News for members of the Marianist Province of the United States
July 5, 2018
From Fr. Martin Solma

Dear Brothers,

Brothers of Hope and Joy

Thank you to everyone who attended the Province Assembly this past weekend. The speakers, discussions and informal conversations helped to create an atmosphere of real fraternity among our province membership. A very special thanks to David Brinker and the liturgical ministers for the outstanding liturgical services, especially the opening prayer and the prayer of blessing for the new Provincial Administration.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Fr. Tim Kenney and Bro. Jack Ventura as co-chairs of this event. They were assisted with a very capable committee of Bros. Mike O'Grady and Don Smith, Pat Stephens and Ann Mueller. And we cannot forget to say thanks to Donna Tucker who did so much behind-the-scenes logistical work. Thank you, thank you. 

May the fruits of this Assembly help us to be Brothers of hope and joy as we begin a  new chapter in our province story.

Congratulations Bro. Joseph Kim 

Wanjin Marco Choi, Fr. Chris Wittmann, Bro. Sung Yong Joseph Kim and Bro. Sung Hyuck Joo Choi
Last weekend, Sung Yong Joseph Kim professed first vows in the Society of Mary. The profession took place in Seoul and Fr. Chris Wittmann was able to be present for this happy event. Joseph has spent the last two years at the Marianist Novitiate in Dayton. We wish Bro. Joseph our fraternal best wishes and the tender care of Our Blessed Mother as he begins his vowed Marianist life.

Ah, Roma!

Please pray for the General Chapter which opens in Rome on Sunday. The provincial delegates (Bros. Joseph Kamis, Bernie Ploeger and Dennis Bautista; Frs. Oscar Vasquez, Bob Jones and me) will be traveling to Rome in the coming days. The recent Bulletin #4 includes information about the prayer network that has been established to support to work of the General Chapter. It also includes information about the system of communications to keep members informed about the work of the delegates. During the time of the Chapter, Fr. Bill Meyer will be the point-person for province business.

Chapter Ratification

At the time of my accident in early May, I neglected to send out the letter we received from Fr. Manuel Cortes, ratifying the ACTS of the Provincial Chapter of 2018. Sorry for the oversight.

District of India

Please read the latest issue of "Updates" from the Region of India.  

Muchas Gracias

With gratitude, we welcome Fr. Raymundo Dominguez Gonzalez back from his period of exclaustration. Effective August 1, Raymundo will become part of the Holy Rosary community in San Antonio.

From Bro. Joe Kamis

Dear Brothers,

Marianist Center of Hawaii

Fr. George Cerniglia (Hale Malia Community) has served on the Marianist Center of Hawaii Board for many years and will be moving to St. Louis in late October. The Provincial Council wishes to thank George for his service. We also thank Bro. Frank Damn (Marianist Hall Community) for accepting the appointment to the Marianist Center Board replacing Fr. George for a three-year term. Bro. Frank has a plethora of institutional knowledge that will be helpful to the new administration. Thanks again, Frank!

New Area Coordinator

Fr. Marty Solma, after consultation with his Council, has appointed Bro. Tom Pieper as area coordinator for the Ohio Area effective July 1, 2018 for a term of two years. Bro. Tom will take over from Bro. Dan Klco, who served in that position last year. The Provincial Council thanks Bro. Dan for his service to the Ohio Area and to the Province. 

Election Results

After the election of the core members of the Provincial Chapter, the areas of Hawaii, California and Missouri were not represented. We then asked each area to nominate two members from their area who will be involved in a run-off.  The person receiving the most votes having a two-year term on the Provincial Chapter. The two people from each area who were nominated were:

Hawaii: Bro. Ed Brink and Rev. Patrick McDaid
California: Bro. Jack Somerville and Rev. Jim Heft
Missouri: Rev. Tom French and Rev. Ralph Siefert

All six agreed to serve if elected. All members of the Province eligible to elect members of the Provincial Chapter will be receiving ballots from their Director or from the Provincial Office.  You will be asked to circle one of the members in each area. Those receiving the most votes in their area will become a member of the Provincial Chapter for a two-year period.

See the results of this nomination process.
From Bro. Tom Giardino

Dear brothers, 

North American Center for Marianist Studies: Kudos and Distribution Policy

Many of you may have read in Family Online the feature on MSP 2.0 developed and conducted over the past year.  Congratulations to NACMS Director, George Lisjak and Program and Curriculum Coordinator Patti Gehred for a wonderful re-visioning of a Marianist studies program. I urge you to consider participating in the upcoming program. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the entire NACMS staff for their continuing contribution to the Province mission. 

As you know, along with research and programming, NACMS publishes both digital and print materials, which has been approved by the Provincial Council. Below is the revised NACMS policy regarding print materials. 
Each member of the provinces listed below is eligible on request to receive one free copy of any new or past NACMS publication (shipping not included).

* This policy applies only to the SM Provinces of the United States and Meribah and the FMI Province of the United States.
* All materials covered by this policy are subject to shipping costs.
* All materials covered by this policy must be ordered by phone, email, or in person. Materials ordered via the NACMS website cannot be provided for free and are subject to the costs listed therein.
* This policy applies only to materials requested or produced after the effective date of April 3, 2018. No refunds for previously purchased materials can be given.

Each community of the provinces listed above will automatically receive one free copy of any new NACMS publication (shipping not included) and is eligible on request to receive one free copy of any past NACMS publication (shipping not included).

Houses of formation may request additional free copies of new and past NACMS publications (shipping not included).

If you have any questions, please contact me or George Lisjak.
On the calendar
July 8-29: General Chapter XXXV

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.