June 13, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Office of Mission Advancement

As you know, Allison Hewitt, former executive director of Mission Advancement, left the Province to pursue a new opportunity. The Office of Mission Advancement includes our development and communications efforts. We have put some interim adaptations in place for the Office of Mission Advancement which will allow us time to evaluate these important areas and discern what structure and staff is needed to best serve the Province. Please review the interim plan.

This Coming Week

  • June 15-16: Mission Preaching for the Province, Dutzow, MO
  • June 17-20: Visit Brothers in Orange County and Cupertino, CA
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Gathering of International Catholic Educators

Last week, Pat Wheadon and I had the honor of participating in an international congress in New York City sponsored by the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC). Eighty countries attended this event to participate in the Church’s mission of promoting a worldwide Catholic-inspired educational project that includes 210,000 Catholic schools, 44 million students and 7 million teachers.

Special thanks to Bro. Tim Driscoll, provincial of the Province of Meribah, for welcoming the Marianist participants to the community. The entire local Marianist community was most gracious to us.  Bro. Maximin Magnan, assistant for education from Rome, led our Marianist participants, both lay and religious, from Spain, France, Argentina, Chile and the United States.

One of the highlights of the event was visiting the United Nations and listening to Pope Francis address the congress via video. He spoke of the “dictatorship of results” in education and encouraged us in our efforts to see beyond standardized test scores and exams and to educate for the spiritual and emotional growth of each child we encounter. A truly blessed time that reminded me of how we our globally interconnected in our faith.
Participants of OIEC listen to a message from Pope Francis at the United Nations.
Participants of OIEC listen to a message from Pope Francis at the United Nations.

Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

CMSM Immersion Experience

Intersectional Challenges: Poverty, Migration, and Racism in our Nation’s Capital
Oct. 14-17, 2019 in Washington, D.C.
In the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and praxis, local groups and religious leaders will guide us with insightful social analysis and encounters. Drawing on the dimensions of active nonviolence and a just peace ethic, we will seek to understand poverty, migration and racism in our nation’s capital, as well as envision social transformation. We will encounter the dynamics of one of the poorest parts of our country in the midst of one of the wealthiest areas. We will witness the experiences of migrants intersecting with such poverty and key structural challenges, such as gentrification. Click here for more info and to register.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 13: Julius Maingi Muthusi (EA), Robert Resing
June 14: James Brown, James Fitz
June 15: David Murphy
June 16: Lawrence McBride, Roy McLoughlin
June 18: Bertrand Buby
June 19: John Klobuka, Thomas Schroer
On the Calendar

June 16-22: Bergamo Retreat
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