October 18, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Communication from the General Administration

During the directors meeting several asked about the recent communications coming from the General Administration. The perception was that all Marianists were now directly receiving some of the communications that used to be sent by the GA to the Province. I checked with Bro. Mike McAward in Rome and he informed me that this is a new development at the GA. The hope of the GA is that, by sending messages directly to each brother (those that have emails on file), communications will be more effectively distributed. Publications that the GA intends to send directly to brothers via email are death notices, Via Latina 22, Three Offices, Circulars, etc. Enjoy!

The directors asked if they should continue forwarding emails to the brothers in their community. Bro. Mike stated that each brother should now receive the emails directly. I would appreciate if directors would continue printing the emails for brothers that DO NOT have access.  

Presentation from the community directors meeting

As you know, we recently hosted the Marianist community directors in San Antonio for our annual meeting. The presentations during the weekend are posted on the province portal. If you need help accessing the portal, please contact Ann Mueller.

Continuing the spirit of hope
Bro. Ed Longbottom , Bro. José Jesús Ruiz Santillán , Bro. Rigoberto Martínez Hernández , Fr. Oscar Vasquez , Bro. José Luis González Molina , Bro. Nereo Ramírez Hernández , Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar , Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth , Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez and Fr. John Thompson
This past weekend, Fr. John Thompson and I attended the Perpetual Vow Mass for Bro. José Luis González Molina at the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Querétaro, Mexico. I presided at the Mass and Fr. John was the homilist. Fr. John did an excellent job of animating the congregation. I was so happy to see three contacts from Mexico attending the Mass. We are thankful to God for the way that he continues to send men to continue the mission of hope & joy. Please continue to pray for vocations.  See photos from the Mass and reception.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Center for Lay Formation

At the recent directors meetings, I announced that this center will now come under the Province Office for Religious Life. Bro. Jack Ventura and I will work very closely together to help carry out some of the mandates of our Province Assembly and our General Chapter in fostering lay collaboration. I have asked Bro. Jack to add the Affiliates to his job description as we look at new ways to partner with persons from coast to coast who desire to embrace our Marianist charism. I am so grateful for the good work that Fr. Pat Tonry (Atlantic East Coast Area), Fr. Bert Buby (Central Area), Fr. Al McMenamy (Mid & Southwest Area), and Bro. David Betz (Pacific Area) have done to facilitate this program. These men will continue in their roles and help Bro. Jack to expand and unify the program. 

Since August 1, the Provincial Council has welcomed the following Affiliates who have applied and gone through our program:

Mary Lou Steuben, Amarillo, Texas – Fr. Al McMenamy
Fr. Florian Edenhofer, Schwerin, Germany – Fr. Bert Buby
Colin Baxter, Pickering, Ontario, Canada – Fr. Bert Buby
Alex Datoc, South San Francisco, California – Bro. David Betz
Mary Ann Datoc, South San Francisco, California – Bro. David Betz
Ottilie Valverde, Novato, California – Bro. David Betz

I am very pleased that we have been able to welcome some of our teachers who are working so closely with us in our sponsored schools. It would be very encouraging if we could build on this spirit and look at ways that we might extend the invitation to others who are involved in our province ministries. 

Province Assembly ’18

At the directors meetings, Bro. Jack and I presented an evaluation of the Province Assembly based on your feedback and that of the committee. We have also added some information on the portal that communities might find as a helpful resource. 

Anticipating the month of November

As we look ahead to next month, we might want to consider some creative ways of remembering our departed Marianists. As communities that are located near one of our province cemeteries we might consider organizing a visit for some common prayer and remembrances. 
Thought for the week
We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us.”

Saint Oscar Romero
October 14, 2018
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill

Dear Brothers,

What's happening

• October 19-20: Board Development Workshop
• October 21-23: Marianist Administrators’ Conference
• October 23-25: Provincial Council Meeting

A story of hope and joy

Submitted by Dr. Eric Spina , president of the University of Dayton. Below are some of his remarks to the faculty and staff at the opening of the school year. 

As for me, I enter my “junior year” as president energized and excited to work with all of the faculty and staff to continue strengthening the University of Dayton. As I reflected on the coming academic year, my mind kept returning again and again to three short phrases: Great Joy, Great Purpose, Great Struggle.

Great Joy, Great Purpose, Great — and Worthwhile — Struggle. 

Over my two years at UD, I have learned a lot about our academic and research programs, and come to deeply appreciate how dedicated all of you are to our students. I have seen how the relationships we cultivate—among us and with our students—give our professional lives meaning. I can honestly say that this presidency is the greatest professional joy I’ve experienced in my life because of the deep sense of community that we have built together and that we value. Very simply, you—and all the people of UD—give me great joy. I know you also take great joy because of what you invest in each other and the passion you have for the work that you do.  

When I think about the work we are all doing—and the societal context in which we do it—I recognize that we have a great purpose here at the University of Dayton. In these complicated and often challenging times, where else would you rather be, where else could you have a larger impact, than a university, especially a faith-based institution enlivened by the Marianist philosophy of education and our care for both the individual and the community? Here we can work with bright and eager young people and help them identify their vocation and develop the skills and experience they need to have excellent professional careers and to contribute to stronger, more inclusive, more equitable, and more resilient communities. Here, we are committed to advancing research and discovery that transform lives and pursuing artistic endeavors that remind us of what it means to be human. Indeed, we are blessed to have a great purpose that guides our work.

Now, let’s recognize that no great endeavor can be pursued and no meaningful success achieved without challenge, and difficulty, and struggle. So let’s embrace the thorniest problems in research, bring the most challenging issues into the classroom, pursue the most daunting community issues, be fearless in accepting and optimizing the new business model of higher ed. Let’s struggle together, let’s help our students grow, let’s resolve these important issues, and let’s be strengthened as a community through our struggle.

Great joy. Great purpose. Great—and deeply worthwhile—struggle. These are my blessings at UD, and I wish the same for you.
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 18: Gerard Mc Auley
October 19 : Jerome Bommer, John Thompson, James Tobin
October 20 : Patrick McDaid
October 21 : Albert Kuntemeier
October 22: James Mueller
October 23: Charles Miller
October 24: Earl Leistikow
October 24: Thomas Trager
On the Calendar
October 19-20: Board Development Workshop
October 21-23: Marianist Administrator's Conference
October 23-25: Provincial Council Meeting
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.