July 11, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Preparation for Perpetual Vows

Bros. Jean Dossous and Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez, who are preparing for perpetual vows, are on the Spirit of Saragossa Retreat during the month of July. Bro. Tom Redmond is the retreat director. Please continue to keep Bros. Jean, Juan Pablo and Tom in your prayers. We are also thankful to the Cupertino community for providing accompaniment and prayer during this retreat.

Report of the Ministries in India

The District of India has completed its annual report of its ministries for 2018–2019 academic year. The report is titled “ Educational Ministries” and it includes formal, non-formal and social ministries. As Marianists, we have much to celebrate. We give thanks for our Brothers who have commited themselves to our ministries.

Community Director Reappointment

After consultation of the community, Bro. Nereo Ramírez Hernández is reappointed for a second term as director of the Querétaro Marianist Community.

District of India UD Program

With the recommendation of the Indian District Council, the Provincial Council has nominated Bro. Darwin Joseph G. to the University of Dayton as the new director of the UD Program. Bro. Darwin will assume these duties and continue in his role as the assistant district superior.

This Coming Week

July 15-16: Provincial Council Meeting, St. Louis
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Province Direction Steering Committee

The members of the Province Direction Steering Committee will be meeting in St. Louis on July 18-19 to review the results of the 10 area gatherings from this spring.  

Based on this review, the Committee will propose what it believes were the important and widely affirmed "signs of the times” that the Province Direction Statement needs to address. The committee will also submit a first draft of the corresponding directional strategies that were proposed. In addition, consideration will be given to how we include our other important constituencies, for example, leaders of Province ministries, in this fall’s consultation.

Please keep this work in your prayers. Again, many thanks for the quality of your participation.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

MRCC Retreat

Throughout this week our Brothers are on the Conversation Retreat at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center (MRCC). Please keep this intention in your prayers.

Pre-Aspirant Accepted

Peter Evans , one of our Contacts, has been accepted as a pre-aspirant and will live for the coming months in the Stonemill-Kiefaber community. Peter has been a volunteer for the last two years in the PULSE program. He will start his aspirancy in January, 2020. Welcome Peter!

New Administrative Assistant

I am happy to announce that the Office of Religious Life has hired Therese (Terry) Eversole . Terry has been working for Cardinal Ritter Senior Services. She is an active member of her parish and brings many gifts to her new role. You will start seeing her name on communications coming out of the office. Feel free to give Terry a call and introduce yourself!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

New MUSP Coordinator

I am happy to share with you that Bro. Joe Kamis will serve as the new coordinator for our Marianist Urban Students Program (MUSP). Bro. Joe brings a wealth of educational wisdom and experience and will serve as an ongoing support to the directors of MUSP at Central Catholic, St. Mary’s, Villa Angela-St. Joseph and Purcell Marian. MUSP is significantly changing the lives of so many young women and men at our schools. We thank Joe for his willingness to oversee a program that is truly making a difference. 
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Marianist PULSE

Marianist Partners in Urban Leadership, Service and Education (PULSE) will welcome nine year-long volunteers in early August. These four women and five men come from all over the country, from Puerto Rico to Hawaii. Please join us for their Commissioning Mass on Friday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bergamo Center in Dayton. RSVPs are encouraged but not required. See the list of new PULSErs. 

Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

July 11: James Christiana
July 13: Kenneth Templin
July 14: Bernard Lee, James Schimelpfening
July 17: Dave Herbold
July 18: John Campbell
July 20: Philip Aaron
July 21: Robert Donovan
July 23: Michael Reaume
July 24: Peter Kiama
July 25: James Jaeckle
On the Calendar

July 11: St. Benedict, Abbot, Patriarch of the Society of Mary
July 15-16: Provincial Council Meeting, St. Louis
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