News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
June 7, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter XXXV

The delegates to the General Chapter recently received Communications #5 from the Preparatory Commission (Prepco). It contained the Instrumentum Laboris, or the "working document" for the Chapter, along with the nine propositions that have been submitted. As indicated in the Communications #5, the Instrumentum Laboris is meant to help guide the work and discussions of the Chapter. It will be the purview of the Chapter delegates to decide what sort of document or message the Chapter might want to publish.

Please keep the preparation work of the Chapter in your community prayer. Using the official General Chapter prayer regularly in the community might be the best means to keep this important gathering of Marianists in mind.


At its recent meeting, the board of the National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC), chose Allison Hewitt, our Director for Mission Advancement, to chair this Catholic development conference. NCDC includes over 250 member organizations and is the largest, Catholic membership organization in the country, focused on development. The Society of Mary is one of the founding members of NCDC which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Congratulations and best wishes as Allison shares her gifts and leadership ability with the NCDC.

Region of Eastern Africa

Bro. Tom Redmond has also returned to his community after directing an annual retreat in Malawi and one in Kenya. He used video presentations from Fr. Bill Behringer, who was unable to travel. Tom supplemented these video presentations with his own commentary and insights. The Brothers were quite pleased with this arrangement and were grateful to Tom for his generosity.

Bro. Bernie Ploeger has returned, as well, to his community in Honolulu after spending about a week in the Region of Eastern Africa. I was able to join in the meetings via skype (at 1:30am) on three separate occasions. The meetings were fruitful and the Brothers very much appreciated Bernie's presence and financial guidance.

District of India

Bro. Steve Glodek has returned to his community in Philadelphia after having directed two annual retreats in India. From everything I have heard, the Indian Marianists were very pleased with Steve's presence and retreat direction. Of course, that doesn't surprise anyone. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this, Steve.

Fr. Chinnaiah Polishety, novice director, and Bro. Oscar Kerketta, director of aspirancy, have completed the formation program at the Institute for Religious Formation in Chicago. They will be visiting St. Louis and will attend the Province Assembly at the end of the month. Fr. Arul Raj, director of the pre-novitiate, will be attending the IRF program this coming August.

Please read Update #10 from the District of India. 

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Election Results

The following are the results of the election for the core members of the Provincial Chapter. 

One hundred and ninety-four ballots were sent in. Three were blank. The term for these members is five years (2019-2023). These brothers have all accepted the responsibilities of this position. 
Congratulations on the confidence that the Province has in you!

Bro. Dennis Bautista - 124 votes
Rev. Robert Jones - 147 votes
Bro. Michael O'Grady - 102 votes
Rev. Sean Downing - 118 votes
Bro. Stephen Glodek - 96 votes
Rev. Chris Wittmann - 101 votes
Bro. Renaldo Berrios - 95 votes
Rev. David McGuigan - 97 votes 

The rest of the results of this election are below:

Bro. Edward Violett - 89 votes 
Rev. Patrick McDaid - 76 votes
Bro. Edward Brink - 82 votes
Rev. James Heft - 75 votes
Bro. Thomas Giardino - 59 votes
Rev. John Thompson - 75 votes
Bro. Jack Ventura - 59 votes
Rev. James Fitz - 69 votes
Bro. Thomas Wendorf - 58 votes

Because the areas of Hawaii, California and Missouri do not have an elected member among the core members of the chapter, we will be having elections in those three areas for a chapter delegate who will represent that area and will have a two-year term.

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Congratulations Deacon Patrick!

Ten Marianists and members of the staff at the West Pine Provincial Office were present for the Deacon Ordination of Patrick Wheadon (Staff Assistant to the Office of Religious Life and the Office of Sponsorship) Saturday, June 2 at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. The celebration continued at a Mass of Thanksgiving, the next day, June 3, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi at Pat's parish community of Our Lady of Providence. Pat preached a beautiful homily on our baptismal call to "Be Eucharist." Congratulations and prayerful best wishes, Deacon Pat and family!

  • Father Dave Fleming's Marianist Charism Course (July 16-20 / 2:30-4:30 pm ET) via Zoom Video Conferencing. For information and registration contact Patti Gehred 
  • 47th Assembly of Religious Brothers Conference (July 20-23) featuring Brother John Mark Falkenhain, OSB who will speak on the Zealous Brother and the Work of Zeal. For information  Registration

On the calendar
June 8: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 9The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
June 10: The Beatification of Venerable Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon - Agen, France
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