August 22, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Community Visitations

At our recent Provincial Council meeting, the community visitation list for the new academic year was completed. Read the list.  

Please note that we have tweaked the assignments based on your suggestions and our experience. The list of Council members responsible for working with the area coordinators has been adjusted to reflect the actual practice from this past year.


  • Fr. Norb Burns has requested assignment to the Marianist Community at Siena Woods to be close to his sister, Marilyn. He will provide clerical ministry to the Sawmill Community as well as Siena Woods.

  • Bro. Fermín García García is assigned to the Comunidad Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Juárez, Mexico. He will serve at the Marianist ministry in Juárez.

200th Anniversary of Marianist Education

In Notes last week, I mentioned Bro. Maximin Magnan’s July 16 letter to Province Directors of Education. Read the letter.  

Celebrating Marianist Education, Puerto Rico

The Pontificia Universidad Católica of Puerto Rico is working on a project to honor the founding congregations that helped develop what started as Catholic University of Puerto Rico and is now la Pontificia Universidad Católica. Watch a short video (in Spanish) on the project.

The Marianists were present from 1949-1966.  View the list of the Marianist Presidents. One of the current professors at the University, Adelaida Bidot López, wrote a book tilted Odres nuevos (New Wineskins) about the Marianist presence at the Católica. The final chapter of her book is about our current apostolate in Colegio San José.  

Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption 

Thank you for sharing pictures of your community celebrations of the Feast of the Assumption. I hope you will enjoy these photos and remember that we are gathered in Spirit and united in our Marianist vocation. If you forgot to send in your pictures, its not too late. Next week, we will post any additional photos received.

This Coming Week

  • August 22: St. Louis Auxiliary Bishop Mark Rivituso meets with the St. Louis area Marianists for Mass, conversation and dinner
  • August 26: Presentation by Christian Brothers to West Pine staff
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim Kenney 8.19
Dear Brothers,

Planning Meetings

I will be having all day meetings with the following individuals in reference to their office and matters pertaining to the Office of Religious Life. Please feel free to send me any of your concerns or suggestions.

  • August 28: Bro. Jack Ventura, Marianist Center for Lay Formation: We will also review the evaluations from the Province Retreats
  • August 30: Brian Reavey, Office of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation: We will also spend time on our PULSE program
  • September 6: Bro. Mark Motz, National Vocation Office

Province Retreats, Summer 2019

All seven retreats have been celebrated. I had the honor and privilege of being present for all or part of four of the retreat experiences. I can’t thank everyone enough for the wonderful service that so many of you generously gave in assisting with these retreats (helping with transportation, socials, liturgies, presentations, serving as the retreat president, etc.). Many thanks to everyone who took the time to complete an evaluation. If you didn’t have a chance and/or you have other ideas or suggestions for our retreat planning for 2020, please send in your thoughts using this evaluation form.
Spiritual Reading
I have extra copies of of Sr. Joan Chittister’s book, What Are You Looking For? that were from the Conversation Retreat. If you are interested in a copy, please email me . First come first serve.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Hope and Joy

What a better way to continue our stories of hope and joy than with a celebration of this summer’s LIFE program.

Submitted by Toni Mesina and Pat Wheadon .

Marianist LIFE 2019

The 2019 summer programs were faith and fun-filled weeks for our student LIFErs and their moderators. With the Pacific, South and Central programs, 180 students across the country certainly felt as one #SoulOnFire (theme song by Third Day). 

A mixture of retreat and leadership training, LIFErs and moderators (roughly 100 total) participated in activities and discussions ranging from faith journeys to personality traits. We were blessed with Fr. Bob Jones as our chaplain for Central, Fr. Dan Griffin (Meribah Province) as our chaplain for South and Fr. John Jimenez as chaplain at Archbishop Riordan for Pacific. Many thanks to our three regional coordinating teams and their staff for making this summer a great success and blessing!

With the summer programs complete, the coordinating team for LIFE 2020 will continue planning in earnest for the 50th anniversary national program in July. We are excited about collaborating with St. Mary’s University for the summer program and the LIFE alumni weekend, and also with MLC-NA for their lay assembly happening towards the end of the LIFE summer program. 
LIFE Pacific
LIFE Pacific
LIFE Central
LIFE Central
LIFE South
LIFE South
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Join GCCM's Climate Strikes on September 20

The Global Catholic Climate Movement is sponsoring a day of creative actions around the world to educate about and advocate for the integrity of creation and Laudato Si' . To find regional international opportunities or to list your creative action, click here .

Nonviolent Campaign: End Migrant Child Detention

I n part due to CMSM's Catholic nonviolent action on July 18 and other coalition actions, the Homestead, Florida, influx facility is empty after releasing over 2,000 children mostly to their families or sponsors. The Carizzo Springs, Texas, influx facility is also empty. As part of our corporate accountability campaign with Families Belong Together, nine major banks have now committed to no longer financing private for-profit prisons (such as Homestead), which detain 70% of all immigrants in detention.

Weekly Action Material. W e have created weekly action materials, such as vigils for local actions to keep attention, increase organization and build momentum to increase the visibility of Catholics taking more risks. Our upcoming national actions are in Newark, New Jersey (early September) and El Paso, Texas (early October).  Get updates o n the campaign and next phases.

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Sunday, August 25 by Dawn Nothwehr, OSF, PhD
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 22: Paul Bredestege
August 23: Eugene Contadino
August 26: Frank Gomes
August 27: Lawrence Scrivani
On the Calendar
August 22: Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.