August 23, 2018
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Prayers for our brothers

The Provincial Council calls the entire province to join us in prayer and fraternal support as our brothers in Hawaii prepare for a possible hurricane/tropical storm with high winds and heavy rains on the islands on Thursday/Friday of this week. Let us also not forget Puerto Rico as they continue to deal with the devastating effects of last year’s hurricanes.

Perpetual vows

In the last issue of Provincial Council Notes , I asked if you could list the three brothers who are professing perpetual vows this year in the province. The brothers are: Syl Burkemper , José Luis González Molina and Mark Motz

Syl & Mark will profess perpetual vows in San Antonio during the Directors Meeting in October.  José Luis will profess perpetual vows in Querétaro the weekend following the Directors Meeting. Please keep our brothers in your prayers.

Protection of children and vulnerable adults

In the recent week, the news has once again been filled with the issue of sexual abuse by priests and religious. This has been a tremendous tragedy in our Church and has done much to destroy the trust of many people. As a province, we follow the directives of the dioceses in which we minister and we are also a part of the Praesidium accreditation program. Observance of these safeguards is very important and a necessary part of protecting both those in our care and ourselves.
As we begin a new academic year, I encourage all brothers and communities to review the “Policies for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Persons.” This document can be found on the portal . If you are unable to access it, please contact Pat Stephens and she will email you a copy.

If you are aware of any cases of sexual abuse by a past or present member of the province that you believe are unreported, you have a serious obligation to report these to Bro. Bernie or myself.
I invite you to join me in prayer as we pray for victims of abuse, perpetrators and for all of us. We pray that we as Marianists will help to provide a safe environment for all those entrusted to our care.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Preparation for perpetual vows

The invitations have been mailed out for the Perpetual Profession of Vows of our Brothers Sylvester Burkemper and Mark Motz at Holy Rosary Parish in San Antonio for October 6 at 5 p.m. This is a province event and will be celebrated at a time when all of the directors of our communities will be in San Antonio. For those brothers who wish to travel from other parts of the province (a local community expense), we have reserved a limited amount of additional rooms at the Oblate Renewal Center where the directors will be staying (first come first serve). Please RSVP for the Oblate Center through Gina Marty . In addition, a block of rooms has been reserved at the SpringHill Suites (a local community expense). 

E-mail change   

When communicating with me, I want to invite you to use the [email protected] in place of the Vianney email that is listed in the old personnel. 

Invitation for reading

Pope Francis has written a very moving and compassionate letter to our Church in response to the Grand Jury report on clerical sexual abuse. If you have not had a chance to read it, I encourage you to read it now for your prayerful meditation.

I also encourage you to pray with Mary using your imagination with her at the Foot of the Cross and allowing the words of Psalm 23 to settle in as we think about the times in which we are living and the Church that we are a part of now, and in the future:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Even though I walk in the dark valley
I fear no evil; for you are at my side…
… give me courage
… And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
for years to come”
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill

Dear Brothers,

In gratitude

I want to express my gratitude to Bro. Tom Giardino for his willingness to continue in the work of the Office of Education for the next six months. This time will allow him to complete some important work that is nearing completion.

Among these projects include:

  • Finalizing the revisions of the Characteristics of Marianist Education
  • Revising the bylaws and Articles of Incorporation for our institutions
  • Continuing the dialogue and discernment with St. Laurence College in Ireland 
  • Continuing our conversation around the Office of Education’s role at our three universities

These efforts are a significant contribution to the life of the province and it serves in allowing for a smooth transition of leadership. Thank you Tom!!

Hope and joy

Last week, I had the opportunity to meet with the presidents of our high schools in St. Louis. Rev. Ralph Seifert of Chaminade College Preparatory, Mr. Michael Loyet of St. John Vianney High School and Mr. Michael England of St. Mary’s High School shared with me the myriad of ways our Marianist spirit is being enlivened at these institutions. Thanks to each of these men for the hope and joy they help to create for their students.

Remember, if you have a story of hope and joy that you have encountered at one of our schools or retreat centers please share it with me so that we can share it with the province. 
Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 23: Eugene Contadino
August 26: Frank Gomes
August 27: Lawrence Scrivani
August 29: R obert Dzubinski, John Schlund
August 30: Michael Galvin
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.