News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
July 26, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

General Chapter

We have entered the last week of the General Chapter. We have elected new leadership for the Society of Mary and have spent considerable time discussing issues of importance for us: holiness of life, prophetic nature of religious life, religious within the Marianist Family, mission and some administrative issues. The atmosphere among the delegates has been fraternal and encouraging. Our own province delegates have made some important contributions and have demonstrated good leadership in commissions and in the General Assembly. I hope you have been able to follow the work of the Chapter through the regular bulletins that have been issued. For your convenience, links to all of the bulletins are at the end of this issue of Notes.

We are conscious of the support of your prayers. Thank you!

Bro. Joe Kamis and I return to St. Louis on Monday, July 30. The new Provincial Administration begins its term of service on August 1. With new general leadership and new provincial leadership, our province is well positioned for the next five years. Let's pray for these new leaders and pledge our fraternal support and encouragement to them.

This will be my last Notes to the members of the province. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve during the past eight years and for the trust that you have placed in me and in the Provincial Council. I hope we have served the province well and that the Lord will supply for our deficiencies and missteps. Thank you for your brotherhood and commitment to our Marianist life.

Has it Come to This?

Fr. Jinu Muthukattil with Bro. Steve Grazulis
Fr. Jinu Muthukattil with Bro. Steve Grazulis
Bro. Steve Grazulis has spent the past ten weeks in India, assisting with the aspirant and pre-novitiate formation programs in Ranchi. He is presently back in the province to visit his family and to be present for his Golden Jubilee celebration in Dayton on August 11. He will then return to the Faustino Aspirancy House in Lusaka, Zambia, at the end of August.

After 36 years as a missionary, Steve has finally found his groove as you can see in this recent photo!!! Thanks, Steve, for your generosity and for these 50 years of Marianist life and service.

-Fr. Marty

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Thank You

I wish to express my thanks for the opportunity to serve the Marianist Province of the United States and at present, the Society of Mary at the General Chapter. There have been many blessings during the past eight years. God bless us all and Mary watch over us!
- Joe

From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers,

Thank You

It has truly been a singular privilege for me to accompany you these past years as your Chef de Zel. Thank you for the trust you have had in me, and for the support which you have shown. The gift and witness you are to the Church has been an inspiration. Never forget that God will never be out done by your generosity!

Be assured of my continued prayers.

With fraternal affection,

From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear Brothers,

Thank You and More....

During the closing prayer at the Assembly we prayed the "Litany of Saints." While there were a few new ones for me (Ansgar!), as I think of the past three years in this ministry of the Office of Education many of you could have been named. That is my perspective which I pass on to Bro. Jesse O'Neill, my successor, that what we are about is: " equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ..." (Eph 4:12).

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve our Marian vow of Stability in this manner. I appreciated your support during the three years and the public and private remarks at the Assembly. I ask your forgiveness for the mistakes I made and pray that the mission was not unduly harmed.

I know that you will support Jesse and that he will advance the Office even further. We all say to him what we sang to ourselves during the "Readings from Communities" at the Assembly: "Do not be afraid to dream great things!"

From the Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey

Dear Brothers,

Immigration Webinar Opportunity - Aug. 6 @ 2:00 p.m. EST

CMSM and the USCCB's Justice for Immigrants Campaign will be offering a webinar on corporate accountability. You will learn about the system of profit around immigrant detention, including family detention, how to use economic leverage for more just U.S. policies, and more about alternatives to detention. Join the webinar. Read an article about Pope Francis' commitment to end family separation and stand with refugees.

Peace & Nonviolence Campaign

Join the Pace Bene Campaign, now in its fourth year of increasing mobilization. The annual week of actions are on Sept. 15-23, 2018, with a major convergence occurring in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 21-22. There are many creative initiatives locally and nationally on their website. This is a great way to enhance the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative.

Linking Justice and Peace in the Lectionary

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Sunday, July 29th by Kevin Ahern, PhD
Sunday, Aug. 5th by Bro. Steve Herro, O. Praem.
Sunday, Aug. 12th by Dianne Bergant, CSA

In justice & peace,

On the calendar
July 8-29: General Chapter
August 1:  New Provincial Council begins term

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.