June 20, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

This Coming Week

• June 24-25: Provincial Council Meeting, St Louis
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Province Direction Statement

On June 15, a gathering of the Marianist Family in the East Coast area concluded a series of 10 such meetings to discern the key elements of a Direction Statement for the Province. A total of more than 350 persons participated in these meetings across the Province. They were marked by high levels of engagement and creativity. In San Antonio, each group prepared a picture of the future they envisioned!

The Province Direction Statement Steering Committee will meet July 18–19 in St. Louis to review and synthesize the work of the regional gatherings, and, in light of this, plan the second round of discussions for the fall. Again, the goal is to present a recommended Direction Statement to the March 2020 session of the Provincial Chapter. Please join me in thanking all those whose work made these gatherings successful. In particular, I wish to thank our area coordinators and members of the Steering Committee who took the lead in organizing, hosting and facilitating our gatherings.

As I have worked with the Steering Committee and reviewed the notes of each gathering, I have frequently thought of the Apostles when Jesus asked them to give the crowd something to eat. It seemed an impossible request. They had little money, only a few loaves and a couple fish. Yet, when brought to Jesus, it was more than enough. I find that my prayers are for the faith to be confident that what we are able to offer is all that is necessary.

After the beginning of the new community year, I will report to you on a summary of the spring gatherings and the steering committee’s plan for our fall discussions.

Have a blessed summer and continue to remember our discernment in your prayers. 
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Bergamo Retreat

This week, we have more than 40 retreatants (vowed and Lay Marianists) on the Conversation Retreat at Bergamo in Dayton. Let's remember this retreat in prayer.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

TAM 2019

TAM (Teaching as Ministry) is a formation program offered by the Marianist Office of Sponsorship for educators from across the Province of the United States.

This formation program is designed to help Marianist educators (teachers, administrators, faculty and staff members) understand Marianist education as ministry. Participants develop resources to help strengthen the Marianist character of their school; grow in understanding our call as educators; explore the role of Mary in our lives personally and professionally; discover Chaminade’s work and its relevance today in our call to minister; and learn how to take the experience of Teaching as Ministry into our Marianist schools.

This year, we had 38 Marianist educators from 18 schools (including Emmanuel College in Australia). It was a great two and one-half days of learning, sharing and community, culminating in lively presentations celebrating our school communities.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 22: Fermín García García
June 23: Albert Koch, Michael Murphy
June 24: William Halloway
June 25: Wilbert Hamm
June 26: Jesse O'Neill
On the Calendar
June 22-24: Sponsorship Commission Meeting, St. Louis
June 24-25: Provincial Council Meeting, St. Louis
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