August 8, 2019
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Dear Brothers,

Notes Regular Schedule

The regular weekly schedule for Notes from the Provincial Council will resume next Thursday, August 15.

United in Prayer

Thank you to our Province communities who have joined in solidarity and prayer with all those affected by the tragedies in Dayton and El Paso. This past Monday morning, I received an email of support and assurance of prayer from Fr. Gabriel Kirangah, the Marianist Regional Superior in Eastern Africa. 

CMSM National Assembly

As you read this edition of Notes, Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I are in San Antonio for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) 2019 National Assembly. The annual CMSM National Assembly is an opportunity for major superiors of men, councilors and program leaders in the United States to gather and discuss the future of religious life in the U.S. It is a time for candid and engaged conversation about religious life, leadership and other crucial issues that we are facing as leaders of religious orders and institutes.

Feast of the Assumption

Next Thursday, August 15, will be a special day for us as a Province:

  • It’s a special Feast Day for all of us!
  • Many of our Brothers celebrate the anniversary of their profession of vows.
  • The regular schedule of Notes resumes.
  • Provincial Circular #4 will be released via email.
  • Bro. Bernie & I will have a short video for you.

When you celebrate the Feast of the Assumption, it is important to remember that we may be separated by many miles but we celebrate our common vocation. As you celebrate the feast day, please take a picture or two and send it to me. We will post these in our next issue of Notes. During the community social, join me in toasting all our Jubilarians, our Blessed Founder and the many holy Marianists that have gone before us!


  • Bro. Fermín García García is assigned to the Comunidad Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Juárez, Mexico with ministry at the Marianist ministry in Juárez.
  • Fr. Thomas Thompson has been assigned to the Marianist Community at Siena Woods with continued part-time ministry at the University of Dayton and clerical service to the community.

This Coming Week

  • August 9–16: Clerical/Pastoral assistance at Holy Rosary, San Antonio
  • August 15: Don’t forget to read Circular #4 and watch the video that will be released on this date.
  • August 17: Central Catholic High School Blessing of the Adèle Chapel and Gym, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Dear Brothers,

Seminarians in Saint Louis This Summer

Two of our seminarians from Rome are spending their summer here in Saint Louis. I met with them this past week as they are completing a mini CPE at Mercy Hospital and doing pastoral work at Our Lady of the Pillar Parish. Both Bros. Brandon Paluch and Michael Chiuri are delighted to be in the States and feel so supported by Province members. 
Vatican Bans Plastic

Perhaps you read with interest, as I did, that after the current supplies run out, Vatican City State will no longer be selling any single use plastic items. The European Union has also pledged to ban single use plastic starting in 2021. 

Summer Is Almost Over & New Community Year Is About To Begin

What has happened to the “lazy days of summer?" I hope you were able to get some holy rest, relaxation and found some time for self renewal amidst the many activities that happened: planning meetings and evaluations, retreats, jubilee celebrations, etc. 

My prayers are with you as all of us prepare for a new community year and welcome new Brothers to our communities. I want to encourage our communities to take some reflective time amidst the planning and calendaring to share a religious experience that you had in the summer or something you read that invited you to come closer to God and to your vocation as a Marianist. 

Pope Francis Intention for August
 “That families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly 'schools of true human growth'."
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Charism Orientation 2019

In April 2018, representatives from schools across the Province gathered for a Train the Trainer workshop to learn how to facilitate the new Marianist Charism Orientation Program. The program prepares participants to introduce new faculty, staff and administrators to the Marianist Charism.

This summer, schools looking to grow their pool of facilitators gathered at Chaminade College Preparatory (West Hills, CA) for their own Train the Trainer workshop. Participating schools included St. Vincent-St. Mary’s (Akron, OH), Archbishop Riordan (San Francisco) and North Catholic (Pittsburgh).

Participants appreciated the interactive nature of the program; the different methodologies the curriculum employs; and the practical approach that helps new members of the community understand and animate the Marianist Charism.

Thank you to the West Hills Marianist Community and Chaminade for hosting the program. And thanks to Bro. Adam Becerra, fsp and Carolina Gunter for leading the program.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

PULSE Volunteers Commissioned

Nine new PULSE volunteers were commissioned last Friday evening at Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning. Special thanks to PULSE Coordinator, Maureen O'Rourke, for recruiting, inviting and leading the wonderful week-long orientation program for our inspiring group of young adults who are already serving eight different non-profit organizations in Dayton. Thanks also to Fr. Ted Cassidy for his continued service as PULSE chaplain, and to the Governor's Island Community and Bergamo Center for hosting our group last week. 
PULSE Volunteers 2019
Bishops' Letter & Advocacy Opportunity Against Mass Shootings

Full statement from the USCCB on August 4, 2019:

“We extend our condolences to the families and friends of those murdered in Dayton last night. The lives lost this weekend confront us with a terrible truth. We can never again believe that mass shootings are an isolated exception. They are an epidemic against life that we must, in justice, face. God’s mercy and wisdom compel us to move toward preventative action. We encourage all Catholics to increased prayer and sacrifice for healing and the end of these shootings. We encourage Catholics to pray and raise their voices for needed changes to our national policy and national culture as well. We call on all relevant committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to outline a reinvigorated policy agenda and pastoral campaign to address ways we can help fight this social disease that has infected our nation. The Conference has long advocated for responsible gun laws and increased resources for addressing the root causes of violence. We also call upon the President and Congress to set aside political interests and find ways to better protect innocent life.”

To contact your legislators in response to the recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton (or for any other Pro Life / Catholic Social Teaching concern), click here .

Complimentary Artwork from Bro. Mickey O'Neill Mcgrath, OSFS
Bro. Mickey states via Facebook: "Please feel free to print this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a prayerful reminder of the people of El Paso and Dayton, and do your kind little bit to end racial hatred and violence." Read his post.

Please pray for our brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 9: Robert Flaherty
August 11: Edward Brink
August 12: Raymond Fitz
On the Calendar
August 4-10: Governor's Island Retreat, Huntsville, OH
August 10: Jubilee Celebration 2019, Dayton, OH
August 13: Blessed Jakob Gapp, Priest and Martyr
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.