News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
July 19, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter - Week 2

A number of us began the second week of the General Chapter by joining Pope Francis at St. Peter's for the Angelus last Sunday. He was his impressive self, offering a brief commentary on the Sunday gospel and encouraging the people gathered to live their faith and be missionaries. This was a good encouragement for our work this week. 

Most of the time has been spent in committee meetings. The general outline of the important issues and concerns of the chapter are beginning to emerge. We are ably assisted by a group of fine translators and by a competent Coordinating Committee. I hope you have been able to read the periodic notices and bulletins that have been published. If not, they are included below.

We pray daily for the Brothers in the entire Society of Mary, and we frequently mention our Brothers who are preparing for their perpetual vows: Sylvester Burkemper, Mark Motz, and José Luis González Molina.

We have been ending each day with the Eucharist and "cena" on the terrace of the GA. And, of course, plenty of gelato. Please continue to pray for the work of the General Chapter.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,


Bro. Paul Bredestege (Hollywood Community - Florida) has requested a move to the Siena Woods Community in Dayton, Ohio. After the consultations were received, the Council has appointed Bro. Paul to the Siena Woods Community effective in mid-August 2018. The move will bring Bro. Paul closer to his natural family and will also bring needed help to the Siena Woods Community.

General Chapter XXXV Publications to Date

Newsletter #1 Newsletter #4
Newsletter #2 General Chapter Composite
Newsletter #3 Chapter Video Presentation

On the calendar
July 8-29: General Chapter XXXV

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.