Institute 2018: Downward Mobility

The Oblate School of Theology annual Summer Institute will be held June 18 - June 20. Speakers will include:
  • Shane Claiborne is a speaker, activist and best-selling author.  He worked with Saint Teresa of Calcutta.
  • Robert Ellsberg is editor-in-chief and publisher of Orbis Books.  He worked with Daniel Berrigan on many books.
  • David Haas is a liturgical musician and the Director of the Emmaus Center for Prayer and Ministry.
  • Sister Sue Mosteller lived and worked with persons with disabilities at Daybreak Community in Toronto.  She served as leader of the International Federation of L'Arche.  She has worked with Jean Vanier and was a confident of Henri Nouwen.
  • Ron Rolheiser, OMI is an author and president of Oblate School of Theology.
For more information

From Bro. Ron Overman

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Center of Hawaii

The annual meeting of the Marianist Center of Hawaii Board was held on April 27, 2018. The board appointed Bro. Bill Campbell as the next vice president of the center. Bro Bill will start his position in early August. 

The board and Provincial Council thank Bro. Robert Hoppe for his many years of service as vice president of the Marianist Center of Hawaii. The board also thanks Bro. Frank Damm for his administration of the center during the past months.

On the calendar
May 6: Hawaii Jubilee Celebration

May 10: The Ascension of the Lord
             (transferred in some places to Sunday, May 13)

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.